
Junior Member
[SIZE="6"[COLOR="Red"]NAME SOMETHING that can be a bridge for a non-muslim to a muslim.

Misconceptions have kept the truth from let's go with common MISCONCEPTIONS....AND then have another person put the CORRECT ANSWER....


Abul Harith

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Asalam alaikom Kristina,

You've begun a game which I am sure will turn out to be the longest thread on this site, lol. :ma:

Anyway to continue with answering the misconception that you presented...

MISCONCEPTION: You have to be Arabic to be Muslim.....

CORRECTION: Allah mentions in the Quran: {O you men! surely We have created you of a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other; surely the most honorable of you with Allah is the one among you most careful (of his duty); surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.} 49:13 - Surah Al-Hujaraat

And in the sunnah of our Prophet :saw: we have the following hadeeth...

"A man once visited the Prophets mosque in Madina. There he saw a group of people sitting and discussing their faith together. Among them were Salman (who came from Persia), Suhayb who grew up in the Eastern Roman empire and was regarded as a Greek, and Bilal who was an African. The man then said:

"If the (Madinan) tribes of Aws and Khazraj support Muhammad, (it is understood because they are Arabs like him) they are his people. But what are these (foreign) people doing here?" (Implying an obvious dislike for foreigners) The Prophet :saw: became very angry when this was reported to him. He went to the mosque and summoned people to prayer. He then addressed them saying:

"O people, know that the Lord and Sustainer is One. Your ancestor is one; your faith is one. The Arabism of anyone of you is not (by virtue of the nobility of) your mother or father. It is no more than a tongue (language) The Prophet :saw: further said: Let people stop boasting about their ancestors. One is only a pious believer or a miserable sinner. All men are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi).

Humanity is one unit, the family of Allah. Its individuals are members of one society bound together by their common origin, which is so comprehensive that it includes all differences within its oneness.

OK, now my turn to think of a misconception for the next person(s) to answer....

MISCONCEPTION: Islam was at it's pinnacle over a millenium ago. There is no room for "medieval" Islam in modern societies which uphold the principles of freedom, equality and democracy. Islam needs to undergo modernisation to fit in with modern civilisation.

Insha'allah let's keep this going brothers and sisters..



Junior Member
ARE YOU speaking of the 'Church of What's Happening Now'?
Islam needs to undergo fit with modern civilisation?

Don't think so......look at the homosexuals leading some churches!!!

What...hijabs with the nike logo? Don't go there....

The way the conservative muslims dress is to show an example of modesty, and protection from the eyes of the 'world' to see women as sex symbols.

My answer is only a drop of water....can someone add more to this question misconception of 'midieval' Islam?


Staff member
:salam2: nice reply Mu2min also, thanks to Kristina, this is a really beneficial game!

MISCONCEPTION: Islam was at it's pinnacle over a millenium ago. There is no room for "medieval" Islam in modern societies which uphold the principles of freedom, equality and democracy. Islam needs to undergo modernisation to fit in with modern civilisation.


Islam is Perfect. It was revealed to mankind in its entirety

{This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islâm as your religion } (Quran Surah 5, Verse 3)

Islam must be followed as it was revealed according to the Quran And Sunnah.

The problems that Muslims face today and the trouble they have is because they have stopped relying on the original sources and implementing them in their life.

Also, i would like to point out that Islam is not difficult to implement in one's life:
Islam is Easy!

"Allah desires ease for you, and desires not hardship' (2:185);

'Truly with hardship comes ease' (94: 6);

"Allah will assuredly appoint, after difficulty; easiness' (65:7);

'Whoso fears Allah, Allah will appoint for him, of His command, easiness' (65:4);

'We shall speak to him, of our command, easiness' (18:88);

"Allah desires to lighten things for you, for the human being has been created weak' (94:28).

The Prophet :saw: said:
'Do those deeds which you can do easily, as Allah will not get tired [of giving rewards] till you get bored and tired [of performing good deeds! ... and the most beloved deed to Allah is the one which is done regularly even if it is little'(Bukhari).

Just people will need to remind themselves of being Patient and keeping to the Quran and Sunnah at all times, as Allah says in the Quran:

'And We will most certainly test you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of possessions and lives and crops' (2:155).

Misconception.. There is no room for "medieval" Islam
Medieaval Islam??

The Muslims in the "Medieaval" European period were at the height of their civillisation. They were great at mathematics, science, medicine and many other fields. They brought about great changes in the way we learn about the world. The "Scientific method" was one which was introduced by the Muslims.. Without these contributions Europe would never have got the Renaissance. The World owes a lot to the Islamic World, its such a shame that the information about contributions have been hidden and repressed.

When a Muslim goes back to following Islam as pure as possible, by referring back to the original teachings, they are infact advancing themselves... they will enjoy greater brotherhood and know Islam properly... thus developing all the good and great characteristics a Muslim should have.... it is essential for the revival of the Muslims. When a Muslim starts introducing new ideas and changing things in Islam, they are simply going backwards and fail to realise the beauty of Islam.


Next Misconception: Islam Degrades women.


New Member
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Islam Gives Importance to Women

Next Misconception: Islam Degrades women.

Islam definitely gives importance to women...

Attitudes towards women
O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may take away part of the dower ye have given them,-except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good. (An-Nisa 4:19)

Spiritual Equality of Women and Men
Allah has got ready forgiveness and tremendous rewards for the Muslim men and women; the believing men and women; the devout men and women; the truthful men and women; the patiently suffering men and women; the humble men and women; the almsgiving men and women; the fasting men and women, the men and women who guard their chastity; and the men and women who are exceedingly mindful of Allah. (Al-Ahzab 33:35)

Next one... Islam encourages Suicide Bombings:biggrin:


Junior Member


(THINK ABOUT IT, ONE OF THE SISTERS i KNOW, was terrified that she had to wear the hijab to be muslim.............". a very scholarly brother explained Islam to her........about 8 years ago..........she put on hijab about 2 months later
very common misconception is THE ROLE OF POLITICS
some people believe that Islam was spread exclusively by the Sword. While failing to understand and appreciate that much of the spread of Islam was through commerce.
most common misconception " JIHAD"
it literally means " the struggle in the path of God". However the media often abuses the meaning of jihad by referring to it as a holy war where muslims unreasonably kill non-believers.


New Member
misconception: Beleiving that a muslims' name have to be an arabic name.

A muslim name should mean something good not bad. The Prophet (saw) change some names that had bad meanings but not names that were from another country or in a different language. You do not have to choose a name only in the arabic language for it to be good.