Allah saved my daughter


Junior Member

MashaAllah, We must remember Allah in times of joy and sorrows. Everything is in Allah's control. I wanted to share this story since Eid but I never did, this is a good thread to do so. Just before Eid which coincided with the non Muslim holidays, a distant relative of mine was struck from behind by a drunk driver. She had to undergo immediate brain surgery. It was during this surgery that they realized she had a brain Tumor which would have killed her. The Tumor was removed during the surgery and Alhamdulillah she is fine now. The accident saved her life. What may seem horrible at the time could be a blessing in disguise. Allah is the best disposer of all affairs.:wasalam:

thanks for sharing with us
allah knows what is good for us at all the time
may allah give her good health and happy life in this world and here after:tti_sister: