As-salaamu `alaykum.
I wanted to try and gather the names of books that the scholars of our times (and past where able to) recommend to us to learn and benefit from. I have reserved the full words of the shuyookh for the subsequent posts that follow this list, and links to these posts can be found next to each section of this list.
Many times, the scholars mention the study of the Book of Allaah and Sunnah of His Messenger, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam. Since this is of obvious importance, I haven't mentioned them in the list (unless necessary), but they can be found in the original words of the scholars, so I advise you to read them also. Again, many a time the `Ullemaa' will urge the memorisation of certain books and texts, which I have deliberately failed to mention here, but please do refer to the other posts for details. Lastly, at times a Shaykh has made general recommendations of an author, such as Ibn Taymiyyah or Ibn Al-Qayyim etc. These recommendations too have been omitted from the list since our concern here is with the actual names of texts and treatises written by the scholars.
If anyone can contribute to this list, or notices any mistakes, please contact me or another mod, as the thread will remain closed. You can also send any suggestions, comments etc to me via PM. I intend to update this as regularly as necessary, so that inshaa' Allaah, we can have one, large and general list of books that our scholars advise us to study...
Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al-Waadi`ee suggested the student of knowledge to concern his studies with the following 5 books. See post #3
Books recommended by Shaykh Al-Albaanee from a fatwa of his on seeking knowledge. See post #6
Books on tawheed and `aqeedah recommended by the Permanent Committee. See post #2
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee's, rahimahullaah, suggestions for reading in `aqeedah, tafseer, hadeeth and fiqh. The shaykh's words are rather detailed and he urges that many of them be memorised. See post #5
In `Aqeedah:
In Fiqh:
In Hadeeth:
In Tafseer:
Recommendations in the areas of tawheed and `aqeedah given by Shaykh Yahyaa An-Najmee, rahimahullaah. See post #8
Shaykh `Ubayd Al-Jaabiree recommends the following ordered study of books, on the subject of tawheed. All are by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab. See post #4
Words of advice from Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhalee on studying in tawheed and fiqh. See post #9
In Tawheed:
In Fiqh:
The words of Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool on the matter. See post #7
I wanted to try and gather the names of books that the scholars of our times (and past where able to) recommend to us to learn and benefit from. I have reserved the full words of the shuyookh for the subsequent posts that follow this list, and links to these posts can be found next to each section of this list.
Many times, the scholars mention the study of the Book of Allaah and Sunnah of His Messenger, sall-Allaahu `alayhi wasallam. Since this is of obvious importance, I haven't mentioned them in the list (unless necessary), but they can be found in the original words of the scholars, so I advise you to read them also. Again, many a time the `Ullemaa' will urge the memorisation of certain books and texts, which I have deliberately failed to mention here, but please do refer to the other posts for details. Lastly, at times a Shaykh has made general recommendations of an author, such as Ibn Taymiyyah or Ibn Al-Qayyim etc. These recommendations too have been omitted from the list since our concern here is with the actual names of texts and treatises written by the scholars.
If anyone can contribute to this list, or notices any mistakes, please contact me or another mod, as the thread will remain closed. You can also send any suggestions, comments etc to me via PM. I intend to update this as regularly as necessary, so that inshaa' Allaah, we can have one, large and general list of books that our scholars advise us to study...
Shaykh Muqbil Ibn Haadee Al-Waadi`ee suggested the student of knowledge to concern his studies with the following 5 books. See post #3
[*]Fath Al-Majeed - `Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan Aal ush-Shaykh- Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed fee Adillah At-Tawheed - Muhammad Al-Wasaabee
- Al-`Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
- Riyaad As-Saaliheen - An-Nawawi
- Buloogh Al-Maraam - Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalaanee
Books recommended by Shaykh Al-Albaanee from a fatwa of his on seeking knowledge. See post #6
[*]Fiqh As-Sunnah - Sayyid Saabiq
[*]Subl As-Salaam - As-San`aanee
[*]Tamaam Al-Mannah - Al-Albaanee
[*]Ar-Rawdah An-Nadiyyah - Siddeeq Hasan Khan
[*]Tafseer Al-Qur'aan Al-`Adheem - Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer
[*]Riyaad As-Saaliheen - An-Nawawi
[*]Sharh Al-`Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah - Al-`Izz Al-Hanafee
Books on tawheed and `aqeedah recommended by the Permanent Committee. See post #2
[*]Fath Al-Majeed - `Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn Hasan Aal ush-Shaykh
[*]Al-‘Uloow lil-'Alee Al-Ghaffaar - Adh-Dhahabee
[*]At-Tawassul wal-Waseelah - Ibn Taymiyyah
[*]Mukhtasar Al-Sawaa'iq Al-Mursalah - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
[*]Tatheer Al-I`tiqaad - As-San`aanee
[*]Sharh Al-`Aqeedah At-Tahaaweeyah - Al-`Izz Al-Hanafee
Shaykh Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaamee's, rahimahullaah, suggestions for reading in `aqeedah, tafseer, hadeeth and fiqh. The shaykh's words are rather detailed and he urges that many of them be memorised. See post #5
In `Aqeedah:
[*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba`ah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Shuroot Laa Ilaaha Illa Allaah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Nawaaqid Al-Islaam - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Al-`Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
[*]Sharh Al-`Aqeedah At-Tahaawiyyah - Al-`Izz Al-Hanafee
In Fiqh:
[*]Shuroot As-Salaah... - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhab
In Hadeeth:
[*]Al-Arba`een An-Nawawiyyah - An-Nawawi
[*]Al-`Umdah fee Al-Ahkaam - `Abdul-Ghanee Al-Maqdisee
[*]Buloogh Al-Maraam - Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalaanee
In Tafseer:
[*]Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan... - `Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa`dee
[*]Tafseer Al-Qur'aan Al-`Adheem - Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer
[*]Fath Al-Qadeer - Ash-Shawkaanee
Recommendations in the areas of tawheed and `aqeedah given by Shaykh Yahyaa An-Najmee, rahimahullaah. See post #8
[*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba`ah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn Khuzaymah
[*]Ar-Radd `alaa Al-Jahmiyyah - `Uthmaan Ibn Sa`eed Ad-Daarimee
[*]Al-Ibaanah Al-Kubraa' - Ibn Battaah
[*]Al-Ibaanah As-Sughraa' - Ibn Battaah
[*]Sharh Usool I`tiqaad Ahl As-Sunnah - Al-Laalikaa'ee
Shaykh `Ubayd Al-Jaabiree recommends the following ordered study of books, on the subject of tawheed. All are by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab. See post #4
[*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah
[*]Kitaab At-Tawheed
[*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat
Words of advice from Shaykh Zayd Al-Madkhalee on studying in tawheed and fiqh. See post #9
In Tawheed:
[*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Kashf Ash-Shubuhaat - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba`ah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Usool Al-'Eemaan As-Sittah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Al-Masaa'il Al-Jaahiliyyah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Kitaab At-Tawheed - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab
[*]Al-`Aqeedah Al-Waasitiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
[*]Al-`Aqeedah Al-Hamawiyyah - Ibn Taymiyyah
[*]An-Nooniyyah - Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah
[*]Al-Hayyaat fee Dhil Al-`Aqeedah Al-Islaamiyyah - Zayd Al-Madkhalee
[*]Al-'Irshaad ilaa As-Saheeh Al-I`tiqaad - Saalih Al-Fawzaan
[*]Al-`Aqeedah As-Saheehah - Ibn Baaz
[*]Al-Qawl Al-Mufeed - Saalih Al-Fawzaan
[*]Kitaab At-Tahweed - Ibn Khuzaymah
In Fiqh:
[*]Al-`Umdah fee Al-Ahkaam - `Abdul-Ghanee Al-Maqdisee
[*]Al-Mulakhkhas Al-Fiqhee - Saalih Al-Fawzaan
[*]Subl As-Salaam - As-San`aanee
[*]Al-Buloogh Al-Maraam - Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar Al-`Asqalaanee
[*]Al-Muntaqaa' Al-Akhbaar - Ibn Taymiyyah
[*]Nayl Al-Awtaar - Ash-Shawkaanee
The words of Shaykh Ahmad Baazmool on the matter. See post #7
[*]Tayseer Al-Kareem Ar-Rahmaan... - `Abdur-Rahmaan As-Sa`dee
[*]Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree - Muhammad Ibn Ismaa`eel Al-Bukhaaree
[*]Riyaad As-Saaliheen - An-Nawawi
[*]Usool Ath-Thalaathah - Ibn `Abdil-Wahhaab