Allaah Ascended Over His Throne Bi-Dhaatih (With His Self), By Imaam At-Talamankee


Assalaamu 'alaykum!
Imaam at-Talamankee (d. 429H) said:

“There is ijmaa (concensus) from Ahlu Sunnah that Allaah ascended over His Throne bi-dhaatih (with His Self)… There is ijmaa from the Ahlu Sunnah that Allaah ascended over His Throne alal-haqeeqah (in a real sense), not alal-majaaz (metaphorically).”​

[Reported by Adh-Dhahabee in Siyaar A'laamin Nubulaa, 17/566]

And here is a nice refutation of those who say one cannot say that Allaah ascended over His Throne bi dhaatih (by His Self), claiming that this last part (underlined) causes confusion...
