Are You Depressed? Here Are the Best Islamic Ways to Cure Depression


Junior Member
In today’s advanced world, everyone looks happy from the outside when they share their exciting stuff on social media. But the reality is the opposite. Most people are going through depression and anxiety. They take medicines for this purpose. But if you are a Muslim you don’t need all of these things. All you have to do is pray and talk to Allah Almighty about all your problems and issues. He always listens to you and will make things easy for you.

It is critical that people understand the distinction between sadness and depression. Sadness is a normal human feeling, however, depression is a far more harmful and long-lasting illness of hopelessness, misery, and dejection. Sadness is natural and no human being is immune to it; even our Prophets experienced it on several occasions. Having a deep faith does not mean that you cannot get sad. But Imaan, on the other hand, provides us with the skills we need to deal with despair and hopelessness. Get sad but do not lose hope and remember that depression and weakness are from shaytan. If your hardships are tying you down, or if you're lost in your gloomy notions and unending spurts of pessimism. The following are some of the ways to get through the darkest days of your life:

With Every Difficulty Comes Ease

Allah (SWT) pledges to His devotee that there will be ease after every hardship you face in your life. Believe Him. Much though the pain seems interminable and you are drained by the burden of it all, do not give up hope-there is relief and anything even greater is just on your way. Nothing, not even adversity, lasts a lifetime. And those who maintain hope and confidence in Allah (SWT) and practice patience in the face of adversity get rewarded in ways that humans cannot even comprehend. Therefore, keep this in your mind and everything will be good