Darkness of my heart


make dua 4 ma finals
:salam2: I hope this reaches you in the best of health/imaan.

The following poem is on the feelings about "one who has lost hope in Allaah" a sign of a decrease in Imaan

Darkness of my heart
Darkness surrounds
Fooled by the glitter of the world
The truth I was told
But forgetfulness kicked in after a second
It seems as if my only hope is at risk
Since I made this world my only task
I see no light
No sight of brightness
No smell of fragrance
I am as lost as shaytan
Looking past the quran
The drop of tears are gone along with Iman
Doors closed….no hope for another chance
Betrayed by the sinful glance
befriended Shaytan my worst enemy
Certainly I am guilty of that felony
Charged as a sinner, a transgressor
Against the boundaries set by my Lord
I am no good
I repeat what I left behind
Following my desires so blind
With my love for Dunya I am forever imprisoned
Never missing the latest episodes
Making sure those “things’ I find their codes
Blinded by the glitter of this deceitful world
My only hope I have lost
Forgotten are my memories so purely engraved
How oh how I ask
As if I was not at fault
My tears, I want them lost
trying to make this aright
Oh how I have betrayed myself
Time and time again I fall down from that same shelf

The pain is my own
My heart like a stone
Losing my one last hope with the one up on His throne
I ask….is this all worth risking the unknown?

BY: *AmatuAllah4lyf*

:hearts:All praise and Thanks is to Allaah alone!!:hearts:



Pearl of Islaam

Mashallah my beloved sister Ubah.:wink::hijabi:

May Allah reword you for sharing these beautiful words from your honest heart, and it is great remainder that we should never loose hope in Allah, even if we are passing trough the most hard moments.And that we should belive always in Allah, that His help is neer.

May Allah bless you once again dear sister.:tti_sister:



make dua 4 ma finals
wa'alaikum salaam dear sister Asiya?? :p

ameen, may Allaah reward you for your kind comment and for taking the time to read this! ameen

we should never loose hope in Allah, even if we are passing trough the most hard moments
thats def the key to success in life. Never lossing hope in the most high!


Junior Member
alhamdulillah u wrote so nice poem , u just expressed ur heart out right sis ? , but i really wanna thank you from bottom of my heart for writing it , it really melted my heart and made me cry thank you so much


Pearl of Islaam
wa'alaikum salaam dear sister Asiya?? :p

ameen, may Allaah reward you for your kind comment and for taking the time to read this! ameen

thats def the key to success in life. Never lossing hope in the most high!

Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baarkatuhu. Thank you for your sweet comment for my name. :shymuslima1:. It sounds the same nice from you my sister.

Jazzak Allah khair,and I ask of Allah to reword you with taqwa in your heart and your deeds and with relying always on Him. Ameen for all Muslims.

May Allah bless you



make dua 4 ma finals
alhamdulillah u wrote so nice poem , u just expressed ur heart out right sis ? , but i really wanna thank you from bottom of my heart for writing it , it really melted my heart and made me cry thank you so much

akhi, all praise is to Allaah alone...alhamdulillah you liked it. You do not need to thank me, may Allaah bless you for your kind words. ameen

Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baarkatuhu. Thank you for your sweet comment for my name. :shymuslima1:. It sounds the same nice from you my sister.

Jazzak Allah khair,and I ask of Allah to reword you with taqwa in your heart and your deeds and with relying always on Him. Ameen for all Muslims.

May Allah bless you


wa'alaikum salaam warahmatullah wabarakatuh,
ameen, jazaka'Allaah khair sweety, you're very kind indeed. may Allah bless your soul! ameen:hearts: