

Junior Member

An inspiration from a post I submitted on another thread.

I think it would be beneficial for us to have a more profound understanding of who ALLAH (Our Creator) really is. I thought there was no better way of doing this than by recognising and sharing with you His Unique 99 Names/ Attributes or "Asma-Al-Husna" that He has exclusively reserved for Himself that distinguishes Him from the rest of creation.

Most of the people on here will already know the 99 Names (some even by heart) so it will be a case of "teaching your grandma to suck eggs" as the old English saying goes, however if anything I hope this thread be a reminder of the Greatness and Awe of Allah SWT if nothing else.

All Names (in no particular order) will be posted on here over the course of time with brief explanations of the names Inshallah.

Members are encouraged to share their personal humbling experiences of encountering these names in their own lives.

Also remember there is great virtue in committing to memory these Names. Abu Huraira (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah SAW said: “Allah has ninety-nine Names. Whoever memorizes (and acts upon) them will enter Paradise.” - Sahih Muslim, Book 35, Number 6476


Junior Member
AL-FATTAH (The Opener): He is the Opener and Solver, the Easer of all that is locked, tied and hardened. There are some matters that are closed to us. There are states and problems that are tied in knots. There are hardened things we cannot see or pass through. Some of these are material things i.e. jobs, possessions, places, friends, marriage, etc that are unavailable to us. There are also hearts that are tied in knots of sadness, minds tied up in doubts or questions that cannot be answered. Allah Al-FATTAH opens them all. No force can keep those doors locked. He has the key to open the treasures of sacred secrets that is in the human heart. Recognise this name of Allah by standing at the gates of His Mercy and knocking at the door of Allah Al-FATTAH. He will certainly open it sooner or later.


Junior Member
AL-GHAFFAR (The Forgiver): He is the One who forgives the errors of His creation through His infinite Mercy and Favour to them. Your sins may be greater than the drops of water in all the oceans or the grain of sands in all the deserts but they are finite, yet His Forgiveness is infinite and far superior. Water says to the Dirty, "Come here.", Dirty says, "I cannot, I am so ashamed." Water says, "How will your shame be washed away without me?" Similarly, how can your sins be washed away without seeking Allah’s forgiveness? Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that when you are sincere in repentance, He will forgive you and changes your evil deeds into righteous ones. Know that His forgiveness is so encompassing that He will blot the shameful sins from your book of deeds and make the recording angels forget the very sins they have recorded. He will make those sinning organs, that would testify against you on that Day of Reckoning, forget the sins committed through them. Know that your repentance is with Allah alone, no one else need not hear it or see your tears. Your repentance need not be pronounced with the lips as Allah knows all that passes through the heart.


Junior Member
AT-TAWWAB (The Guide to Repentance): Allah is the One who turns people to repentance after misguidance. “Tawbah” literally means “to return to the straight path from revolt and sin”. Allah is the One who awakens the dead heart from its slumber and sleep. He makes the heart of a believer catch fire with a single spark of His love and remembrance, whereas, there are other hearts that are deprived from remembering Him due to continuous sinning and have turned cold stone. The manifestation of this name in ourselves is when we are able to forgive and keep on forgiving those that have hurt us, simply for Allah’s sake. Allah forgives the ones who forgive others. No matter how sinful they are, no matter how often they forget their repentance, they must never doubt the Mercy of Allah and the assured acceptance of sincere repentance. “Ask pardon of your Lord and turn to Him repentant. He will cause you to enjoy a fair estate until a time appointed. He giveth His bounty unto every bountiful one.” (Surah Hud – 3)


Assalaam walaikum,

These are the posts that serve as cures for us. May Allah subhana wa taala reward you for thinking about us.


Junior Member
AS-SAMI (The Hearer of All): Allah is the One who hears everything. He hears all that is felt by the heart, passes through the mind and comes out from the lips. He hears the rustling of leaves in the wind, the footsteps of ants and the sound of atoms as they pass through the void. No one sound or voice is heard less than another even though some are as loud as an explosion whilst others are imperceptible. There is no screen that prevents any sound or voice from reaching Him even though an infinite number of voices are speaking at the same time in different languages calling for help from Allah. Allah hears all one by one, at the same time, one as clear as the other. This hearing is not in vain as all is registered, the meaning understood, the call responded to, the need satisfied, the answer given and the wrong corrected.


Junior Member
AL-JABBAR (The Compeller): He is the repairer of the broken, completer of the lacking and the One who is able to enforce His will without opposition, making submission an absolute necessity. His forcefulness is within the destiny of all His creation. The sun cannot say “I will not rise again” nor the wind say “I will not blow again”. Yet He gives you the freedom and choice to the Human and Jinn Kind to get to know Him, and those who do will no doubt find Him. Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that the only place to go to repair your broken hopes and heart and seek peace and tranquility in your confusion is by seeking AL-JABBAR.


Junior Member
AL-MUJIB (The Responder to Prayer): Allah is the One who responds to the prayer and needs of His subjects. He is closer to them than they are to themselves. His proximity to His creatures is the same. He is not closer to the wisest saint than He is to a mustard seed. He knows all our needs even before they arise. The manifestation of this name in ourselves is our responsiveness to Allah by glorifying Him and by attending to our duties as prescribed by Him and by responding to the needs of others when He chooses us to give to them through our hands. Know that as we accept Allah’s call, then no doubt Allah will accept our call. “And when My servants question thee concerning Me, then surely I am nigh. I answer the prayers of the supplicant when he crieth unto Me. O let them hear my call and let them trust in Me, in order that they may be led aright”. (Surah Baqarah – 186)


Junior Member
AL-MU’AKHKHIR (The Delayer): Allah is He who leaves behind whomever He wills and delays their advancement. As He leads some into progression, He leaves others in their current state, whilst He declines others into regression. He rewards some whose efforts are in harmony with His will by elevating them in status, whilst He leaves others behind who are making the same effort. Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that when you are left behind in your worldly matters i.e. job, wealth, family, friendship, love, marriage, etc and in spite of your efforts, know that it is because there may be something wrong, some impurity, some hypocrisy in your intentions that is delaying your advancement. Or it may simply be that Allah just wants you to value the reward more when you get it by making you go through the difficulties and pain first. Seek AL-MU’AKHKHIR with sincerity and He will no doubt guide you to identify and rectify the defect that is delaying your advancement.


Assalaam walaikum,


I just noticed a word that was used. It is associated with Sufi thought. Is there a more appropriate synonym for those of us that refrain from using Sufi terminology. Many thanks in advance.


Junior Member

For the sake of avoiding disunity, the post has been updated accordingly.

May Allah forgive us when we stray and guide us on Sirat al-Mustaqim.


Junior Member
AL-WAHHAB (The Giver of All): Allah is the donor of all. He gives without conditions, without limits, without asking any benefit in return. He gives to everyone and everywhere, always without discrimination. He gives health to the sick, children to the barren, hope to the lost, freedom to the trapped and knowledge to the ignorant. Recognises this name of Allah by knowing that when AL-WAHHAB gives to you, no one can prevent that good from coming your way and when He gives to someone else, no force in the world can divert that goodness to you. May Allah bless us with being a giver of help and good to others without expecting return and recounting favours (Ameen!).


Junior Member
AL-JAMI (The Gatherer): Allah gathers all things together whether they are alike, different or the opposite. He has gathered together different galaxies, stars and planets of different sizes, shapes and colours to beautify the skies just for us and make them co-exist with each other in harmony. Ponder your own bodies, He has created opposite entities such as air and earth, hot and cold, dry and wet. He has gathered 6 million cells in a single drop of your blood. Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that your body has incalculable cells, each moving, seeking, finding, rejecting, dividing and dying. Each being alive and an entity to itself. He has bonded all these cells by the means of His Knowledge and Power. Know that Allah can scatter them to the far corners of the world and then gather them again in an instant. This is how your body will decompose, spread in the earth, water and air after death and on the Day of Resurrection, He will say “Be” and so you shall become.


Junior Member
AL-MUHYI (The Giver of Life): Allah is the One who has given you life. Once you were non-existent, you were not alive and then Allah created you in your mother’s womb, gave you life and instructed the Angels to fashion you. He brought you into this world for you to breath, to drink, to eat, to grow. He gave you ability to think, to seek, to find, to know, to hear, to talk, to build, to destroy. All that you have in this life does not belong to you. It is a gift lent to you by Allah. The only thing that is yours is the choices that you make in the testing grounds of this temporal world, whether you choose to be faithful or unfaithful, obey or revolt. Recognise this name of Allah by being thankful for the life you have received and by putting your thankfulness into worshipping Allah. Know that He gives life to the earth after death through a continuous cycle of regeneration so the crops can grow again so you can eat. Similarly, on the Day of Resurrection, He will give you life once again for a second time after your death.


Junior Member
AL-MUQADDIM (The Expediter): Allah brings forward whomever He wills. He advances the chosen amongst His creation, bringing some above and ahead of others. He invites all of humanity to the truth, but in His Wisdom, leads some to respond to this invitation, whilst others are left behind. He creates all human beings as believers, some realise the truth, whilst others do not see it. Allah favours some of his creation by the quiet love He creates in the heart of people for them, whilst for others though loud cheer and applause. Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that it is AL-MUQADDIM who advances whomever He wills. Be the one who is wary of the demands of your ego and worldly desires but attentive to the needs of your soul. Know that your ego and worldly desires are only temporary and will pull you in the direction of the earth because your flesh was created from it. Be the one who knows that your soul is eternal and will pull you towards the heavens, as it was here where your soul came from.


Junior Member
AL-HASIB (The Accounter): Allah is the One who takes account of all things. He knows the number of breaths you take, the number of beats your heart makes. He knows the number of tears you have shed and the number of times your forehead has touched the Earth in sujood to Him in earnest. Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that every minute of yours that passes in this world, not working for Him, not caring for His creation for His sake, not remembering Him, not praising Him, not thanking Him is a loss in the capital of life He has given you. This will all have to be accounted for on the Day of Reckoning, when you will be asked to present your deeds to Allah in the witness of billions and billions of other people. May Allah make the presenting of our deeds on this day easy for all of us (Ameen!).


Junior Member
AL-BATIN (“The Hidden One”): Allah’s existence is both hidden and manifest. He is apparent because the signs of His existence are visible even to the blind (see note below) and His calls are heard in the hearts of the deaf, yet his essence remains hidden and veiled from us. Recognise this name of Allah by knowing that for every artwork, there is an artist and for every creation, there is a creator. If you exist, then be aware that He exists. Know that He is closer than you than your own soul. "Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind." Quran 22:46

NOTE: Please check out the Madrassah An-Noor For The Blind Website to see example of Allah's essence living and breathing in the hearts of Blind Muslims. Please take time out to read the special story about the humbling beginning's of the Madrassah and view the student profiles. One cannot find words to describe the Mercy of Allan upon his creation. May Allah protect and safeguard these students, their teachers and their families and give them the highest reward in the Akhirah - Ameen!

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Jazakallah Khair Brother for this..
I have one question relating to the names of Allah. Is there anywhere in the Sunnah which states, if you read a certain attribute say 100 times during grief then it helps or if you are sick you should read a particular name 300 times, or searching for a partner etc...? Because I have a whole book on this although i never practiced it but have never seen it here before...