asalama aleikum all bro & sis


New Member
iam very pleased and interested how this website works and the posts posted daily it isnt my first i visit daily 2 or 3 times & decided sign up today to post some questions that u may help what u know abt sis & bro i have 2 questions?
1)what is the basic difference between sunis & shia though iam muslim sunni defference means their believes?
2)last week we were in school there was one of my muslim friend was talking to onether chiristian friend they were talking and i was listening the christian guy his family are muslim and his name is muhammad my muslin friend called him mohammad than suddenly he showed us cross what they believe as jesus than said *!*!*!*! mohammad dont call me mohammad and *!*!*!*! qur,an indeed my friend didn talk or reply defending our beloved prophet (pbuh) i replied immediatly i told never say that again never say that again really i interrupted then than he saw i was huge angry than said bro my name is mohammad why u angry i told him our religion does not allow to insult religion and iam not insulting what u believe so respect mine than they stop talking and he never said again so my question is what islam say if u dont reply or react like my muslim bro did? iam really worried how these western countries hate our religion and prophet and we respect their believes