
Junior Member

The problem with boycotting is that the people who are hurt the worst are the bottom rungs of the financial ladder to start with.

If we boycott a product enough that it affects the company, what does the company do? It fires people - so individual workers are the ones who are punished. Then those people think, "Gee, all the Muslim countries boycotted my company and I lost my job - I hate Muslims!" And in many countries, who are the people doing the hard work in most companies? Usually the poorest people who NEED the jobs to live.

Boycott all the Danish newspapers and press offices - they are the ones publishing the cartoons and supporting the people who drew them. But why boycott their butter, for example? It only hurts the farmers who had nothing to do with the cartoons.

My humble opinions,


i agree with you sister for conversation sake ..... do you have better ways to protect Prophets dignity please share with us ...........

no offence but i feel some people only think about their personal gain does anyone know whats install for them tomorrow and few moments later ... i bet not ........ and please don't say ........ you hate muslims... i personal request...

May Allah have mercy on you and guide you.......... jazak Allah


sister :)
Brother she's not saying she hates muslims. What she is trying to say is that the people who will loose their jobs because of the boycott will probably end up hating muslims. DO we really want that?? Isn't there already enough hate in the world??? Why are we bent on punishing innocent people?? People who just want to provide for their families and get on with thier lives??? Where is all the compassion and the mercy that we are supposed to be showing?? where is the justice???


Junior Member
Yes but the point is are all the people of Denmark guilty of making fun of the prophet (PBUH)????...How can we punish the whole coutry by boycotting their goods because of something a small minority has done??? We as muslims complain when everyone calls us terrorists for things only a small minority of muslims do, yet we don't hesistate in blaming a whole country when something like this happens....

You do you realize in France if you deny the holocaust you will go to jail. Britain may ban insulting homosexual actions. This is a country that actively promotes insulting the prophet(pbuh). The only reason they apolagized last time, wasn't because of the protests it was because muslims started to boycott their products.

Do you know what Denmark said when Sudan said boycott them. They said something along the lines of if they do, we won't forgive their debt. Isn't that collective punishment?

And don't fool yourself, polls taken in Denmark show that the population supports the actions. Did you know Denmark was setting up a city for people who insult Islam and the prophet?

It's a wussy attitude like that is the reason no one takes muslims seriously. Personally I don't care what they think of muslims. They won't be happy until we're all christians or atheists. So it really doesn't matter.


sister :)

It's a wussy attitude like that is the reason no one takes muslims seriously. Personally I don't care what they think of muslims. They won't be happy until we're all christians or atheists. So it really doesn't matter.

:salam2: brother,

I didn't call anyone names so i don't expect to be called names either! This is the last reply i leave on this thread before it gets out of hand. People have a right to express their own opnion but you have no right to call anyone a wuss or what ever it was you called me.


Junior Member
:salam2: brother,

I didn't call anyone names so i don't expect to be called names either! This is the last reply i leave on this thread before it gets out of hand. People have a right to express their own opnion but you have no right to call anyone a wuss or what ever it was you called me.

I didn't call you a wussy. I said that type of attitude is a wussy attitude and allows everyone to walk all over you. You have to stand up for yourself. No one is going to do it for you.

I hear to much of lets talk and negotiate. But muslims have no source of power for entering negotiations. So no one really cares what they say. If they can be active in the consumer sense, at least it will force people to listen to what they say.


Junior Member
What is funny about this boycotting is that the first people who suffered from Boycotting Denmark were muslims. People don't know that Denmark is a big producer of Insulin, and many of those Insulin goes to Diabetic patients in the muslim world, and from those boycott, Muslims with diabeteies were the first ones who suffered from these crazy protest and village behaviour which who've seen in afghanistan, pakistan, egypt, etc. There was no other country where they could have gotten medication which these muslims needed.


Junior Member
Here's a radical extreme idea. Produce your own stuff. And trust me. There are plenty of other nations who can produce the stuff Denmark can. Just because muslim retailers where to lazy to find other suppliers doesn't mean they can't get products from other companies.


Junior Member

:salam2: brother,

I didn't call anyone names so i don't expect to be called names either! This is the last reply i leave on this thread before it gets out of hand. People have a right to express their own opnion but you have no right to call anyone a wuss or what ever it was you called me.


SubhanaAllah brothers and sisters. really this is the weak side of muslims, we start discussing and call each bad things, and take everything personaly, subnahaALlah please . WAKE UP MUSLIMS! WHERE IS THE UMMAH! LET US BE UNITE AND GATHER EACH ORTHER FOR THE SAKE OF ALLAH. let us not be against each other its alrealdy enough with the christian. we will never acheive our goals if we are like that towards each other. have mercy on the each other, even me . subhaAlllah , i talk to everybody including me . we have to be strong and be brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah. and yeah i agree with the brother who said, that who care with the chirstian, cause the will never like us until we become christian and on and on.. thats right, so why think about our image, when the dont WANTS US... we have to be unite and please Allah not them. inshaALlLAH. please may Allah bring mercy among us, and understanding and take away all misunderstanding and evil from the satan ... AMIIIIIIN :tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:



Salafi Dawah is the best
Wahooo, ask yourself this ( this goes to everyone!!) would the Prophet PBUH react with such a rude attitude.....NO of course not!!!! Be more respectful, and start following the example of our beloved Prophet PBUH. If you choose to boycott Denmark then that's up to you, but the people who chose otherwise gave their reasons and that's that, being rude will definately not convince anyone otherwise.:wasalam:


New Member
Apart from Danish blue cheese, I can't think of anything else I would want in my weekly shopping basket from Denmark. More often now I'll buy stilton instead .

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

I don´t know what is problem with this matter. If someone feels that boycotting some products is good way to tell his opinion, of my mind he is free to do so. If someone else feels that some other way to express his opinion is better, then it is better to use that way. But worst what we can do, is to be quiet and don´t tell our opinions about this. We just need to use those different kind of ways and medias what are best to reach for each others.



New Member
You know that there are always going to be people that are bash our religion or even the religion of other people. The Prophet experienced this repeatedly in his day, and often, he turned the cheek. He strived to educate those around him of the word of God.

Obviously, it grates on my nerves when people ignorantly bash Islam. If someone says something to me, I will contest what they say with my own words. But I won't fall into an irrational rage. I am not going to be baited by someone and try to silence him/her. It's irrelevant to how I feel about my faith and at the end of the day, he/she will be held accountable by Allah.

As well, I don't know what good boycotting does in our cases. For one, there aren't too many Danish products that are imported by Muslim countries. It also says that we feel that all Danish people are guilty of insulting the Prophet, which isn't true.


Junior Member

Their is no fortitude among muslims. A boycott only works when it's does on mass. Ever heard of sanctions? Those are international boycotts usually against muslim countries.

With this kind of thinking Saladin would have never took back Jerusalem.



Junior Member
Salam Alaikum

why don't people also Boycott USA, since they flushed the Quran down the toilet?? Audhobillah! Why not boycot those to kill our people in afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and other countries aswell?
by buying american products, aren't we supporting them in war? i just can't get my head around it.. on one hand, people would love to see the economy die in one country, but not the other one, although in my opinion what usa is doing is much worse...
Why don't the muslim countries just ban their embassies and oil export to these countries? that should teach them a lesson..



boycotts, don't really work. if we were to boycott every single country that had produced something negative about islam and muslims, we'd starve to death. also, boycotts hurt innocent people that didn't have any part in the controversy. keep in mind that there are muslims in denmark. they are muslims with jobs trying to support their families, boycotting would not only hurt native Danes but muslim Danes as well.


Junior Member
Muslims danes only make up 2% of the population. So that's not a real reason. And their is no reason why you couldn't boycott american goods. I try to. The thing is their economy is so huge and they are in fact the main consumers of the world not its producers so its a little more difficult. Either way arab companies don't need to buy U.S. machinery. The same companies who provide bull dozers for destroying palestinian homes are building mosques. Something is wrong with that picture.


Junior Member
you bros for the boycotting are completely missing the point... the main purpose for any protest, demonstration or boycotting is for the danish government to force those editors to stop printing their material. So now you have to ask yourself, by me avoiding danish product, is this going to achieve the objective. Answer - nope!
How it can work is for a muslim company or country to stop its million dollar contracts with the danes, this will really be effective, otherwise just a few people not avoiding danish goods is a useless. I wish the muslim community would think outside the box, instead of suggesting the same old boring tested responses that never work.


Muslims danes only make up 2% of the population. So that's not a real reason. And their is no reason why you couldn't boycott american goods. I try to. The thing is their economy is so huge and they are in fact the main consumers of the world not its producers so its a little more difficult. Either way arab companies don't need to buy U.S. machinery. The same companies who provide bull dozers for destroying palestinian homes are building mosques. Something is wrong with that picture.

you're missing the point. if you boycotted every country that ever produced something anti-islamic, you would boycott every country in existence. why should i as an american suffer from a boycott for something that i had no part in? protesting people's actions is probably the better thing to do.


New Member
you bros for the boycotting are completely missing the point... the main purpose for any protest, demonstration or boycotting is for the danish government to force those editors to stop printing their material. So now you have to ask yourself, by me avoiding danish product, is this going to achieve the objective. Answer - nope!

But do you actually think that the Danish government is going to force an independent newspaper to stop insulting insulting the Prophet and Islam? I'm not that familiar with European laws, but I don't think that it has the authority to do so. I don't know what their rules are on hate speech, but I don't think that insulting very important religious figures falls under hate speech under the European definition. If it's not classified as hate speech, the Danish government can't force these writers to really do anything.

My point is that there is always going to be a random independent newspaper somewhere or even just a random blog on the internet that will try to insult Islam. It hurts deeply for any Muslim, but these ignorant and hateful people to me are just not worth the trouble.