Among the mist


I'm not what you believe
bismillahi rrahmani rrahim

Among the mist...A light of hopeness
before the darkness
catches it all.
It seemed a game,but you hit a wall
and now your end has come.
A bit of sadness
makes rumor in my mind,
but you were blind
and didn't mind to what I told you.
You were poisoning your blood
for a minute of happiness,
but the effect was too brief and you felt in loneliness.
I told you -In the name of God-
-why are you killing yourself?-
And you didn't give up,
so now I am here,at your deathbed
and pray for you to see
at least a bit of light
among the mist.

P.S. it's just a reflection!nothing bad happened at the moment to me:)it's a warning to stop making use of drugs and whatelse harms the health