Come and Read Qur'aan!


Junior Member

There’s one Book in the whole wide world
Its guidance I sure need!
It’s the final Book of Allaah
Al-Qur’aan I read!

Allaah tells us in His Book
Many glorious things!
That’s why I love to read Qur’aan
It’s full of His blessings!

In Allaah’s name I start to read
To keep Shaytaan away
He’s the worst one in the world!
Who went so far astray!

I want to learn about Allaah
And so the pages turn
Each word I read from Allaah’s Book
A big reward I’ll earn!

I read about Allaah’s Messengers
And His Prophets, see
May Allaah bless each one of them!
And peace upon them be.

I read about my life Islaam
The best life, this is true!
It teaches me to say good things
And all good things to do!

There’s so much more that I will read
In al-Qur’aan you see
I love to read Allaah’s last Book!
So come and read with me!
