Crusaders in Mali

I am trying to find an article that's not pro-filthy west, but I cannot seem to succeed at it. In summary, Muslims in Mali have gained power and overthrew a corrupt leader. France then sends its army to attack muslims and give the power back to their puppet. Crusaders are attacking Islam once again.


Assalaam alaikum,

I am glad you posted this request. We never discuss the issues of Muslims in Africa proper.

I read some rumblings a few months ago. All I have read recently is that the French invasion is making the French very happy and united. The Brits are well pleased. For some reason the Islamist, whatever that means, are fighting the mighty French.

I do not know about the resources in Mali. I read something about the government being quasi-independent-democracy. Mali is massive. It has been a stronghold of Islam. Sundiata comes to mind.


Junior Member
It all started when the Turag in the north started another quest for independence and the Army pulled a coupe-de-ta saying the Government was not equipping them for the fight. In the turmoil the Turag "rebels" and Islamists took over the North of the country.


Junior Member
Why did the Malian government ask France to intervene if it's only about France's chance to exploit their resources? I'm assuming they're still colonial France's puppets.. Or does it have to do with the up rise of Islam in Mali? Sorry I've only read what the mainstream media has been saying.. :/


Junior Member
"This sign in the city of Timbuktu, Mali reads, "Timbuktu is a city founded upon Islam and will never be ruled except by the Shari'ah of Islam."

Mali is not under attack because of oil, gold or any wealth. France has made it very clear that their only mission is to expel the Islamists who want to rule by the Shari'ah. This is why they wage war upon us, because we want to live as Muslims as Allah has commanded us to." - Br. Musa Cerantonio.

