advice needed...aching legs


revert of many years
salam alaykum

i have strong pain in both my legs after walking in mall yesterday
it was not strenuous exercise so should have eased by now
even while iwas in bed the pain was bad
after searching on Internet I'm worried its connected to poor circulation or even artery problem

has anyone experienced something similar please help,,,


He is Dhul-Jalali Wal-Ikram
salam alaykum

i have strong pain in both my legs after walking in mall yesterday
it was not strenuous exercise so should have eased by now
even while iwas in bed the pain was bad
after searching on Internet I'm worried its connected to poor circulation or even artery problem

has anyone experienced something similar please help,,,

wa aleikum salam my dear sister

what hurts you ?

maybe this :

Muscle pain: Muscle pain or myalgia (myo=muscle +algia=pain) is a common finding and may be due to overuse (mild trauma) or associated with the generalized aches and pain of an infection.

Muscle cramps: Muscles may cramp, causing significant pain. This may be due to a lack of stretching or an imbalance of electrolytes in the bloodstream. The body needs to have the right amount of calcium, sodium, and potassium for muscles to function well. Calf and foot muscles are particularly prone to cramping, especially at night.

Muscles will also go into spasm to help protect an injured site. For example, when a hip bone is broken, the muscles that move the hip will go into spasm to help minimize movement of the injury.

or joint pain:

Joint pain: Joint pain may occur because of a local injury but may also be due to medical conditions that can cause inflammation and swelling. Joint pain associated with swelling is called arthritis (arth=joint+ it is=inflammation) while pain without swelling is called arthralgia (arthr=joint + algia= pain). Some examples include the following:

Patients with progressive osteoarthritis may have days in which affected joints may hurt.

Similarly, patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have episodes of joint inflammation when their disease flares

may Allah remove your pains



-Quiet Member-

When I have pain in my legs.. I just soak my feet in warm water for 20 minutes... You can try this sister... It feels good afterwards...

May ALLAH Bless You ALL


revert of many years

When I have pain in my legs.. I just soak my feet in warm water for 20 minutes... You can try this sister... It feels good afterwards...

May ALLAH Bless You ALL

shukran siter illdefinitely try this inshllah it will help


Junior Member

I hope you are better now dear sister, if I have sever pain I take prufen , it is very active but you should consult a doctor. I pray that Allah give us health and Iman.