Baitullah Mehsud is Dead

GEO News reports that Baitullah Mehsud, the amir of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan is dead, apparently due to natural causes. Mehsud had been sick in recent days and reportedly slipped into a coma.


Junior Member

I wouldn't be so quick to jump on this news, cause this guy is so mysterious. Really everything about him is a mystery. No picture of his face exists(he doesn't allow it) and nobody knows where he gets his huge funding from. Where does he get his advanced arms from, etc. Maybe tomorrow we will find out for sure.


Junior Member

Please educate me on this person. I wish to learn.


Baitullah Mehsud is "supposedly" a Waziri tribal leader who is allied with TTP(Pakistani taliban). They say he is responsible for lots of bombings in Pakistan, etc. Also people claim he is behind the Benazir Bhutto assasination. Basically anytime something bad happens people say "Baitullah Mehsud" BUT nobody knows why they don't go after him, even though he is an ez target. Why hasn't be been killed yet by a US missles and where does he get his money/advanced weaponry from? This lead lots of speculation in the news that he works for RAW or CIA. He has press conferences sometimes but only lets people photograph him from behind the head.


Junior Member
GEO News reports that Baitullah Mehsud, the amir of the Tehreek-e Taliban Pakistan is dead, apparently due to natural causes. Mehsud had been sick in recent days and reportedly slipped into a coma.

All lies.....hypocrite PRESIDENT and Government

he is still alive ..i just heard that at ARYONEWORLD....

another rumor to destabilize Pakistan.


Junior Member
hmm... Mehsood is a US puppet. He was captured and healed by US. Then US released him. I am talking abt way back 6 or 7 years perhaps or more


Striving for Paradise

Please educate me on this person. I wish to learn.

Baitullah Mehsud was released from Guantanamo Bay by Americans. Ever since he has been "released" he is busy kidnapping and killing Chinese engineers working in Pakistan, killing as many Pakistani soilders as possible, exploding bombs all over Pakistan and has been provided safe heavan by Americans. Every time Pakistani officials give his location to American forces they lock on him but do not fire and protect him.

Whatever technique Americans applied on him at Gitmo worked perfectly on Mehsud. He is now one of the best assasin and terrorist Americans have produced in Gitmo.

I hope he is dead, but this could also be a rumour.


Allahu Akbar!
It said on CNN today that Mehsud is alive and that the Taliban In Pakistan have said that the announcement of his death was just government media propagana.


Staff member
ASsalamu alaykum,

Please when making posts try give Salams nice ettiquette.....

Hmm, a person whose name is BaitAllah ???? It means House of Allah .. it is what we call Masajid (Mosques) strange name, but then not totally inconceivable

wasalamu alaykum



Yes, we must try to show the best of manners.

What I have ascertained thus far is a man was captured and released. Upon his release he has inflicted havoc on everything and everybody. He seems to have access to money and weapons.
My question thus becomes who gave him does he maintain a following.

Walaikum assalaam.


Junior Member
Govt. support Mom (Both pak an US). Cant happen with out it. I have read that PAkistan intelligence have many times told Us army, the location of Mehsud, but they didnt hit it, instread provided them safe passage.

US is supporting him to continue "war for terrorism" in asia.

On a wider scale, this makes you wonder what kind of incentives the U.S. government gives to other people they release from Guantanamo & even in the countries they are illegally occupying. These are tricksters & devils we're dealing with.

This is why I posted my thread that it's haram to spy & work for U.S. intelligence (i.e. FBI, CIA).


Junior Member
Asalaamu Alaikum!

I prefer to think the best of the Muslims rather than taking what the disbelievers say as fact since I don't feel their bias against Islam makes them reliable. They are full of propaganda about Islam and Muslims.

[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.



Junior Member

Asalaamu Alaikum!

I prefer to think the best of the Muslims rather than taking what the disbelievers say as fact since I don't feel their bias against Islam makes them reliable. They are full of propaganda about Islam and Muslims.

[17:36] You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.


I agree with you sister;

ASsalamu alaykum,

Please when making posts try give Salams nice ettiquette.....

Hmm, a person whose name is BaitAllah ???? It means House of Allah .. it is what we call Masajid (Mosques) strange name, but then not totally inconceivable

wasalamu alaykum

Brother Mabsoot,

Persian and Turkish naming structure is unlike Arabic naming structure because Arabic is not the native language of those people. I don't think you can find a "Baitullah" in the Arab country, but in Afghanistan stuff like that is very common. Actually most people put Allah after their names no matter what the name is. So Rahmatullah, Habibullah, Fadlullah, Ahmedullah, Faizullah, and even Mohammadullah is not rare. I speak Farsi and my Arabic friends think that it is silly, but thats just the way it is.


Staff member

Brother Mabsoot,

Persian and Turkish naming structure is unlike Arabic naming structure because Arabic is not the native language of those people. I don't think you can find a "Baitullah" in the Arab country, but in Afghanistan stuff like that is very common. Actually most people put Allah after their names no matter what the name is. So Rahmatullah, Habibullah, Fadlullah, Ahmedullah, Faizullah, and even Mohammadullah is not rare. I speak Farsi and my Arabic friends think that it is silly, but thats just the way it is.

wa alaykum salam,

yes I understand that completely and have known scholars from Afghanistan. My favourite was Quran teacher in Madinah, in Masjid al Nabawi, his name is Shaykh UbaidAllah. He is one of the most learned Quran teachers in the world. He has knowledge of 10 Quran recitation styles as well as being extremely knowledgeable in Arabic language and tafsir. - Many people come to learn from him, both Arab and non-Arab to improve their Quran recitation and Arabic language. - He has a very prestigious place in Masjid al Nabawi teaching near the Rawdah and also his own Masjid is just next to Masjid al Nabawi.



*Fear Allah*

ISLAMABAD — Security and defense analysts believe that the reported death of Baitullah Mehsud will affect the militancy in Pakistan's restive tribal (more)

ISLAMABAD — Security and defense analysts believe that the reported death of Baitullah Mehsud will affect the militancy in Pakistan's restive tribal areas on the short term and could cause a split within the local Taliban ranks. "If his death is confirmed it will certainly effect the Taliban movement in the tribal areas initially," Rahimullah Yousafzai, a Peshawar based security analyst, told IslamOnline.
Baitullah Mehsud, the Amir of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), reportedly died on Tuesday of renal failure.

"Taliban will need sometime to find out such a high-profile commander like Baitullah Mehsud because he was the founder of TTP and definitely fighters have some kind of attachment to the founder."

A letter received Thursday by a Peshawar-based journalist claimed 34-year-old Mehsud was in good health.

Pakistan Taliban Leader Reportedly Dead

The letter did not carry a spokesman name and many observers here doubt its credibility and say Mehsud could have called journalists to tell them that he is alive.

Mehsud had previously met journalists at unidentified places in tribal areas.

Experts think Taliban will announce his death once they find his successor.

"When I say it will affect in the short term that means that Taliban had been used to his towering personality, which was actually exaggerated by intelligence agencies and the media," says Yousafzai.

"No doubt he was or he is an important and experienced commander but to declare him one of the most dangerous and influential persons in the world is nothing but exaggeration."

Baitullah Mehsud, a ghostly top militant, was virtually the uncrowned king of Pakistan's restive tribal belt.

Blamed by the US for the assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto last year, he was the most wanted man by Pakistani and US intelligence agencies.

Baitullah Mehsud, who was once described by Newsweek as more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden himself, was recently named in Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world.


Some experts believe his death, if confirmed, could cause the break up of Taliban.

"His death may affect Taliban in a way whereby it may split on the issue of his successor," says Yousafzai.

"There are many Taliban groups under the umbrella of The TTP and each of these groups may won't its leader to be Baitullah Mehsud successor."

Wali-ur-Rehman is believed to stand a better chance of succeeding Baitullah Mehsud because he hails from the same powerful tribe.

Mehsud is the biggest tribe in South Waziristan with 60 percent of the 700,000 population while rival Wazir makes up 35 percent.

Maulvi Faqeer Mohammad, Baitullah Mehsud's deputy, would be a less favorite because he is not a Mehsud.

However, experts believe that whatever impact Baitullah Mehsud's death would have on Taliban, it would be short-lived.

"It will not be a long-lasting effect because the situation in the tribal areas has reached a point where personalities do not count much," says Yousafzai.

Sabihuddin Ghosi, a security and political analyst, agrees.

"His death could be a temporary shock for Taliban but not more than that.

"However I don't see this as a long-term problem for Taliban, especially regarding their operational capabilities. Once they regroup and fight his successor they will again appear as a threat."

The security expert insists that the militancy problem in Pakistan's restive border area will continue.

"The problem will remain until and unless the root cause of the problem is addressed.

"The two sides, specially the government, must understand that guns can't resolve the disputes. They have to come to the table whether before bloodshed or after that," says Ghosi.

"If the government wants to close the chapter of people like Baitullah Mehsud for ever then it has to respect the tribal tradition and give self governance to them otherwise the people will continue to be killed and people like Baitullah Mehsud will continue to emerge."

Source: IslamOnline