convert sisters in london


New Member
assalamu alaykum warahmatu Allahi wabarakatuh.
I am a muslim man ALHAMDULILLAH. I want to help a girl I know to convert INSHALLAH to Islam. I am already helping her with some books and advice and information, but I think it will be very useful if there is any forum of new convert sisters in London where she can meet sisters who would encourage her and answer better her questions. Would you please let me whether you know about any meetings of this kind in London. Jazakum ALLAh khair


New Member
Wa Alaikoem salam

You can take her to a mosque ? you have always moslim and moslima in each mosque who can help you. They will help you inshALLAh.
We are also prepared to answer her questions.


Junior Member

I am a revert sister from London. Theres no actual meeting that I know of but I would advise her to join a Yahoo Email Group I am part of called TheNewMuslimah - google it and get her to join up or I will try and find a link. Its very good with many sisters revert from London like me and all over the world. I will email and chat to her insha'allah then maybe we can meet up insha'allah

Im not really hapopy bout giving out personal email on the net but if you ask her to join and then send a group email looking for MubarekMuslimah from TurntoIslam :SMILY259: then I will find her insha'allah.
Hope that helps insha'allah!


New Member
Thank you very much Buhara and MubarakMuslima
Jazakum Allahu Kheir.
Many thanks MubarakMuslima for your valuable help.


Junior Member

You could always get the sister to join here!!!! We will welcome her to the family & help her in anyway we can.
