Funny 'Ayn, 'Ayn!!


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Unbelievable ...


فَتَبَارَكَ اللَّهُ أَحْسَنُ الْخَالِقِينَ
Apparently most Arab pranks, or videos like these, are performed by non-Muslim Arabs in an attempt to mock ... Who knows.


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member

Lol subhaanallah when I first saw this I just had to laugh. Poor student, I would've ran outta there the moment he took of his eyeglasses.

But honestly speaking, this kind of thing is common in many parts of the world. And that slap is nothing compared to the sort of discipline some students get, subhaanallaah. Some people are just not meant to be teachers.


Nothing but Muslimah
The concept of the prank makes sense but yet the channel is filled with un-islamic uploads and their comments sound so insane.
Most of the people mistake these types of pranks (Arab pranks) as a part of Islam
That channel as a whole is not something appropriate (like many others which are hanging over youtube)
No offense sister Nureyni Amir, I am simply sharing my view :)
I used to watch such pranks and share them with family & friends , but now I neither watch nor share since a simple video can mislead many (Specially Non Muslims)


ربنا اغفر لنا ذنوبنا
Staff member
but yet the channel is filled with un-islamic uploads and their comments sound so insane.
That channel as a whole is not something appropriate (like many others which are hanging over youtube)

Jazaakillaahu khayran for taking out the time to look it up ukht. Normally I would do that too, especially if I enjoyed the video, so I can what else is in that channel, but I do always avoid the comments section. There are barely any clean comments section on YouTube these days.

Yep, this one was most definitely staged. And no it certainly does not send out a good image of Muslims/Islam to the viewers... It's merely publicizing the actions of some ignorant teachers and turns a serious matter into a joke. That channel is run by a typical childish teen looking for something 'fun' to do, so i'm not surprised that he uploaded this video.

Nureyni Amir

Junior Member
I was not surprised with this video at all because of the experience i had with my teachers. However, I know whatever they did was for my own sake although they might be little bit mean. Sister @ faaraa no problem everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i do agree this kind of video does cause misconception to Non-Muslim or even some Muslim in'sha'allah i will remember your kind words.
Jazakillah kheyraa

Balessi in'sha'allah:oops: