Video Christian to Muslim: Muslim convert Nick Lock


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Christian to Muslim
Nick was brought up as a Christian but then at the age of 19 decided to covert to Islam.


Nick Lock, who lives and works as a teacher in Hyson Green, Nottingham, was once a devoted Christian.

He grew up in Canada and attended Church every week up until his parents divorced. Although he didn't go as much as he wanted to he says, "I never lost my faith in God."

Nick went to live in Denmark and it was there that he first learnt about Islam. He says:

"I started reading [The Bible] to the point where I felt I had sucked it dry, there was something that wasn't complete and that's when I turned to Islam.

"What I thought was lacking most with Christianity was a direct relationship with God... [With Islam] he's calling to you to believe in him."

Nick believes that becoming a Muslim made him much more disciplined in his life. He says:

"It made me far more organised... once I took on Islam then I realised there was a purpose here, something I need to strive for. I found myself doing a lot of things I wouldn't normally be doing."

As a white man, Nick admits that occasionally he turns heads at the Mosques he visits:

"At first you do stick out like a sore thumb, it can depend on the kind of communities you go to."