Digital Quran

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New Member
As salaamu alaykum all!:salam2:

I have been shopping around online for a digital Quran to take with me to pakistan inshaAllah. The one I have my eye on is the Playnetics one I saw on ebay, and I wondered if anyone had bought it recently and could tell me how good (or bad) it is!

What are the features like? Can you view the text of the Quran too?

Also, is it worth buying?

Jazakallahu khayran


Wow these smiles are cool! :ma: I particularly like the little girl with the black hijaab!


Staff member

Sorry i have not bought one.....

Hmm, why not get an MP3 player and a Pocket size Quran ? That way you can download lots of different recitation and Mp3s....... and have reliable player which probably has better battery life and guarantee.

It wont be displaying the Text on the screen (which just unecessarily drains the battery).... Its a money making gimmick.

I reckon that a better long-term investment is a portable laptop, doesnt have to be too expensive. If these gimmicky products cost 80-100 pounds... why not just buy a notebook for 300 which will be able to do anything, from surfing the net to playing Quran, Islamic, Arabic software. You can even play the videos that you download from TurnToIslam website ;) + you can always do your office/school work and update it with the latest software, because it is just a mobile computer.

So my advice would be either to save money and buy Mp3 player and a pocket size Quran. You can get pocket size qurans with english translation or any other translation.... (why would u need a digital quran with 5 different translations? One person only needs the translation for their own language)


You can get a laptop, which can do 1,000,000,000 times more than a digital Quran.



New Member

as salaamu alaykum

hmmmm....a laptop aint gona go in my pocket!

Plus I WANT to spend a hundred quid! Ive been researching into these Penman or playnetics thingys for the last 3 days, I want to buy one now!

Plus, which MP3 player shud I get, and where from?

Jazakallahu khayran

The newly rich



Staff member
well, mp3 player fits in your pocket....... and pocket size quran in the other... but, ur a girl so u got an excuse for a handbag.

Im afraid i dont know anythin about penman etc

as for mp3 players, ipod is quite famous... but, there are loads more

sorry i cant be of much help, i got to go, im sitting in sunshine and it is too hot!



New Member
what im going to tell you wont help much but i might aswell tell u.....i was looking for an islamic site n i typed in ISLAM. on 1 of the sites they were advertisin a small digital quran thnigi. its like a mobile..screen. wel anyway it said that it could interactively recite the quran in5 languages...arabic, urdu, english, it lukd gud. i think it was £70


Staff member
Im going to have to Lock this Thread, have several people register trying to sell things and Spam the website with Adverts. :astag:
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