Can somebody helps me?


New Member
As salaamu alaikum

yes i believe that Allah is everywhere i/we are going.last night i could not sleep,my head was too full with pray in the morning the salaah Isthikara,i don't know..but i fell straight insleep,had also an nice dream too and i was relax too,i sleept for the hold time less 2,5 hours.when i was praying the salaah it was 7.15 am/in the morning,so i didn't sleept the hold night.but i'm feeling relaxing..only Allah knows what happens and,i don't have the answer.

sister in the islam

salaam Fatima


New Member
As salaamu alaikum

this is my second day i pray salaah Isthikara,surching for an answer.
after i pray this salaah,i fall insleep and dreams about things,humans and children..but
i don't feel that is the answer i'm looking for,maybe because i don't know what i'm expecting what the answer is.and the both dreams that i have,is not the same..maybe is meaning the same thing..but i don't know
and i even don't know how many's day's i must pray this salaah for an answer.

maybe someone,an brother or sister pray this salaah too,and know what i can expect.

thank you all.

sister in the islam

salaam Fatima


Staff member
FATIMA said:
As salaamu alaikum

this is my second day i pray salaah Isthikara,surching for an answer.
after i pray this salaah,i fall insleep and dreams about things,humans and children..but
i don't feel that is the answer i'm looking for,maybe because i don't know what i'm expecting what the answer is.and the both dreams that i have,is not the same..maybe is meaning the same thing..but i don't know
and i even don't know how many's day's i must pray this salaah for an answer.

maybe someone,an brother or sister pray this salaah too,and know what i can expect.

thank you all.

sister in the islam

salaam Fatima

Wa alaykum salam,

whether or not you get dreams is not important. InshaAllah be patient and maybe it would be good idea to write down on a piece of paper the good and bad for each of your decisions.....and then you can see..... or talk to someone about it.



New Member
As salaamu alaikum

I just talking with an sister from the musjid,and she told me too that i must pray this salaah too,for shurching an answer,she talk about dreams..she knows what it's happening with me,and why i'm confused too and looking for an answer.

ok,if i don't find the answer in an dream,how i can reconize the answer than?

so then i must pray longer too seek for an answer.

salaam fatima


Smile you are @ TTI
Staff member
salaam alikom sister inshallah Allah will do which ever is best for you in your matter just remember what ever Allah choose for us is for our best, we might not know it at the moment when things happen but later on we usually find out that what ever happened was good for us.

one thing more we all must know that Istikhara is a normal Dua in which a person prays to Allah Subhanahu Taala to guide him to reach a right decision. It is not correct to presume that in response to an Istikhara Allah gives an answer in the form of a dream. it is not necessary that a dream is seen after making an Istikhara and even though a dream is seen by the relevant person it is not an absolute answer towards a particular direction because dream is not treated in Shariah as a binding proof of something. The expected result of Istikhara is that the relevant person himself takes a decision which is good for him in this world or in the hereinafter or in both.

Salat ul-Istikhara is narrated by Al-Bukhari, but not in the Qur'an. It means when you say the du'a of istikhara, you ask Allah (SWT) to show you the best of what you want to do or what you want to plan. The response to istikhara could be either in making you feel happy to go on for what you want to do or having some dreams that could be Prophetic dreams.

The Prophet (SAAWS) teaches us, saying, "When one wants to make a decision for something, let him do two rakaas other than the fard salat. Then you make the du'a of istikhara." This is quoted in Al-Bukhari, fiqh us-sunnah vol. #1.

Imam an-Nawwawi says you should do after istikhara what you feel good to do, but this feeling should be away from any desire before the istikhara.

and before we make any type of duaa including the dua for istikhara make we should follow the etiquettes of Duaa:

1- Praising Allah Before the Du'a and Praying Upon the Prophet Muhammad To start with thanking Allah and praising him and then giving Salat on the prophet ( salAllah alayhi wasalam) peace be up on him and ending your duaa with the sam

The prophet peace be up on him said
“when one of you has prayed, then let him begin with praising Allah and Glorifying him, then let him pray upon the prophet (peace be up on him) after that he or she may make any Du’aa that he /she wishes

2-Raising One's Hands
3-Facing The Qiblah

( Most of the above advise about istikhara & etiquettes of dua'a is from islamic web sites)
may Allah help us all inshallah

wa salaam alikom