An Introduction to HIIT High Intensity Interval Training


Staff member
Assalamu alaykum,

i would like share with you some things that I do when excercising, most my aerobic training is with HIIT. You can do anything from skipping (Jump rope) through to running with this system.

An Introduction to HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training.

More than one way to burn fat?
In the past we have been bombarded with information from books, magazines, television shows and fitness experts about the right way to burn fat; 65% of your maximum heart rate for more than 30 minutes, three or more times a week. It’s true that this WILL burn fat. However, this classical view of training is not the only (or even the most effective) way to burn fat through exercise.
Enter High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT is a form of training traditionally used by athletes to increase VO2 Max, but it’s fat burning capabilities and short sessions make it a perfect candidate for ANYONE to try.

How does it work?
HIIT is a form of Interval Training so it involves breaking your workout into 2 types of intervals, typically a high intensity interval, and a rest or low intensity interval. These two intervals last 1-3 minutes each and are repeated for a maximum of 20-23 minutes.
Unlike traditional approaches to burning fat which focus on burning calories DURING exercise, the magic of HIIT occurs in the 24 hours after the workout. But how can you burn fat while your not exercising? Be prepared for the “Ohhhhh!” moment. Here it comes. Metabolism. That’s right, HIIT boosts your metabolic rate and burns through those burgers while you sleep - not while your on the treadmill.

Where do I do it?
I’ll keep this short as I will be elaborating further in an upcoming article, however generally speaking you can do a HIIT routine almost anywhere using almost anything. In my experience the most popular way to HIIT is running on a track or treadmill, stationary cycling and skipping.
It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you are in an environment where it is safe to exert yourself to maximum heart rate.

The routine
Only 20 minutes you ask? Don’t start tying your laces yet tiger - It’s not as easy as it sounds! HIIT is not the latest get slim quick scheme, it’s not the Atkins diet of the training world, and it most definitely IS NOT easy. HIIT sessions are limited to 20 minutes due to the fact that it’s really not possible to go for any longer, due to intensity of the workout. Let’s take a look at a typical HIIT routine:
⁃ Warm Up
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ Cool down

The Warm Up/Cool Down
Warming up before starting your HIIT routine (including stretching) is extremely important in reducing the risk of injury. HIIT is intense, it pushes your body to the limit and if you don’t prepare yourself for that your going to get injured and lose motivation. It is recommended that at the bare minimum, your warm up should consist of light jogging for 10 minutes, and stretching for an additional 5.
The cool down occurs immediately after your HIIT routine and is as important as the warm up. The cool down helps flush lactic acid from the muscles and reduces the effect of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). By making sure you cool down after your HIIT session you will increase your chances of making it to work the next day. The cool down should also consists of light jogging and stretching.

Interval One - High Intensity

Interval One, or the high intensity interval consists of the exerciser reaching their maximum heart rate and keeping it there for the duration of the interval. Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) Calculator.

Interval Two - Rest
Interval Two, or rest/low intensity consists of the exerciser bringing their heart rate back down to around 60% of MHR in preparation to repeat Interval One. While it is the ‘rest’ interval, it’s best not to fully stop exercise during this interval but rather slowing to a fast walk.
So there you have it, the first article on HIIT Source, and the basics of HIIT. In the upcoming articles we will be diving deeper into how to correctly do a HIIT routine and the many variable of HIIT.

HIIT and Other Interval Training Methods
Written by Robert Forney ISSA CFT

HIIT training, which stands for High Intensity Interval Training, is one of the best training methods for fat loss and muscle retention. HIIT training is not a new training technique. In the truest sense it nothing more than a form of interval training which has been used for many years. HIIT training is hands down the best way to burn fat without causing the body to catabolize muscle tissue. Studies have shown long endurance activates such as aerobics cause muscle catabolism (the breakdown of muscle tissue). HIIT training, on the other hand, will allow you to metabolize the fat without losing muscle. If you need proof of this claim, google for images of sprinters and take a look at how they look. You will quickly notice how lean and muscular they are..

HIIT and interval training are very similar, the only difference is the intensity in which they are performed. So what is interval training? Interval training is a varying of intensities within one workout, where you add a low intensity bout with a higher intensity bout. HIIT training is a very high intensity bout with a lower intensity bout. You can perform your interval training in many ways, and you should use variety to keep it interesting. You can perform it on a stationary bike, stairmaster, mountain bike, local track, with weights, etc. Change it up often.​
I will give you some ways of performing HIIT and interval training depending on your level of fitness. For the sake of simplicity, I will use running and jogging variations that can be performed almost anywhere.

Interval Training for Beginners:
If you are new to exercising you should start out slow. I will give you a few examples, but don't be afraid to experiment and find your own ways of creating an interval training program.​
A good beginners interval training program is the walk-jog interval training. Start out with a 1 minute walk / 1 minute jog session and repeat for as many times as possible. As you progress, you can use a 30/30 routine where you walk for 30 seconds and the jog for 30 seconds. You can perform this anywhere. If you would like to make it a little harder, find some hills where you can perform it. Perform this routine from 2 to 4 times a week or more until you are able to progress to the intermediate level.

Intermediate Interval Training Program
If you have been exercising for about 6 months, or are healthy and fit, then you can try some intermediate interval training.​
A good intermediate interval training program could consist of a jog-run program. You can warm-up with a five minute jog and then run for 1 minute, and then back to jogging for 1 minute, and repeat for as many times as you can. When you run, you don't need to sprint, but a good run is what you are looking for. If you want to add more intensity you can do a 30/30 split of a 30 second jog and a 30 second run. Or a 30 second jog and a 1 minute run.​
Perform this training 3 to 5 times a week for 10 - 20 minutes.

Advanced Interval Training Program (HIIT)
Be warned, this is a tough routine! This is how I suggest you perform your HIIT training. There are many variations of it, but I will show you ways I perform it. Remember, it has to be intense to get the most of out it. You should be extremely tired when you are done. If you find you are able to perform it for 20 minutes on your first try and your not an elite athlete, you are not performing it with enough intensity.​
If you are ready for the advanced interval training, or HIIT, then this is the program for you. Perform a 5 minute warm-up and then perform an all out sprint for as long as you can and then back to a jog for 1 minute and than another sprint, repeat for as many times a possible. At first you will be lucky to get past 5 minutes total after the warm-up. You can also perform a 30 second jog and all out sprint to increase the intensity. To really increase the intensity, find some hills.​
I find it better to perform this on a stationary bike or Stairmaster when you first start since there is less risk of injury due to falling.​
Some other variations would be to perform the all out sprint and than back to a jog again until you are ready to perform another sprint. Although not as intense as the other ways, it is a good way to get used to the program.​
Perform this training 3 to 5 times a week, for 5 to 20 minutes depending on your ability.

As with all training, you should add variety to your interval training as you would with any type of training. You should change it every 4 to 6 weeks in order to keep it fresh. Some good ways to add variety is to change the times, or perform your training on a bike, stairs, hills, stationary bike, Stairmaster etc. One of my favorite ways is on a stationary bike where I can increase the intensity during the all out portion of the interval training. Don't be afraid to create your own types of interval training to suit your own likes. Have fun with it and the fat will come off.

Concluding Remarks
Interval training is a fun and great way to lose the fat and increase your general physical preparation. Remember to start out slow if you are new to exercising. When you are ready, advance to the HIIT style.​



This is very helpful to me, as I am trying to lose post-pregnancy. 20 minute workout, that is good news for me. I can't do more than that.

thank you. may Allah reward you.


InshAllah i will try this. Thanks bro Mabsoot..My stomach is bulging out....
Need to remove the extra fat....InshAllah...


HIIT Works!

Asslamo Allaikum,

HIIT has been the choice for Special Forces to get in shape quickly! It really works.

Assalamu alaykum,

i would like share with you some things that I do when excercising, most my aerobic training is with HIIT. You can do anything from skipping (Jump rope) through to running with this system.

An Introduction to HIIT: High Intensity Interval Training.

More than one way to burn fat?
In the past we have been bombarded with information from books, magazines, television shows and fitness experts about the right way to burn fat; 65% of your maximum heart rate for more than 30 minutes, three or more times a week. It’s true that this WILL burn fat. However, this classical view of training is not the only (or even the most effective) way to burn fat through exercise.
Enter High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT is a form of training traditionally used by athletes to increase VO2 Max, but it’s fat burning capabilities and short sessions make it a perfect candidate for ANYONE to try.

How does it work?
HIIT is a form of Interval Training so it involves breaking your workout into 2 types of intervals, typically a high intensity interval, and a rest or low intensity interval. These two intervals last 1-3 minutes each and are repeated for a maximum of 20-23 minutes.
Unlike traditional approaches to burning fat which focus on burning calories DURING exercise, the magic of HIIT occurs in the 24 hours after the workout. But how can you burn fat while your not exercising? Be prepared for the “Ohhhhh!” moment. Here it comes. Metabolism. That’s right, HIIT boosts your metabolic rate and burns through those burgers while you sleep - not while your on the treadmill.

Where do I do it?
I’ll keep this short as I will be elaborating further in an upcoming article, however generally speaking you can do a HIIT routine almost anywhere using almost anything. In my experience the most popular way to HIIT is running on a track or treadmill, stationary cycling and skipping.
It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you are in an environment where it is safe to exert yourself to maximum heart rate.

The routine
Only 20 minutes you ask? Don’t start tying your laces yet tiger - It’s not as easy as it sounds! HIIT is not the latest get slim quick scheme, it’s not the Atkins diet of the training world, and it most definitely IS NOT easy. HIIT sessions are limited to 20 minutes due to the fact that it’s really not possible to go for any longer, due to intensity of the workout. Let’s take a look at a typical HIIT routine:
⁃ Warm Up
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ 2 minutes high intensity
⁃ 2 minutes rest
⁃ Cool down

The Warm Up/Cool Down
Warming up before starting your HIIT routine (including stretching) is extremely important in reducing the risk of injury. HIIT is intense, it pushes your body to the limit and if you don’t prepare yourself for that your going to get injured and lose motivation. It is recommended that at the bare minimum, your warm up should consist of light jogging for 10 minutes, and stretching for an additional 5.
The cool down occurs immediately after your HIIT routine and is as important as the warm up. The cool down helps flush lactic acid from the muscles and reduces the effect of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). By making sure you cool down after your HIIT session you will increase your chances of making it to work the next day. The cool down should also consists of light jogging and stretching.

Interval One - High Intensity

Interval One, or the high intensity interval consists of the exerciser reaching their maximum heart rate and keeping it there for the duration of the interval. Maximum Heart Rate (MHR) Calculator.

Interval Two - Rest
Interval Two, or rest/low intensity consists of the exerciser bringing their heart rate back down to around 60% of MHR in preparation to repeat Interval One. While it is the ‘rest’ interval, it’s best not to fully stop exercise during this interval but rather slowing to a fast walk.
So there you have it, the first article on HIIT Source, and the basics of HIIT. In the upcoming articles we will be diving deeper into how to correctly do a HIIT routine and the many variable of HIIT.

HIIT and Other Interval Training Methods
Written by Robert Forney ISSA CFT

HIIT training, which stands for High Intensity Interval Training, is one of the best training methods for fat loss and muscle retention. HIIT training is not a new training technique. In the truest sense it nothing more than a form of interval training which has been used for many years. HIIT training is hands down the best way to burn fat without causing the body to catabolize muscle tissue. Studies have shown long endurance activates such as aerobics cause muscle catabolism (the breakdown of muscle tissue). HIIT training, on the other hand, will allow you to metabolize the fat without losing muscle. If you need proof of this claim, google for images of sprinters and take a look at how they look. You will quickly notice how lean and muscular they are..

HIIT and interval training are very similar, the only difference is the intensity in which they are performed. So what is interval training? Interval training is a varying of intensities within one workout, where you add a low intensity bout with a higher intensity bout. HIIT training is a very high intensity bout with a lower intensity bout. You can perform your interval training in many ways, and you should use variety to keep it interesting. You can perform it on a stationary bike, stairmaster, mountain bike, local track, with weights, etc. Change it up often.​
I will give you some ways of performing HIIT and interval training depending on your level of fitness. For the sake of simplicity, I will use running and jogging variations that can be performed almost anywhere.

Interval Training for Beginners:
If you are new to exercising you should start out slow. I will give you a few examples, but don't be afraid to experiment and find your own ways of creating an interval training program.​
A good beginners interval training program is the walk-jog interval training. Start out with a 1 minute walk / 1 minute jog session and repeat for as many times as possible. As you progress, you can use a 30/30 routine where you walk for 30 seconds and the jog for 30 seconds. You can perform this anywhere. If you would like to make it a little harder, find some hills where you can perform it. Perform this routine from 2 to 4 times a week or more until you are able to progress to the intermediate level.

Intermediate Interval Training Program
If you have been exercising for about 6 months, or are healthy and fit, then you can try some intermediate interval training.​
A good intermediate interval training program could consist of a jog-run program. You can warm-up with a five minute jog and then run for 1 minute, and then back to jogging for 1 minute, and repeat for as many times as you can. When you run, you don't need to sprint, but a good run is what you are looking for. If you want to add more intensity you can do a 30/30 split of a 30 second jog and a 30 second run. Or a 30 second jog and a 1 minute run.​
Perform this training 3 to 5 times a week for 10 - 20 minutes.

Advanced Interval Training Program (HIIT)
Be warned, this is a tough routine! This is how I suggest you perform your HIIT training. There are many variations of it, but I will show you ways I perform it. Remember, it has to be intense to get the most of out it. You should be extremely tired when you are done. If you find you are able to perform it for 20 minutes on your first try and your not an elite athlete, you are not performing it with enough intensity.​
If you are ready for the advanced interval training, or HIIT, then this is the program for you. Perform a 5 minute warm-up and then perform an all out sprint for as long as you can and then back to a jog for 1 minute and than another sprint, repeat for as many times a possible. At first you will be lucky to get past 5 minutes total after the warm-up. You can also perform a 30 second jog and all out sprint to increase the intensity. To really increase the intensity, find some hills.​
I find it better to perform this on a stationary bike or Stairmaster when you first start since there is less risk of injury due to falling.​
Some other variations would be to perform the all out sprint and than back to a jog again until you are ready to perform another sprint. Although not as intense as the other ways, it is a good way to get used to the program.​
Perform this training 3 to 5 times a week, for 5 to 20 minutes depending on your ability.

As with all training, you should add variety to your interval training as you would with any type of training. You should change it every 4 to 6 weeks in order to keep it fresh. Some good ways to add variety is to change the times, or perform your training on a bike, stairs, hills, stationary bike, Stairmaster etc. One of my favorite ways is on a stationary bike where I can increase the intensity during the all out portion of the interval training. Don't be afraid to create your own types of interval training to suit your own likes. Have fun with it and the fat will come off.

Concluding Remarks
Interval training is a fun and great way to lose the fat and increase your general physical preparation. Remember to start out slow if you are new to exercising. When you are ready, advance to the HIIT style.​


New Member
Masha'allah, excellent advice on HIIT, good to see that the brothers and sisters have access to the not so typical training methodologies used!

A word of caution however, as i have noticed some a few of the brothers/sisters are utilising a low carb diet. HIIT is not the best with such a diet in some instances so be careful with that. It might be best to eat some carbs after the routine as HIIT does well at depleting glycogen levels. Another way to combat the glycogen depletion issue is to supplement with an amino acid called glutamine.



New Member
salam am new member here am happy this good


This is very helpful to me, as I am trying to lose post-pregnancy. 20 minute workout, that is good news for me. I can't do more than that.

thank you. may Allah reward you.[/QUOTE]


New Member
I am living an active lifestyle and doing some of HIT while execercising and balance meal is always needed in doing this and going thru this kind of lifestyle...
For the past month and going thru the fasting month i came across HERBALIFE and been on the product and it feel great and work very well wit me thru my RAMADHAN life...It provides me with the nutrients n protein and carb i needed...Have an insight in HERBALIFE to noe more...
Just sharing and hope it helps...