Book Recommendations of the Scholars

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As-salaamu `alaykum.

I wanted to try and gather the names of books that the scholars of our times (and past where able to) recommend to us to learn and benefit from. I have reserved the full words of the shuyookh for the subsequent posts that follow this list, and links to these posts can be found next to each section of this list.

Many times, the scholars mention the study of the Book of Allaah and Sunnah of His Messenger, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam. Since this is of obvious importance, I haven't mentioned them in the list (unless necessary), but they can be found in the original words of the scholars, so I advise you to read them also. Again, many a time the `Ullemaa' will urge the memorisation of certain books and texts, which I have deliberately failed to mention here, but please do refer to the other posts for details. Lastly, at times a Shaykh has made general recommendations of an author, such as Ibn Taymiyyah or Ibn Al-Qayyim etc. These recommendations too have been omitted from the list since our concern here is with the actual names of texts and treatises written by the scholars.

If anyone can contribute to this list, or notices any mistakes, please contact me or another mod, as the thread will remain closed. You can also send any suggestions, comments etc to me via PM. I intend to update this as regularly as necessary, so that inshaa' Allaah, we can have one, large and general list of books that our scholars advise us to study...

Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al-Waadi`ee suggested the student of knowledge to concern his studies with the following 5 books. See post #3

  • [*]Fath Al-Majeed - `Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan Aal ush-Shaykh
  • Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed fee Adillah At-Tawheed - Muhammad Al-Wasaabee
  • Al-`Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
  • Riyaad As-Saaliheen - An-Nawawi
  • Buloogh Al-Maraam - Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalaanee

Books recommended by Shaykh Al-Albaanee from a fatwa of his on seeking knowledge. See post #6

  • [*]Fiqh As-Sunnah - Sayyid Saabiq
    [*]Subl As-Salaam - As-San`aanee
    [*]Tamaam Al-Mannah - Al-Albaanee
    [*]Ar-Rawdah An-Nadiyyah - Siddeeq Hasan Khan
    [*]Tafseer Al-Qur'aan Al-`Adheem - Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer
    [*]Riyaad As-Saaliheen - An-Nawawi
    [*]Sharh Al-`Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah - Al-`Izz Al-Hanafee

Books on tawheed and `aqeedah recommended by the Permanent Committee. See post #2

  • [*]Fath Al-Majeed - `Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan Aal ush-Shaykh
    [*]Al-‘Uloow lil-'Alee Al-Ghaffaar - Adh-Dhahabee
    [*]At-Tawassul wal-Waseelah - Ibn Taymiyyah
    [*]Mukhtasar Al-Sawaa'iq Al-Mursalah - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
    [*]Tatheer Al-I`tiqaad - As-San`aanee
    [*]Sharh Al-`Aqeedah At-Tahaaweeyah - Al-`Izz Al-Hanafee

Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee's, rahimahullaah, suggestions for reading in `aqeedah, tafseer, hadeeth and fiqh. The shaykh's words are rather detailed and he urges that many of them be memorised. See post #5

In `Aqeedah:

  • [*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba`ah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Shuroot Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Nawaaqid Al-Islaam - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Al-`Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
    [*]Sharh Al-`Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah - Al-`Izz Al-Hanafee

In Fiqh:

  • [*]Shuroot As-Salaah... - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhab

In Hadeeth:

  • [*]Al-Arba`een An-Nawawiyyah - An-Nawawi
    [*]Al-`Umdah fee Al-Ahkaam - `Abdul-Ghanee Al-Maqdisee
    [*]Buloogh Al-Maraam - Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalaanee

In Tafseer:

  • [*]Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan... - `Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa`dee
    [*]Tafseer Al-Qur'aan Al-`Adheem - Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer
    [*]Fath Al-Qadeer - Ash-Shawkaanee

Recommendations in the areas of tawheed and `aqeedah given by Shaykh Yahyaa An-Najmee, rahimahullaah. See post #8

  • [*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba`ah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn Khuzaymah
    [*]Ar-Radd `alaa Al-Jahmiyyah - `Uthmaan Ibn Sa`eed Ad-Daarimee
    [*]Al-Ibaanah Al-Kubraa' - Ibn Battaah
    [*]Al-Ibaanah As-Sughraa' - Ibn Battaah
    [*]Sharh Usool I`tiqaad Ahl As-Sunnah - Al-Laalikaa'ee

Shaykh `Ubayd Al-Jaabiree recommends the following ordered study of books, on the subject of tawheed. All are by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab. See post #4

  • [*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah
    [*]Kitaab At-Tawheed
    [*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat

Words of advice from Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhalee on studying in tawheed and fiqh. See post #9

In Tawheed:

  • [*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba`ah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Usool Al-'Eemaan As-Sittah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Al-Masaa'il Al-Jaahiliyyah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
    [*]Al-`Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
    [*]Al-`Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
    [*]An-Nooniyyah - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
    [*]Al-Hayyaat fee Dhil Al-`Aqeedah Al-Islaamiyyah - Zayd Al-Madkhalee
    [*]Al-'Irshaad ilaa As-Saheeh Al-I`tiqaad - Saalih Al-Fawzaan
    [*]Al-`Aqeedah As-Saheehah - Ibn Baaz
    [*]Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed - Saalih Al-Fawzaan
    [*]Kitaab At-Tahweed - Ibn Khuzaymah

In Fiqh:

  • [*]Al-`Umdah fee Al-Ahkaam - `Abdul-Ghanee Al-Maqdisee
    [*]Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhee - Saalih Al-Fawzaan
    [*]Subl As-Salaam - As-San`aanee
    [*]Al-Buloogh Al-Maraam - Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalaanee
    [*]Al-Muntaqaa' Al-Akhbaar - Ibn Taymiyyah
    [*]Nayl Al-Awtaar - Ash-Shawkaanee

The words of Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool on the matter. See post #7

  • [*]Al-Qur'aan
    [*]Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan... - `Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa`dee
    [*]Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree - Muhammad Ibn Ismaa`eel Al-Bukhaaree
    [*]Riyaad As-Saaliheen - An-Nawawi
    [*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab


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The Best Books on Tawheed

The Best Books on Tawheed

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts
Reference: Fataawaa Al Lajnah Ad Daaimah, question no.3778, Vol. 3, P.250, 3rd edition, 1999 CE.
Category: Knowledge

What is the best book for studing Tawheed and the Islaamic ‘Aqeedah and how can a person obtain it?

The greatest and best book that clarifies the correct ‘Aqeedah is the book of Allaah, then the narrations of His messengerصلى الله عليه وسلم .

The best books in the subject of ‘Aqeedah are the books:

Fath Al Majeed;

Al ‘Aqeedah Al Wasitiyah;

Al ‘Uloo Lil 'Ali AlGhafaar;

At Tawasul wal Waseelah;

Mukhtasar Al Sawaiq Al Mursalah;

Tatheer Al ‘Itiqaad;

Sharh Al Tahaweeyah.

...and Allaah is the Granter of success.

Translator: Ismaa'eel bin Yusuf, Abul-Qayyim


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Books Recommended by Shaykh Muqbil for the Beginner (Student of Knowledge)

Books Recommended by Shaykh Muqbil for the Beginner (Student of Knowledge)

Question: Which books should a student of knowledge begin with? And then after those, if he wants to widen his study?

Answer: The books, which a student of knowledge, who is a beginner, should start reading with [if he can read and write well] are:

  • [*]Fath ul-Majeed Sharh Kitaab ut-Tawheed , which is a mighty book,
    [*]Aqeedat ul-Waasitiyyah by Shaykh ul-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah,
    [*]al-Qawl ul-Mufeed Fee Adillatit Tawheed by our brother Muhammad ibn 'Abdul-Wahhaab al-Wasaabee,
    [*]Bulugh al-Maraam
    [*]Riyaadh us-Saaliheen
When you have read these books, you yourself will crave for more. If you could, start with the memorization of the Qur’aan, and this more good and desirable.

As for the issue, regarding the 'Arabic language, for our foreign brothers, then it is very important. If there is a foreign person who does not speak the 'Arabic language well, then a person may come to him in his Islaamic appearance and then he begins to explain the Qur’aan to him other than how it ought to be, as happened with the Mu’tazilah.

Taken From Tuhfatul Mujeeb ‘Alaa Asilatil-Hadhir wal-Ghareeb, p.156, Dar al-Aathar.
Shaykh Muqbil ibn Haadi al-Waad'iee
Translated By: 'Amr Basheer


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The First Books of Tawheed that should be Studied

The First Books of Tawheed that should be Studied

Taken from the rear cover of "The Three Fundamental Principles" published by Minhaaj As-Sunnah Publications.

The Noble Scholar, `Ubayd Ibn `Abdullah Al-Jaabiree, may Allaah preserve him, was asked: "What is the best way for beginners to learn Tawheed?"

He replied: "Indeed you have learnt from what has passed, that Tawheed is to single out Allaah in all worship. The one who intends to study Tawheed with an intricate, good study, then he should begin with: Firstly: Usooluth-Thalaathat ("The Three Fundamental Principles"). Secondly: Kitaabut-Tawheed ("The Book of Tawheed"). Thirdly: Kashfush-Shubuhaat ("Removal of Doubts"). These three books are by the Imaam Muhammad Ibn `Abdul-Wahhaab, may Allaah's mercy be upon him. The student should study these books with a scholar from the people of Knowledge, those strong in their Islaamic creed and belief (`aqeedah).


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Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee on the Books a Student of Knowledge Should Read

Shaykh Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee on the Books a Student of Knowledge Should Read in the Areas of 'Aqeedah, Tafseer, Hadeeth and its Sciences, and Fiqh

Question: The Shaykh was asked which books he advises a student of knowledge to read in the areas of ‘Aqeedah, Tafseer, Hadeeth and its science, and Fiqh.

Answer: He specifically stated that a student should memorize and understand (in the topic of 'Aqeedah):

  • [*]al-Usool ath-Thalaathah,
    [*]Shuroot us-Salaah wa Arkaanihaa wa Wajibaatihaa,
    [*]al-Qawaa’id ul-'Arba’ah,
    [*]Shuroot Laa Ilaaha illAllaah,
    [*]Nawaaqid ul-Islaam, and
    [*]Kitaab ut-Tawheed,

all by Shaykh ul-Islaam Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul-Wahhaab.

As for (7) Kashf ush-Shubuhaat, then he said that if a person memorizes it, then that is good, but he did not stress it as with the above works.

Also, he did not stress memorizing (8) al-Waasitiyyah, but instead said that a student can either memorize it or learn it and understand it well. He also mentioned that a person should study (9) the various treatises contained in Majmoo’ Fataawaa Shaykh ul-Islaam Bin Taymiyyah (presumably al-Fatwa al-Hamawiyyah al-Kubraa, ar-Risaalat ut-Tadmuriyyah, al-'Eemaan, etc., although he did not name names), and (10) Sharh ut-Tahaawiyyah by Ibn Abee al-‘Izz al-Hanafee (d. 792) if he wants to expand his scope regarding the subject of Asmaa’ was-Sifaat.

As for the other subjects, I do not recall him specifically saying that a student should memorize anything except for the one who desires to learn about the differences between the four madhaahib in Fiqh. He said that it is befitting for such a person to memorize a matan (lower level Fiqh manual) for each of the four madhaahib.

In the area of hadeeth, he mentioned:

  • [*]al-Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah,
    [*]‘Umdat ul-Ahkaam, and
    [*]Buloogh ul-Maraam.

Although he did not specifically say that one should memorize them, I have heard other Scholars (such as Shaykh Saalih ibn ‘Abdul-‘Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh) say that one should begin his course in hadeeth with the memorization and study of al-Arba’een. The more famous explanations for it are that of an-Nawawee (d. 676) himself, which is a very brief explanation for beginners, that of Ibn Daqeeq al-‘Eed (d. 702), which is perhaps a middle-level explanation, and that of Ibn Rajab (d. 795), which is more advanced and thorough than the rest.

The Scholars have also recommended that the more advanced and dedicated students should memorize and learn the other two: ‘Umdat ul-Ahkaam and Buloogh al-Maraam by ‘Abdul-Ghanee al-Maqdisee (d. 600) and Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalaanee (d. 852) respectively.

As for tafseer:

He said that a person should start with the tafseer of ‘Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa’dee (d. 1376), titled Tayseer al-Kareem al-Rahmaan fee Tafseer Kalaam il-Manaan, because its author is a well-known Salafee (and hence does not fall into the same ta’weel and mistakes of the other lower-level tafaaseer, such as al-Jalaalayn).

He then said that if a person can find a Salafee teacher to guide him, he should study Fath ul-Qadeer of Shawkaanee (d. 1250) – this is because the teacher will help him:
(a) Be alert to some of the mistakes of Shawkaanee regarding as-Sifaat, and
(b) Help him with the more difficult aspects of the 'Arabic language that occur in the book.

Finally, he mentioned Tafseer Ibn Katheer, stating that it is okay if a student studies from one of the various abridgements available nowadays (like that of ar-Rifaa’ee).

Taken From 22 Question About the Salafee Da'wah.
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan ibn 'Alee al-Jaamee
Translated By: Abu 'Abdul 'Azeez al-Misree


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Books Recommended by Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen Al-Albaanee

Books Recommended by Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen Al-Albaanee

Question: What are the books you recommend a young person that is starting out in his Islaamic studies to read?

Answer: If he is a novice, then from the books of Fiqh, we advise him to read "Fiqh As-Sunnah" of Sayyid Saabiq, while seeking assistance from some of its references, such as "Subul-us-Salaam (the ways of Peace & Safety) " (of Imaam As-Sana'aanee, rahimahullaah). And if he looks into "Tamaam-ul-Mannah" (of Al-Albaanee) then that will be stronger for him.

And I advise him to read "Ar-Rawdat-un-Nadiyyah" (of Sideeq Hasan Khaan).

As for the subject of Tafseer, then he should habitually read from the book "Tafseer Al-Qur'aan-ul-'Adheem" of Ibn Katheer – even though it is somewhat long – for it is the most authentic from the books of Tafseer today.

Then, on the subject of religious exhortation and heart-softening narrations, he should read the book "Riyaad-us-Saaliheen" of Imaam An-Nawawee.

Then, with regard to the books related to Creed, I advise him to read the book "Sharh Al-'Aqeedat-ut-Tahaawiyyah" of Ibn Abee Al-'Izz Al-Hanafee. And he should seek assistance, also, from my comments and explanations to it.

Then, he should make it his customary practice to study from the books of Shaikh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah and his student Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah, may Allaah have mercy on them. For I hold them to be from the rare and unique Muslim scholars that have treaded upon the methodology of the Salaf As-Saalih (righteous predecessors) in their understanding, while having Taqwaa and righteousness. And we do not purify anyone over Allaah.

[Al-Asaalah, Issue #5][Source al-manhaj]


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What Books Should We Read To Learn About Our Deen?

What Books Should We Read To Learn About Our Deen?
Q/A with Shaykh Ahmad Bazmool

Q. What books should we read to learn about our Deen and what avenues should we take to increase ourselves in mutual love?

A. The Shaykh said with regards to books:

(1). You should read from the Quraan with the Tafseer of As-Sa'dee, also Saheehul Bukhaaree, Riyaadhus-Saaliheen , and Thalaathatul Usool. As for the affair of mutual love between ourselves, we mention the Hadeeth of the Prophet, Sallallaahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam, "None of you will enter Jannah until we truly believe and none of you will truly believe until you mutually love each other." Shouldn't I inform you of something that you can do and if you did it, you will increase the mutual love between yourselves. They said of course and the Prophet, Sallallaahu Alayhi Sallam, said, "Spread the Salaams amongst yourselves."

(2). Refrain from the affairs of differing over Dunyaa (worldly) things, because if your heart is attached to the Aakhirah and what is with Allaah, then you will not dispute and fall out with your brother so easily over things that are related to the Dunyaa.

(3). He said that you wish for your brothers what you wish for yourself and let them know that.

(4). Righteous actions in general are something that cause the hearts to become together.

(5). Following the Sunnah of the Prophet, Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam, because in that is unity. The people will come together and it is the lack of adherence to the Sunnah that causes the division. And he gave an example by mentioning the Hadeeth: "Do not differ in the Salaah so that your hearts will become divided." Meaning the physical things that you do, they have a real effect on the cohesion between yourselves.

(6). He advised us to leave off all things that lead to division: jealousy, hatred, deception, insulting each other and the likes. And to be patient over the harms of his brother when he oppress him or harms him. This is something that if not practiced will lead to division.


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Books That Should be Studied in the Field of Tawheed and 'Aqeedah

Books That Should be Studied in the Field of Tawheed and 'Aqeedah

Question: What are the books that you advise studying in the realm of Tawheed and ‘Aqeedah?

Answer: The first of them is ‘Kitaab at-Tawheed’ and ‘Usool uth-Thalaatah’ and ‘al-Qawaaid al-‘Arba’a’, ‘Kashfu Shubuhaat’ and the books of Shaykh ul-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah upon the subject of the Names and Attributes (of Allaah). The books of Shaykh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahaab and his children and grandchildren and students. Then those (books) after them, like ‘Tawheed’ of ibn Khuzaymah and ‘ar-Rad ‘alal-Jahmiyyah’ of ‘Uthmaan bin Sa’eed ad-Darimee, ‘al-Ibaanahtul Kubraa’ and ‘(al-Ibaanahtu) Sughraa’ of ibn Battah, ‘Sharh Usool I’tiqaad Ahlus Sunnah’ by Laalikaaee, and (there are) many books other than them.

Shaykh Ahmad bin Yahyaa an-Najmee
p.182 Daarul Minhaaj
Translated by Abu Maryam Taariq bin 'Ali


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Valuable Books In Tawheed and Fiqh

Valuable Books In Tawheed and Fiqh

Question: Noble Shaykh, we desire that you give us the names of the valueable books in Tawheed and Fiqh?

Answer: The books in the science of Tawheed and Islaamic Fiqh of old and of today are numerous, and that which I direct you all to read in the [science of] Tawheed are the following:

al-Usool uth-Thalaatha, and Kashf ush-Shubuhaat, and al-Qawaa'id ul-'Arba'ah, and al-Usool ul-'Eemaan Sittah, and Masaa'il al-Jaahiliyyah, and Kitaab ut-Tawheed, and all of them are from Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab (rahimahullaah). And after that Kitaab al-Aqeedatul Waasitiyyah, and Kitaabul Hamawiyyah, and both of them are from Shaykh ul-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullaah). And the Nooniyyah of Ibn Qayyim (rahimahullaah) with it's explanation, and al-Hayyaat Fee Dhillil Aqeedatil Islaamiyyah by the writer of these letters [meaning the author is the Shaykh himself], and al-Irshaad by Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan, and al-Aqeedatus Saheehah wa Maa Yudaaduhaa by the Noble Shaykh 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah), and Qawlul Mufeed by al-Fawzaan also, and Kitaab ut-Tawheed of Ibn Khuzaymah, and Kutubus-Sunnah that have been written [and or recorded] in the science of 'Aqeedah are numerous, as I have previously mentioned some of them.

As for the Islaamic Fiqh, likewise the books are numerous, but begin with:

al-Umdah and it's explanation, and the summarized versions of the books of the Hanaabilah, and the Mulakhas al-Fiqhee of al-Fawzaan, and the books of hadeeth that have been explained like the explanation of Umdatul Ahkaam, and Subulus-Salaam [which is the explanation of] Bulughul Maraam, and al-Muntaqaa and it's explanation like Naylul Awtaar, then you precede in the reading of the books while exerting ones' self with the utmost exertion in seeking counsel with those who follow the Salaf in the books that you love to read either by way of telephone or through sending messages.

May Allaah make you all successful in that which pleases Him.

Shaykh Zayd ibn Muhammad ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee
Taken From "al-Iqdul Munaddad al-Jadeed Fil Ijaabati 'Ala Masaa'ili Fil Fiqhi wa Manaahij wat-Tawheed," pp. 20-21.
Compiled and Prepared By: Fawwaaz ibn 'Alee ibn 'Alee Al-Madkhaalee.
Translated By: Abu Ukkaasha
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