
Pearl of Islaam


Written By Salima M. Al-Masrouri

Mom’s voice reciting Quran from the living room is the first sign that Fajer time has kicked in. “The breeze at down has secrets to tell you. Don’t go back to sleep” this Rumi* quote keeps resounding in my head. It’s a new day, and a new beginning. “Bring it on,” I say it out loud while crossing the date on the calendar hanged by the fridge in our kitchen. I smile at the two little birdies in their off-white cage on the table.

Off come my pajamas, and on comes my comfy outfit and of course, my Abaya** on top. I plant a kiss on my mom’s forehead as she whispers reminding me to keep well and to drive safe. I smile as I carry my backpack and lunchbox. The neighbor’s kid stands by his gate, as always, smiling at and waving to every passer-by. His innocence never ceases to make my day. “Now this is the most perfect way to start a morning”, I think to myself.

What I like about my job is that it’s never a routine; new stuff to learn about, new tasks and new challenges. I lift up my head and my two arms in an attempt to catch a deep breath between every task and another throughout the day. My to-do lists grow shorter. I am glad.

The other part of the day, if it’s a Saturday, or the most exciting part of the day starts at 4:30 when I’m amongst the Down syndrome kids. My role is usually to keep them company between their therapy sessions; playing games, sketching and painting beautiful pictures that pretty much competes with the beauty their pure souls carry. Today, I chose to spend time with the speech therapist to witness the first-ever spoken words by a 3 years old baby long diagnosed with Down syndrome. The massive smiles on his parents’ faces gave me hope, and left a great sensation that hasn’t left me the whole day long.

I return home by Maghreb (sunset) time, and the birds in our neighborhood started returning to their nests too. I come out of the car and a leaf falls from the big tree by our garage. It even did a little dance when it fell.

Every single little detail of life around me makes me realize how most merciful and all-gentle Allah SWT is.

The loving mom, the jolly kid, the great friends, the special needs yet happy kids and the falling leaf all have a beautiful message in life and they are here around me for a reason.

- The End -


*Rumi: Jalal Ad-Deen Al Rumi, a 13th century Muslim poet, who was truly one of the most passionate and profound poets in history.

**Abaya: A cloak, or a traditional long black dress that covers the whole body but the face, the hands and the feet. It’s a very well known piece of garment in the Gulf area.