Arriving at the Right Airport: Worshipping Allah the Right Way


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom


"Then I will come to them from before them and behind them, from their right and from their left -- Shaytaan (al Anfaal, verse 7:17) ... all » Imagine, if you will, that after many years of hard work and saving money, you decide to take a vacation to somewhere nice and relaxing, somewhere with warm weather, beautiful sunsets, and fun galore.

You plan the vacation, getting the best online rates for flights and hotel, and planning out the different tourist attractions you'll visit. It's gonna It's gonna be a great month.

The day finally arrives - you're packed up and ready to go. You drive to the airport and check in all your belongings. Paradise is just a few hours away and you couldn't be happier.

You're so happy, in fact, that you don't PAY ATTENTION to where you're going, and end up taking the wrong flight...To Antarctica...And there are no return flights for another 3 months.

How would you feel about something like that happening to you? Could it be possible that you'll be landing on Judgement Day at the wrong airport? Could all the years of past worship just go in vain?

This is lecture is for you if:

1. You have a hard time enjoying your ibaadah. 2. You're interested in increasing your Iman. 3. You're pretty sure you're going to Jannah.

Wa salaam alikom