Any way to commit suicide in Halal way?


New Member
Any way to commit

Salam brothers and sisters.

I'm a male in my early 20s looking for answers. I'm well aware of the consequences of suicide, however I haven't lost hope. I need to find a way to commit this act peacefully with my heart at rest. The only thing stopping me is fear of Allah. I have attempted once over a year ago and failed. I need to do this. I know it's not practical or accepted in any culture but it needs to be done. I've lost all desire to live. I can't eat, sleep or function anymore, the depression has eaten me alive. I've lost everyone and everything I can possibly imagine. I haven't slept in days. I dont remember the last time I smiled and haven't had a halfway decent meal in months due to loss of appetite.
Please spare me your lectures and help me find a way to do this.

I'm begging you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum.

Allaah is all-wise, there is no halaal way to commit suicide, you cannot fool Allaah. Remember that deeds are based upon our intentions, so even if we were for example, to die in what appears to be a normal road death, if we had the intention of terminating our lives, we will be under the threat of Allaah. So ask yourself dear brother, is there a need for this? You are feeling discomfort right now, but know that if you were to commit suicide, the discomfort will only increase in severity, and the discomfort would become eternal. So whatever your experiencing, even if it lasts for the duration of your life, it is only temporary. Yet life in the hereafter is eternal, so if you choose suicide as your way, then you will suffer for eternity.

The Prophet, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam instructed us not to wish for death, and mentioned a du`aa for the one who does so. I can't find it right now, but hopefully someone else will post it in the mean time. Anyway brother, please reconsider your thoughts, learn about Allaah and try to be patient with your life. That will be far better for you then to choose suicide...



Junior Member
Salaam brother,

Once, a long time ago, I was in your place. Everything was dark and I could not find a reason to go on. My own father had committed suicide when I was ten and left five children confused and very much in pain. Statistically, children of parents who commit suicide are at much higher risks to do the same thing.

But brother I come to you beseeching you to not do this. There is no escape, not even death, for punishment will come in the grave for comitting suicide. I strongly suggest you call a suicide hotline and simply talk and talk until you can still the pain and disrest within. There are many free options to get the medical help you need to heal. Allah swt is merciful and has provided many ways for you to heal and recover from this pain. Suicide is a permanent toll for a temporary problem, and it is never an appropriate solution. It's akin to cuting off a leg to remove a splinter from the toe.

We are always here brother, day and night this board is active with your brothers and sisters. Come here and simply write and post when you are struggling so hard. We will pray dua for you even when you feel you don't have the strength to make dua for yourself. Be strong brother, Allah will never leave you.




*Fear Allah*

Inshallah brother you will refrain from doing this act because there is not a halal way for it to be done. Try to remember even tough our situations my not be going well at times there are also other people that are in our same situations or worse. Just remember Allah always and whatever you are going through he can bring you through it.

I will post the hadith and the Du'aa that I believe brother Al Kashmiri is referencing.

In the hadeeth it says: “No one of you should wish for death because of some harm that has befallen him. If he must wish for it, then let him say: ‘O Allaah, keep me alive so long as living is good for me, and cause me to die when death is good for me.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (6531) and Muslim (2680).



Allah-humma ah-yini ma kaanatil hayaatu khairall-lee wa tawaff-fani i-dha kaanatil wa faato khai-rall-lee.

O Allah, keep me alive so long as it is in my best interest and give me death when it is in my best interest.

Wasalam Amirah


Junior Member
:salam2: dear brother, there are no halal circumstances for taking your own life. Please, please do not throw your life away. The fact that you have not slept for days means that you are not thinking rationally and this can cause a chemical inbalance which releases the darkest thoughts of suicide and despair in your mind. Please reach out and talk to someone. You need to seek medical help, Insha Allah, so you can regain the will to live.

You are in our duaa but for anyone who fears ALLAH, the option of suicide is out of the question. We are like family here and I know especially for males in their teens and twenties, life can be almost too much to bear, but please, please give yourself another chance. You owe this to ALLAH and to yourself, dear brother.



♥Amor vincit omnia♥
suicide and halaal are oxymorons, there is no way of possibly doing it the halaal way. Think about what is causing your depression and try to fix it the best possible to your loved ones, the people you trust the most. and most of all if that fails then go to a doctor, look over the stigma and just get help because at the end of the day you really do not want to committe suicide and leave the ones you love. I've heard that suicide is the most selfish act someone can do and i believe its true....think of all the people you will leave and the pain you are going to cause them


Allah Akbar

There is no way called halal way to a haram way. Suicide is easy just to get away from this world but the Hell is forever. When we think about ourselves we think we are most hopeless in the world. Actually there are people who are in a worst state than us. We have to thank to Allah that we are not in their status. There are people in the world who haven't seen pure drinking water nor blanket. Their whole family lost in one day in front of their eyes and live in constant fear of being the next victim. Some living in a rain of bullets. Or at least never seen computer to write and let the world knows that he is going to commit suicide.

At least thank for giving a perfect system for breathing.

or have a look how Allah created from one cell a billionth cell masterpiece. Is it worth destroying?

When we ponder on the blessings our gratitude is less than a grain of sand in a desert.

Don't be depressed, use the time till we finish this test. Life is always with up and downs. Mind that after a down there is always up. Life not long may be 60yrs or more. Lets use this limited time to please Allah and get the eternal reward.



Junior Member
As-salaam Alaikum.





Junior Member
there is no such thing called halal suicide, Suicide is forbidden in Islam, a Muslim should never wish for death to come to him soon but rather the should say that his life be prolonged so he can do more good deeds, because doing good deeds ends with the life of a person.

brother you are only in yours early 20s the same age as me, believe me I used think like this also when I was 16-18 years old i didnt think life was much and hated my life and this world and contemplated on putting a rope around my neck so many times!!, but that was before I started to learn about Islam and become religious, believe me if you start learning about Islam and having the love of Allah in your heart more then people and the dunya around you and you start caring less about the people around you and what they say and think you will feel better. insha'Allah I will make du'a for you.

as-salaam alaikum


قل هو الله أحد
Dear brother

I'm not going to lecture you, just a suggestion:

Have you asked Allah for help ?
Did you know your life has a purpose ?
Did you seek refuge in Allah from your dark thoughs & hopelessness ?

Be safe insha'Allah. I'll remember you in my prayers.

One thing I've learned in some of the trials and tribulations that have faced me is this - mental condition is everything! It has the power to make you physically sick, or put you right on top of the world.

Some ways to alleviate your pain - is obviously through prayer. But this doesn't work for everyone. So I'm recommending you do some meditations and soul-searching. Do some breathing exercises for when you feel tense and uncomfortable.

I understand this is just a drop in the bucket for you. But suicide isn't the option at all.

If you'd like to talk, please email me. I've worked for mental health for 8 years now. If nothing else, I can refer you to someone who can help.

Peace. Take Care.


Salam brothers and sisters.

I'm a male in my early 20s looking for answers. I'm well aware of the consequences of suicide, however I haven't lost hope. I need to find a way to commit this act peacefully with my heart at rest. The only thing stopping me is fear of Allah. I have attempted once over a year ago and failed. I need to do this. I know it's not practical or accepted in any culture but it needs to be done. I've lost all desire to live. I can't eat, sleep or function anymore, the depression has eaten me alive. I've lost everyone and everything I can possibly imagine. I haven't slept in days. I dont remember the last time I smiled and haven't had a halfway decent meal in months due to loss of appetite.
Please spare me your lectures and help me find a way to do this.

I'm begging you.


i will be honest with you, there isn't a halal way of doing this. i wont lecture you like you asked us not do do. all i can say is that i know that life can seem very hard and unbearable. i had attempted suicide many years ago, and thank ALLAH SWT that i wasn't successful. what i realized is that everytime i thought i was in the worst state in the world, ALLAH SWT would show me people that were having a harder time than myself and i realized that i did indeed have something to be grateful for.

i was fat, and i ran into people much fatter.
i wasn't happy with my face, and i ran into people with disfigured faces.
i was low on funds, and i met people that had no funds.

your life has a purpose, you mean something to this world, and to the people closest to you. i beg you to really think this thing over.

you are special, all you have to do now is believe that you are.


Our lives do not belong to us, it belongs to Allah, Only He decides when we die and how. There are men, women, and babies dying all over the world, I dont think they wanted to, but it was their time by the decree of Allah. We should not be ungrateful for what Allah has given us. Please talk to someone ASAP, pm someone here, even me, but most of all, talk to Allah , He will listen if no one else will.

I will keep you in my duaas and please dont do this.:girl3:


Junior Member
There is always Hope

Salam Brother,

The brothers and sisters have answered your question quite well and I don't have any thing to add. However, I personally thing that suicide is Haram because if you stand back a little bit and do a quick glance at your very immediate neighbourhood I'm certain that you will find someone else whose situation is by far worst than your's. That's why, as muslin, we must thank Allah at any circumstances.

Now, let me answer your question by another question. If we kill a pig according to the islamic way does this make it Halal? Of course not. The same thing apply for the suicide case. It is fundamentally Haram regardless the way you perform it.

Finally, try to do more prayer, read a lot of coran, go speak with your good friends and ask Allah to show you the way.

Salaam dear brother,

There many haram reasons to do sucide but NOT one single halal way!

Try engaging yourself in activities, for instance, go exercise at the gym. It's conditions your muscles, brain, and you can talk to people.

You can also try getting married. It nice & fun to have a spouse you can talk to and get love. Plus it completes half of your deen.


Thank You Allah!

YOU WANT TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!??? No brother, don't say that. Suicide can never be done in a halal way. It's a good thing that the fear of ALLAH is stopping you from doing, but you should never think about something like this. Surely there is a reason for why you want to do this. If it's because you are distressed, well then ask yourself why. If it has anything to do with this life and will have no benifit for you in the next life, well then know that you are just distressed for no real reason. Remember, ALLAH has created us to worship HIM only. There's no other reason for us to be on earth except to worship HIM. So then why should you be so distressed when ALLAH has only told you to worship HIM, unless that is something you find hard. If you really do as ALLAH has asked, you will be in no problem at all. Haven't you noticed, almost everyone's problem ha to do with this life. Have you ever seen a person who has a problem that has to do with akhira? No, not really. Alot of people don't even know what kinds of problems there could be for Akhira. Only those who follow ALLAH'S commands have probems that has to do withh Akhira. Because ALLAH has not asked youto do anything difficult. HE just ordered you to worship HIM and that's all. So there is no reason for you to be sad and distressed because ALLAH has asked youto do simple things only. Now, if you are distressed because of something that has nothing to do with the next life, then tell yourself that your sadness is just a waste of time. There is no need for youto be sad or distressed. If you are going through something difficult, such as a disease, then know that it's a gift from ALLAH and you are getting purified to go to Jannah, don't feel sad about it. And please brother, don't commit suicide because there isn't a good reason to do it because I don't think you are going through something that has to do with the next life. And even if it did, still don't commit suicide, lol because ALLAH does not want you to so therefore don't. PLEASE!!!! lol just joking. kkkk brother, I hope everythong goes well with you and inshaALLAH ALLAH will help you through this misery. AMEEN!!! May ALLAH be with you. :wasalam:



Junior Member

Who knows may be Allah swt is testing you by this test to give you a high degree in Janna are you sure that you like to dwell in hellfire giving up this high place in Janna ??, believe me brother our life is too short so be patient ...i know words are easy but i am sure if you turn to Allah swt with sincere heart Allah swt will help u . Have true faith in Quran and read it with a heart mercy and healing will be showered on you. say :astag: many times.


subhannALLAH brother
do not think that way
suicide is HARAM! and ask ALLAH for help and ALLAH will help you
bro life is a test so u gotta have sabr (patient) and may allah be with u:tti_sister:


Junior Member

Brother I have researched a lot on this topic but to my disappointment I have not found a single HALAL way. Suicide is strongly prohibited in Islam.

I have been through bad phases in life(I am 22) and I am going through worst. I always get the feeling that I am an under-achiever, I am a complete failure...good for nothing.

You know how I live my each day-when I awake in the morning I look myself in the mirror and say- Just hang on boy...just hang on for one more day....That is how I have lived since may be for last couple of years.

To be precise I can give a lecture on optimism to anyone but when it comes to implementing things myself, I just can't.

I have read a lot of books and articles on Psychology n all. I have read about diseases ranging from bipolar disorder to HYPOMANIA, I think I am suffering from the later as I infer from the symptoms. It is quite cyclic kind- bad phases then super charged ones.lolz.

I won't ask to forget about your pursuit but I want you to just look at me, if I have the courage to walk on this Earth, I strongly believe you have the right. If a worthless person like me can live, I believe you too can.

In the shade of the radiant moon..
I blink my eyes thinking it would all ghost away..
But.. Nonetheless of my acts to ignore..
I find myself lonely and stray..

Far from materialism far from mediocrity..
Like a lost insignificant bubble in this vast sea..
I know the shores I know to swim..
But my arms too stiff and I still wear a grin..

Smiling on the losses smiling as I sink..

As if nothing to gain, as if nothing to lose.