Becoming ONE Ummah

nabilah ahmad

New Member
Assalammualaikum w.b.t
I am from Malaysia and I am currently studying in UK. Upon reading numerous true stories of how fellow Muslims in the Middle East and (dare I say this) around the world are suffering from numerous fascism attacks and biased judgements especially from people who does not understand Islam and the true belief to Allah's divine power and existance, it just dawn on me on how LITTLE the 'Islamic' Malaysian government had done to help...I am not trying to be political here, but this is true...The muslim Malaysians have this notion that Malaysians (muslims) practices Islam Hadhari. Regardless of what it means, it created a small confusion on the true meaning of Islam Hadhari (as if the word Islam is not pure and special enough), especially amongst the villagers who have very little exposure to the TRUE meaning and understanding of Islam and among the youngsters who are mostly, (and this is a very disturbing woe) westernised in many sense. We have almost everything that SEEM Islamic, but in essence, it is not. I am not happy to point out these truths about my fellow muslims in Malaysia but, this is true... For example, there is one show that focuses on Islamic 'fashion' where the fashion are really, NOT concealing at all...the holy Quran and even Prophet Muhammad (sallahu 'alaihi wassalam) had already pointed out numerous 'adab' or the CORRECT way of concealing the aurat. This might create confusion, especially among teenagers and working women who will think that Islamic 'fashion' is all about beauty but not for the sake of following Allah's divine word. Astaghfirullah hal azheem.

Apart from that, I would also like to point out that in Malaysia, some of the Muslims KNOWS Islam but they DONT UNDERSTAND the essence of Islam, what Islam really is... They are more worried about all the rules and regulations that were imposed on them as Muslims rather that understanding the fact that all of this are done for one sole purpose, to gain the divine LOVE from Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) - mardhatillah...

Please leave some opinions and comment on this matter because I think that if Muslims in Malaysia break out of the comfort zone and stop swimming around in furuq issues about Islam, we can work together and become a strong Ummah...because that is our goal - to achieve ONE devout Ummah under one Khalifah...

The question is, how?

What is good/positive came from Allah SWT and what is negative came from my own weakness as a servant to Allah SWT, but, the truth is, what is good or bad comes from Allah SWT as a test for everyone of us.


Feel free to correct me if I made any wrong remarks.
Syukran Jazilan

Al Qassimi

Junior Member
Salam Aliekom,

Oh how we all would love to be One Ummah but at this time where most Muslims do not follow the Quran and Sunnah. The time will come, patience right now is our best weapon. Patience and the day will come when we are all One Ummah.


Assalammualaikum w.b.t
I am from Malaysia and I am currently studying in UK. Upon reading numerous true stories of how fellow Muslims in the Middle East and (dare I say this) around the world are suffering from numerous fascism attacks and biased judgements especially from people who does not understand Islam and the true belief to Allah's divine power and existance, it just dawn on me on how LITTLE the 'Islamic' Malaysian government had done to help...I am not trying to be political here, but this is true...The muslim Malaysians have this notion that Malaysians (muslims) practices Islam Hadhari. Regardless of what it means, it created a small confusion on the true meaning of Islam Hadhari (as if the word Islam is not pure and special enough), especially amongst the villagers who have very little exposure to the TRUE meaning and understanding of Islam and among the youngsters who are mostly, (and this is a very disturbing woe) westernised in many sense. We have almost everything that SEEM Islamic, but in essence, it is not. I am not happy to point out these truths about my fellow muslims in Malaysia but, this is true... For example, there is one show that focuses on Islamic 'fashion' where the fashion are really, NOT concealing at all...the holy Quran and even Prophet Muhammad (sallahu 'alaihi wassalam) had already pointed out numerous 'adab' or the CORRECT way of concealing the aurat. This might create confusion, especially among teenagers and working women who will think that Islamic 'fashion' is all about beauty but not for the sake of following Allah's divine word. Astaghfirullah hal azheem.

Apart from that, I would also like to point out that in Malaysia, some of the Muslims KNOWS Islam but they DONT UNDERSTAND the essence of Islam, what Islam really is... They are more worried about all the rules and regulations that were imposed on them as Muslims rather that understanding the fact that all of this are done for one sole purpose, to gain the divine LOVE from Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) - mardhatillah...

Please leave some opinions and comment on this matter because I think that if Muslims in Malaysia break out of the comfort zone and stop swimming around in furuq issues about Islam, we can work together and become a strong Ummah...because that is our goal - to achieve ONE devout Ummah under one Khalifah...

The question is, how?

What is good/positive came from Allah SWT and what is negative came from my own weakness as a servant to Allah SWT, but, the truth is, what is good or bad comes from Allah SWT as a test for everyone of us.


Feel free to correct me if I made any wrong remarks.
Syukran Jazilan

Good Observation.
The state of Ummah is indeed fragile. If the political purpose of Muslims is to be governed by one caliph under a single nation, then May Allah forgive us, we have failed miserably! Well there are several explanation for our failure such as the fall of Islamic empires, ummayid, ottoman, etc... and the rise of European powers. Perhaps the differences in our culture also played a significant role. That being aside, history has proven that we can be united under one nation, but the question is how do we achieve that?

Espicially in today's world considering how modern the entire world became. It's not like before one charismatic leader can rise up from a corner of Islamic world and unite every one under one caliphate, that is almost nearly impossible.
To achieve unity, our "political leaders" need to work together and collectively for the benefit of the entire Ummah. Something similar to that of the European Union, the ultimate goal would be to create one nation.
How would that be possible? How do we move toward that agenda?
These poses some serious problems and questions.
For Muslims to be united under one Ummah, the leaders of individual "nation states" must work for the benefit of the Ummah instead of the individuals of their own nation state. Islam does not recognize "race, color, or nationality" These are alien concept and must be treated as such. Universal brotherhood should unite us.
Like I said, how is that possible? If one looks at modern day rulers of our "nation state", most of them are corrupted, they do not work to improve the lives of their own citizens instead work to increase their reign and power.
Leaders in Middle East are a great example. Instead of sticking to fundamentals of Islam and enforcing its laws for the benefit of their citizen most of them are corrupted. IMO Islam and democracy are not incompatible.
There is another huge problem, many of our fellow brothers and sisters live in poor countries, and are poorly educated espicially in Islam.
Like the brother in OP pointed out, they do not know the essence of Islam.
I've observed the same thing in my native country of Bangladesh. As countries are becoming increasingly modern people's main concern is survival rather than following Allah's message.
If the citizens of Islamic nations were aware of our heritage, were educated in Quran, Sunnah, and our history, then a path toward a single Ummah would be possible.
The current situation of most of the Ummah is similar to the pre-Islamic era, much of the Ummah is living in ignorance.
I just see too many obstacles in the way! May Allah help us.



Junior Member
well, i think we need tolerance than anything else.

We think that we are right and other is doing wrong. We have more knowledge than any other muslim brother. We try to impose our thinking onto other persons, which results in anarchy.

As being a human being, we must have differences in between but we shud keep them within limits and act as a unit. Rather than arguing on little things and fighting on them.

We should not let Cultural difference spoil us apart. We need to minimize it as much as we can.

Also, there isnt any single platform where ppl who have high aims and high thinking can get together and work for Ummah. We all working individually. We have the best of the resouces in the world but We dont own them . they are working hard in order to learn livelyhood only.

We need big big and influential media .

There is a lot to be changed to this ummah to be on single platform but Tolerance is needed immediately.

your name reminds me of pakistani name sister Nabilah. My cousin has the same name . Does your ancestors have links to pakistan?

nabilah ahmad

New Member
Masha Allah...I agree that EVERYONE of us should remember that Allah created all of us for the sole purpose of devoting ourselves to Him [surah az-zariyat: verse 56] AND also the purpose of being a Khalifah (leader, be it to our own individual self, our family, our community even to the ummah) [surah al-Baqarah : verse 30].

If we stand alone, even if we are spiritually strong, it is not enough . We need to work together as an Ummah [surah as-Saff: Verse 4] to gain mardhatillah... Jannah is not for one particular individual alone, it is for EVERYONE, every Muslim, regardless of their race, gender, age, which nations they come from, the colour of their skin, even which mazhab (islamic school of thought) they follow... the MAIN goal/aim is to gain Allah's divine Redha...we live because Allah wanted us to live and we will die because that is what Allah wanted... our life is just a big TEST...wallahu'alam..

I am posting these posts because I know how it felt to be lost in the world of individualism (and sometimes humanism) where everyone is for themselves and everything they do must be accounted by other human...not Allah... It was disturbing and worrying because you feel alone, yes Allah the AllMighty is with you at all time, but the missing puzzle is that we don't have other fellow Muslims to REMIND us and to share/correct us if we are wrong or have strayed [please refer to surah al 'Asr: Verse 1-3]...

what we can do now is to bring back Islam, yes, it's easier said than done... We can begin by improving ourselves (our ibadah, our akhlak, our akidah and our Iman), mend our hearts and cleanse it from all these sins that are literally swimming around us (especially in the media), understand the kalamullah and at the same time, work hard (and give all out) to spread the true essence of Islam... let the others know Allah, know tauhid first, and when they have strong faith and understanding of Islam (and truly understand the syahadah al-Haq), we can impose all these hukum(s) or all these rules and regulations in Islam (the hijab, the solah etc). Just like all the surah(s) in the Quran, it started with all the surah Makiyyah, which delves around tauhid and akidah (eg. Sumayyah and her family - may Allah bless them) THEN the surah Madaniyyah, which touches on all the hukum(s) and the Islamic rules and regulations. If its a chronology, you can see that First, we have to UNDERSTAND Islam (the syahadah, Iman, Ikhlas, Allah, the messengers, what they bring...) and then, can only we stress the hukum(s) as stated in the Quran... If we have strong faith and understanding of Islam, we will have utmost trust in the kalamullah and the sunnah, because we want Allah's divine Redha...thus, if we were to impose those hukum(s) in Islam, such as the Hudud, Qisas etc. there will be no questions going against it, because it is already stated in the Quran...and NO ONE can deny that.... wallahu'alam...

as for brother Shu'aib and brother shahzad [p/s: I dont think I have any ancestors who originated from Pakistan, my name is given by my father because of its meaning...wallahu'alam], syukran jazilan for your view on this matter... also for the others who have given their personal views... I have to say that I am not perfect and I have my flaws, everyone of us have and Insya Allah, may Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) forgive us and increase our Iman...

Whatever we do, whatever crosses our mind - Allah knows [Surah al-Imran: Verse 29]. Wallahu'alam...

Jazakallahu Khair...


Junior Member
Assalamu alaikom!

I can say for myself that some of the first Muslim sisters I ever saw and they left a profound positive impression on me, were Malaysian Muslim sisters studying in Dublin, Ireland. I always say they seemed like the most content people I have ever seen, smiling always and following the deen, or at least this is how it appeared to me. May Allah bless you, dear sister from Malaysia :)


Junior Member
selam sister, it is very beautiful to have someone like u who is thinking about the ummah:SMILY252:. fact is that an `islamic country´ is not existing. And the muslims everywere (not just in malaysia) are to much involved in this worldly life so it is very difficult to become one ummah at least rightnow.:girl3: but thank got there r also people like u even if they r like one mere drop on a hot stone. take care

nabilah ahmad

New Member
Masha Allah, Alhamdulillah...praise be to Allah (subhana hu wata'ala). To sister Safiya, syukran jazilan and may Allah help us all, Insya Allah. Everythin in this life is not forever, it is just a TEST for all of us, May Allah show us to the right path to win His divine Redha. Ameen ya Rabbal 'alamin. You take care too dear sister. ukhwah fillah, abadan abada...

May Allah forgive us and increase our Iman. Lets avoid al-wahn (the love for fana worldly things) and strive to for true jihad (and THAT, does not mean jihad through weapons of mass destructions or war, but the true jihad - amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar). This is a reminder for you and also for me in case we forgot...



Masha Allah...I agree that EVERYONE of us should remember that Allah created all of us for the sole purpose of devoting ourselves to Him [surah az-zariyat: verse 56] AND also the purpose of being a Khalifah (leader, be it to our own individual self, our family, our community even to the ummah) [surah al-Baqarah : verse 30].

If we stand alone, even if we are spiritually strong, it is not enough . We need to work together as an Ummah [surah as-Saff: Verse 4] to gain mardhatillah... Jannah is not for one particular individual alone, it is for EVERYONE, every Muslim, regardless of their race, gender, age, which nations they come from, the colour of their skin, even which mazhab (islamic school of thought) they follow... the MAIN goal/aim is to gain Allah's divine Redha...we live because Allah wanted us to live and we will die because that is what Allah wanted... our life is just a big TEST...wallahu'alam..

I am posting these posts because I know how it felt to be lost in the world of individualism (and sometimes humanism) where everyone is for themselves and everything they do must be accounted by other human...not Allah... It was disturbing and worrying because you feel alone, yes Allah the AllMighty is with you at all time, but the missing puzzle is that we don't have other fellow Muslims to REMIND us and to share/correct us if we are wrong or have strayed [please refer to surah al 'Asr: Verse 1-3]...

what we can do now is to bring back Islam, yes, it's easier said than done... We can begin by improving ourselves (our ibadah, our akhlak, our akidah and our Iman), mend our hearts and cleanse it from all these sins that are literally swimming around us (especially in the media), understand the kalamullah and at the same time, work hard (and give all out) to spread the true essence of Islam... let the others know Allah, know tauhid first, and when they have strong faith and understanding of Islam (and truly understand the syahadah al-Haq), we can impose all these hukum(s) or all these rules and regulations in Islam (the hijab, the solah etc). Just like all the surah(s) in the Quran, it started with all the surah Makiyyah, which delves around tauhid and akidah (eg. Sumayyah and her family - may Allah bless them) THEN the surah Madaniyyah, which touches on all the hukum(s) and the Islamic rules and regulations. If its a chronology, you can see that First, we have to UNDERSTAND Islam (the syahadah, Iman, Ikhlas, Allah, the messengers, what they bring...) and then, can only we stress the hukum(s) as stated in the Quran... If we have strong faith and understanding of Islam, we will have utmost trust in the kalamullah and the sunnah, because we want Allah's divine Redha...thus, if we were to impose those hukum(s) in Islam, such as the Hudud, Qisas etc. there will be no questions going against it, because it is already stated in the Quran...and NO ONE can deny that.... wallahu'alam...

as for brother Shu'aib and brother shahzad [p/s: I dont think I have any ancestors who originated from Pakistan, my name is given by my father because of its meaning...wallahu'alam], syukran jazilan for your view on this matter... also for the others who have given their personal views... I have to say that I am not perfect and I have my flaws, everyone of us have and Insya Allah, may Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) forgive us and increase our Iman...

Whatever we do, whatever crosses our mind - Allah knows [Surah al-Imran: Verse 29]. Wallahu'alam...

Jazakallahu Khair...

Excellent Post.
That is also my point, that inorder to be one Ummah majority of the Muslims that are scattered throughtout 'these nation-states' must have the basic knowledge of Islam. Sure they know how to pray, know the hajj, zakat, etc.... But do they understand the teaching of Islam? The meaning of the Quran? IMO, It is essential that our fellow brothers/sisters are educated in Islam, through knowing and being aware can the inner drive for unity come forth. So at least, I like to think so.
Allah SWT, emphasize so much on knowledge in the Quran. There are so many times hey says "those who know, men of understanding, etc".

Also another hindrance toward one single Ummah is that we are divided along the lines of nationality, race, and so on.
