[B]How should the muslim deal with wars that happen among muslims?[/B]

How should the muslim deal with wars that happen among muslims?

The Messenger SAW taught his ummah how they should deal with tribulation of this kind which arise among Muslims where matters are confused and it is not clear who is right .The Messenger SAW advocated avoiding conflict and fighting in such situations and retreating to a remote place where a man could tend sheep on the mountain tops or strive against the enemy on the borders of the islamic state. If the swords of the combatants reached him the command was to refrain from self defence even if that led to his death.Abu Bakarah narrated to us that the messenger of Allah SAW said:

" there will be tribulations then there will come a tribulation in which the one who is sitting will be better than the one who is walking and the one who is walking will be better than the one who is striving. When that happens let the one who has camels go take care of his camels, andlet the one who has sheeps go take care of the sheep and whoever has land let him go and take care of his land."

A man said 'O' Messenger of Allah what do you think about one who has neither camels nor sheep nor land? He said , 'Let him go to his sword and make it blunt, then let him escape if he can. O' Allah have i conveyed (the message)? O'Allah have i conveyed (the message)? ' Aman said , 'O' Messenger of Allah , what do you think if i am forced to join one of the two sides or one of the two groups, and a man strikes me with his sword, or an arrow comes and kills me?' He said, 'Then he will carry his own sin and your sin, and he will be one of the people of Hell."

The ahaadeeth which we have quoted above, and similar reports were quoted as the evidence by those among the sahaabah who did not believe in fighting at times of tribulation. "They were all of those who refrained from figting alongside ' Ali ibn Abi Taalib in his wars such as Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqaas, Abdullah ibn 'Umar, muhammad ibn Muslimah, Au Bakarah and others. They said ' ' We must refrain from fighting, so that even if someone wants to kill us, we should not defend ourselves.' Others said, ' He should not take part in this tribulation , and if someone wants to kill us, we must defend ourselves. The majority of the Sahaabah and Taabi'een were of the view that it os obligatory to support the truth and fight those who are in the wrong.The interpreted the ahaadeeth which were narrated concerning that as referring to the one who is not able to fight, or who is not able to find out who is in the right.

Undoubtedly, it is very difficult to find out who is right in such cases where there are tribulations and people are following their whims and desires. The safest course is to keep away and withdraw, so that the Muslim does not shed blood that it is forbidden for him to shed, and does not harm anothet Muslim. And Allah knows best.