Black Magic and Marraige? Huh?


Muslim Student
Al Slam ALikum Brothers and Sisters...

Hope you are all doing great enshallah....

I hope some brothers and sisters here still remember my post about my issue regarding the marriage and that sister whose her family asked for a mountain of money to make the millinum wedding party... anyway

As I said before I left the sister and she agreed on that since she didnt want to talk with her family to reduce the price and stuff....

So two months left, I still see her in the office I say salam and ignore her, she ignores me as well.... Untill my birthday came last week (I never celebrated my birthday or even announce it to the public) she sent massage saying happy birthday and stuff etc.....

SO next day in the office I just ignored her, then she was looking at me and I felt sorry, so I sent her email thanking her for her sweet massage....

Then she starts to boom me with emails, that she wont find a guy like me and she still wants me and stuff, then she said that she will never get married in her life,
I asked why?
She answered: because someone put a black magic on me my mom *discovered* that someone took her photo and give it to a magician or wizard and put a black magic on her so she will never get married....

Ok Ok hold on!!!!! I said come on you belive in that happened?
She said magic is mentioned in Quran and you have to believe in it...

I said yeah ok I know its mentioned and there is a magic, but you cant blame that simply... I dont think its a magic , everything happens for a reason thats what muslims beleive in, simply you mom is asking alot for marriage and simply the guys cant pay that or dont want to waste alot of money for wedding party thats why they change thier mind, and we (me and my family) tried alot with you and your mother but you never wanted to be flexable with us, I tried my best and even more till i fought with my family....

You are not following the sunnah thats why you are not getting married (One of hadith meaning that if a man with good deeds and deen came to ask for marriage dont refuse him) , I wish you the best and I made dua to allah that you will get marry from a good muslim soon, and I wish you the best... BUT
your situation is increasing in UAE, because of the same issue not because of black magic, thats logic.... See the UAE media they always talk about this issue (about increaing the number of unmarried women in UAE) and the reason is known....

After this long email I wrote to her she felt depressed and there is no hope in her life.... and she didnt replay on me, which made me sad and felt bad...

Brothers and sisters.... I need your advise, and if I did any mistake please tell me...
May allah forgive me and help all the muslims...

Jazakum Allah Khyran

Your brother in Islam,


Saeed O.J

Junior Member

Pray Salat Al-Istekhara my brother and ask Allah (SWT) to guide you, and believe in destiny ''Qadr'' good and bad. ''Wa asa takraho shi'aan waho khairan lakom''.

May Allah help us all.... Amiin..



Staff member

Well i will let someone else reply in terms of whether sending the message to this person was right, as i am not 100% sure.

How does a witch perform witchcraft?

The one who wants withchcraft performed - whether man or woman- goes to the witch and asks him to perform withchraft on someone. Or he may think that this person is not a witch, so he asks him to treat him or one of his relatives for some sickness. At this point the witch asks him for the name of the person on whom he wants him to perform witchcraft, and the name of his mother, and for something that belongs to him, such as some hair, nails, clothing or his picture.

(P.S: It goes onto why it asks the mothers name only, counting the number of letters within the name and how close it is to either (al-teen - if he thinks the name is closer to mud) or (al-ma - if he thinks it is closer to water). If its the former then he buries the charm in the ground, if it is the latter then he puts it in water.)

If the victim of witchcraft is righteous and pious, fearing Allah (S.W.T) and he has a Wird of the Qur'an and Dhikr that he recites daily, this exhausts the servant jinn and wears him out, so that the acts of witchcraft cannot have any effect, apart from a few mild sumptoms. The servant jinn may want to flee and may intend to do so, were it not that the intermediary advises him to be patient and to seek reward for his work from the Shaitan, or threatens to kill him if he tries to flee. But if the victim is weak in faith and has no real relationship with Allah (S.W.T), this is the problem, because then the witchcraft is able to affect his body and that is reflected in his life, and he begins an odyssey with witchcraft which may have no end and may last until the end of his life. Here we are faced with two types of charms; either it is inside the sick person's body, in the form of something that he has eaten or drunk, or perfume that he has smelled, or via shaking hands; or the charms is outside the sick person's body, buried or hung up someplace, as mentioned above.

The effect of witchcraft on the victim:

The effect of witchcraft on the victim will occur in one of two ways: either it will have an internal effect inside the body of the victim, or it will have an external effect, such as if the body is affected from without or from a distance, in which case it can cause anxiety and hallucinations. This is how the witch performs his craft.

It goes on with topics related to witchcraft. Inshallah this post had some benefit to. Forgive if i went off a bit, but i was replying in relation to sister's mother saying that someone has put black magic on her.

Thats all, Inshallah someone will reply in relation to the other part, as i dont think i can give any advice on it yet.




Muslim Student
Brother I believe in witchcraft...

but her situation is normal
She didnt get marry ======> because her mother asking alot
why to blame magic and witchcraft?

Its like im not doing good in college, then i will tell the teacher sombody put a magic on me, but the fact that i didnt study well...

And I dont know why this witchcraft issue happened mostly amon muslims and never heard of westren people these days talking about it...