deedat talks to u.s christians troops in 1st gulf war


Junior Member
pt1 deedat inroduce himself to u.s christian troops

pt2 not god third person i bible and the witness the bible has

pt3 u.s troop ask why we die

pt4 the authenticity of the bible and why they take some veruses out and leave others in and why there are many different bibles

pt 5 to much immorality in the bible

pt 6 the mind games the bible plays and refutes u.s troop about relathionships in bible and has deep debate over the holy sprit and exposed it

pt 7 deedat proves jesus isnt god aslo talks about what has christianity donbe for america and that jesus will tell christians that they do not follow me explains what halleuah really means

pt 8 many different bibles and mistakes and bible says god shaves

pt 9 bible says god is not all powerfull and was defeated

pt 10 bible and its affect on america , laws in islam and laws in america

is the bible the word of god