being prowd to wear hijab


New Member
eselem alikom my name in zahra i'm 21 years old i live in france which is the only country that forbid women to wear a hijab in schools and in many moslem's women find an obstacle to practice all pilars of islam consequently they not interest to their religion .my cusin is 15 years old she wont to wear a hijab but she could't do that only if she quit schoolor she have to wait same years until she go to the university.i hope you pray for moslems living here to get more facilities in life as good moslems


Umm Zubayr
Assalam aleikum ma soeur,

Je partage ta douleur, soubhanallah, je sais a quel point c'est difficile la-bas pour les musulmans et en particulier les musulmanes...
Inshallah, aie confiance en Allah swt, tout ce qui se passe sur cette terre, Allah le sait...


Seek The Almighty
I feel so sad that the non believers are taking away our freedom of wearing hijab. I pray to Allah to help us sisters. Please tell me how sisters cope with this Hijab ban and what's being done about it by the Muslims.
I can't imagine going out with out a hijab.:hijabi:


Seek The Almighty
I feel so saddened about all this hijab ban, how dare they take away our freedom!!!!
I feel like crying:frown:
Tell me what are the Muslims doing to solve the problem?
How are the sisters coping? I don't know what I would do if this happened in Britain. I hope inshallaha they don't ban hijab.
I pray Allah to help this ummah, guide us ,forgive us and have mercy upon us. Ameen
your sister in Islam


eselem alikom my name in zahra i'm 21 years old i live in france which is the only country that forbid women to wear a hijab in schools and in many moslem's women find an obstacle to practice all pilars of islam consequently they not interest to their religion .my cusin is 15 years old she wont to wear a hijab but she could't do that only if she quit schoolor she have to wait same years until she go to the university.i hope you pray for moslems living here to get more facilities in life as good moslems

Assalmualikum warahmatullah

InshAllah , things will turn for the better for my brothers and sisters in France....


Junior Member

eselem alikom my name in zahra i'm 21 years old i live in france which is the only country that forbid women to wear a hijab in schools and in many moslem's women find an obstacle to practice all pilars of islam consequently they not interest to their religion .my cusin is 15 years old she wont to wear a hijab but she could't do that only if she quit schoolor she have to wait same years until she go to the university.i hope you pray for moslems living here to get more facilities in life as good moslems

sister, likewise, you cannot wear hijab in singapore schools offering secular education too (primary,secondary,pre-universities,college), those with uniforms. there were issues about the hijab and still the refusal to allow hijab stands. :tti_sister: Well...
i can understand the need of wearing uniforms (not to differentiate the rich & the poor). however, i cannot understand the refusal to allow hijab. likewise in france, isn't it obvious.



it's a way to force muslim women to be FRENCH! it's also a way to make muslim women unable to work, and to cause them to consider leaving the country. they also hope that if muslim women leave the country, the muslim men will follow them out. hence, no more muslims in france.