CD by English for Dawah non Muslim


New Member
Asslam Alikum wa Rahmtu Allah wa Barkatuh

My Brothers & sisters

I have here CD for making Dawah for non Muslims I copy the CD many times for people here I want to send to you but I can't for sorry , so this CD is can make inshaa Allah very good effect to make some one convert to Islam .

CD is included : Video , Books , Articles , Audio mp3s

So kindly can you please download it and make distribute for it for any one interested in Dawah for English non - Muslims peoples , can you download it from here :

instructions for CD :

1 - you have to download all 7 parts ( if you download just 6 you will get nothing useful )

2 - put all parts in just one folder .

3 - Extract one of them now to one folder .

4 - copy all files in CD .

5 - CD will be ready for use now after finish copy all parts .

6 - Auto run will work with you instantly .

7 - so please copy it as you can do ( and distribute CD for non -Muslim ) who know English

very well .

please share me the Thawab ( reward from Allah )

May Allah bless you

and reward you

Asslam Alikum wa Rahmtu Allah wa Baraktuh