and the lies came tumbling down



Yesterday’s release of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) report on the collapse of WTC7 seems to have been carefully coordinated with the mainstream media in an all-out propaganda effort to debunk so-called conspiracy theories that insist that WTC7 collapsed after being rigged with demolition charges which would infer that, due to time constraints, could only have been placed in the building before 9/11.

Few, however, find the new ‘evidence’ proffered by NIST of the building collapsing because of the failure of a beam due to thermal expansion very compelling; indeed, some, if one cares to read through The New York Times comments pages that followed their reporting of the reports release, are now more convinced than ever that the governments version of events are lies.

All of the existing evidence, including the now much seen video footage, shows quite clearly the building collapsing uniformly and spontaneously whereas the NIST report requires us to believe that, rather than there being a simultaneous failure of the structural elements supporting the building which would have resulted in the uniform and spontaneous collapse shown, the building collapsed after the sequential failure of the various structural elements. Had this been the case then the building would not have collapsed uniformly as the various videos clearly show it did.

As an aside, the release of the report has also exposed the mainstream media’s complicity in pushing what will now become the official government line on the collapse of WTC7.

First, let’s have a closer look at how the NYT covered the release of the report. On the surface the NYT take on the reports findings seems quite objective. The author of the NYT article, Eric Lipton, uses subtly negative phraseology to give the impression that the report should finally debunk the alternative explanations as to the buildings collapse. For example, he says in the very first paragraph: “Fires in the 47-story office tower at the edge of the World Trade Center site undermined floor beams and a critical structural column, federal investigators concluded on Thursday, as they attempted to curb still-rampant speculation that explosives caused the building’s collapse on Sept. 11, 2001.” The words: “curb still rampant speculation” are used to reinforce the notion that the NIST report reduces those other explanations to mere speculation when, in reality, the NIST reports findings, in the light of the compelling evidence shown in the videos, is actually even more speculative.

Lipton then immediately goes on to say: “No one died when the tower, 7 World Trade Center, tumbled…” Tumbled? The building didn’t ‘tumble’; it collapsed linearly into it own footprint. Lipton also uses the term ‘conspiracy theorists’, a term which since 9/11, the mainstream media has managed to ensure has morphed into a derogatory label. He writes: “What started as a small number of such conspiracy theorists ballooned into a movement of sorts, largely fed by Internet sites and homemade videos.” This is a very patronising piece of criticism from a mainstream media stalwart, the NYT, to the flourishing blogosphere without which we’d have had even less knowledge about events than if we had to rely on the mainstream media.

Another mainstream media online newspaper, The Age of Melbourne, Australia, was less subtle about its anti-conspiracy theorist propaganda. Its headline blared; “9/11 collapse mystery solved: scientists”. Then, right below the opening paragraph, there is a photograph, not of WTC7, but of the second airliner about to hit the second tower of the main WTC with the caption underneath it reading: “The truth about 'conspiracies'. Millions believe the 9/11 attacks were faked, thousands say they've seen UFOs and an army of hunters are after Bigfoot but professional sceptic Dr Michael Shermer has news for all 'believers'.”

The Age report quite unsubtley links and equates those that enquire about explanations of the events of 9/11 other than those given by the government with UFO and Bigfoot believers with the wording even implying that UFOs were seen in Manhattan on 9/11! This particular mainstream propaganda piece was topped of with this: "Hopefully this thorough report puts to rest the various 9/11 conspiracy theories, which dishonour the men and women who lost their lives on that terrible day," from Larry Silverstein spokeswoman Dara McQuillan.

The problem, at least from the government’s point of view, is that the NIST report, far from debunking the so-called ‘conspiracy theorists’ alternative explanations for the events of 9/11, have actually strengthened peoples view about the government lying about the events of 9/11 and, in the process, by bringing it all out into the mainstream media as they have, will now gain more converts to the idea that the governments version of events is a cover-up.
posted by Damian Lataan at 2:20 PM

t said...
"Hopefully this thorough report puts to rest the various 9/11 conspiracy theories, which dishonour the men and women who lost their lives on that terrible day," from Larry Silverstein spokeswoman.."

According to one website, Larry Silverstein (who grabbed a boatload of $$ from the insurance double-payment on the 2 towers) was an 'advisor' to the NIST 'investigation.' Need any more be said?

3:09 PM
SpookyPunkos said...
The evidence against the official version of the 911 attacks is overwhelming.

The NIST study is a FRAUD based upon HYPOTHETICAL models. It is telling that the report avoids the HARD EVIDENCE of Molten Steel and the Thermate signature- key material evidence that proves WTC 7 experienced the effects of explosive incendiary devices.

Very nice commentary from the writer from Australia.

Nicely organized, precise, concise, thoughtful presentation of how this 9/11 event has now unfolded, exposed, clearly and unequivocally, a near full house of cards stacked against the official story of this event of such audacity, the events of September 11th and more importantly what happened immediately after.

Combined with the recent revelations from the FBI apparently "solving" the anthrax incidents, we seem to be seeing the powers behind the last 8 years in America dotting the i's and crossing their t's on the last days of a reign as an organized criminal enterprise disguised as a "Republican" administration.

What they're saying is something like, "Let's give em' a likely patsy for those darn unresolved cases of anthrax poisonings, a Building 7 NIST exoneration, and we're off to the Bahamas for a much needed vacation!"

As with all conscious and alert purveyors of history, like myself, one can see the "sequence" of events, if you are paying attention. The Irvins case seems blatantly contrived and full of holes and obsfucations. And now the NIST. Again, a case that exposes the thin paper this study was printed on. Reading the report today, I was just amazed, as I expected, I admit, to its audacity of simplistic explanation for such a dramatic event!

On a larger scale, another event tied in the long view to 9/11, the Iraq War certainly, and a move for global military dominance for the world's resources is the US's incursion into the Georgia diversion, is evident by its preceding major event.

Administration the great unfolding, ....the laying out in spades to the American people what lies ahead if they don't complete their "waking up" and taking action, from local to nationwide.




The explosives were already there. Planes cannot bring down a building.I saw the tape, there is proof. Not a surprise at all. What an evil world we live in. They will get what they deserve by The Almighty.


Servant of Allah

The explosives were already there. Planes cannot bring down a building.I saw the tape, there is proof. Not a surprise at all. What an evil world we live in. They will get what they deserve by The Almighty.

could u post the video, i'd like to watch it too and for future references inshaAllah. asalamu alaykum wrwb.