Americans Last Ditch Attempt


Strength in Unity

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The US and its alliance of the warlords have not been able to build a peaceful, prosperous Afghanistan after the passage of seven years and despite their using of various tactics of terrorism and occupation. Nor they have been able to establish a central, successful and representative government, nor an administration based on their vision and pre-conceived formulas.

This is because they wanted to impose on the Afghans a surrogate regime nurtured in the nursery of the West, being headed by a quasi-Afghan faces. Thus, the US wanted to keep the Afghan patriotic nation chained in its colonial tentacles.

However, our rich history has it that stooges never flourish in this land of free people. They are immediately regurgitated out and dispelled. Hence we are now witnessing this hard fact that the US and its colonial ambitions are nearing to the verge of perdition thanks to the blessing of Allah, the unwavering resistance and sacred struggle of the Afghan people. Their economic ascendancy is tapering down; their global dominance is falling smithereens. They are now resorting to their final bobby-trap which, experience has showed, have no prospect in this land.

The Americans are determined to form tribal militias via dispensation of dollars and play the tribal people against the Mujahideen. During his visit to Afghanistan, US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, indicated that they were pondering to hammer out a new strategy for Afghanistan and the region, because the tribal militias strategy has proved its effectiveness in Iraq.

The US Defence Secretary and the masterminds behind the formation of the tribal militias should know that the tribal militias strategy was never a successful one in Iraq either. The lull in fighting in Iraq allegedly ascribed to the formation of Al-Sahwa militia does not mean that indignation against and opposition to the presence of the Americans stationed there, have mitigated but only fighting among armed ethnic factions have spiralled down.

Last week, the Pentagon acknowledged that in every 24 hours, 10-15 martyrdom attacks are carried out against US forces, either killing or injuring ten American troops on an average. On the other hand, the Americans should not look at Afghanistan in the spectacle of Iraq. Here sectarian differences do not exist among the people in the tribal areas as it is the case in Iraq. Should that had been the case, the Americans might have taken advantage of that and tipped the people against Mujahideen.

Now, we are beholding that the people of the tribal areas are bonded and infatuated by the spirit of Jihad and patriotism, making it almost impossible for the Americans to take a breath of relief as a result of their resorting to the rallying of people to weaken the Mujahideen.

The most obvious and fresh experience about the formation of militias in Afghanistan is the despicable experience of the Russians, which is hated and deplored by all the Afghan nation. When the Russian were about to flee from Afghanistan, they turned to forming militias under the name of Gailam Jan Militia, Jabbar Militia and other militias built on the basis of ethnicity and region.

Americans have to analyze the role, reputation and history of these unscrupulous militias and then take up the strategy of militia formation.

Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan



Junior Member
yeah they followed same strategy in al-anbar and got success after some hard time. But no this is not iraq and thjey will teach them the lesson.

The washington has already asked Mulla umer for discussions and that they shud stop fighting and have PEACE.

PEACE and USA are mutually exclusive