Coverting question and circumcision

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New Member
Assalamu Alaykum

I am in the process of converting to Islam, at this stage reading. I was born a Christian although not practical so the process so far has not been hard. I gained interest in Islam with a Muslim Girlfriend who I now plan to marry next year. So in a sense she has helped me discover Islam. My question is is this concept accepted of discovering Islam within the Muslim world? Everyone so far has been great with regard to approval and I do accept converting and devouting myself to Islam.
One other question which I cant find an answer to. I realise that circumcsion is sunnah and observed by every muslim. Is this carried out before shahaddah?
Thanks for any answers, I'm sure this wont be the first time you hear of me !


Staff member
Wa alaykum Salam,

First thing is to make your Shahada,

Second thing is to only see the Muslim Girl according to Islamic rulings, dont visit her unless her Wali ( male guardian, like father, brother etc) is present.

Circumcision is done later. It is something that started from Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham).

The Prophet Muhammad :)saw:) said, “There are five things that are of the nature (i.e. of the natural hygiene): removing the pubic hair, circumcision, trimming the mustache, removing the underarm hair, and cutting of the nails.”

Its not an absolute mandatory thing to do, and you can do it after the shahada when you are ready as long as you can get it done in hospital safely.

If a man converts to Islam and is quite mature in age – i.e., over forty – it is very difficult for him to be circumcised. Is it OK if he does not follow this particular practice?

Praise be to Allaah.​
If circumcision after converting is too difficult, because of his age, then it is OK if he does not get circumcised. Circumcision should not be insisted on, lest it turns him away from Islam.​

(Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 5/115)

Other Fatwa Regarding this on Islam QA

Thanks for any answers, I'm sure this wont be the first time you hear of me !

You are welcomeI hope this helps... and look forward to hearing from you again! InshaAllah you will have taken the shahada by then ;)
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