

Junior Member

How are those unfortunate people who sit by the masjid ask people for "Fii-sabilillah" recognized in Islam.I mean should I rather give them money or should I give the masjid itself money?



make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu Alaikum:D
Warning!my own oppinion:)I am not very knowledgable in this issues, but I would rather give the money to the person instead of the Masjid. It's them who are asking for, it's just my mere thought. InshaAllah a more knowledgable person can answer that in the light of quran and sunnah.(sorry if you were not looking for opinions)
Allah hafiz now and always:)
May Allah reward for what you are doing.Ameen
a guy started asking for money and making commotion in the mosque immediately after juma salah.

he was caught by the people in the mosque and interrogated. it turned out he was a non-muslim and was trying to cause disruption. later the imam told us of this. we were in shock that these non-muslims would go to any length to cause agitation for the muslim community


Junior Member
Masha can they do this to us..why do they have so much against us!!
Therefore it is our duty to to make sure the muslim community stay strong..May Allah guide us.
