Do not fear them


This poem I wrote with a rushing adernaline and raging soul.It might not seem to be well structured.I wrote it in an abstract manner.For I wrote it with a fire burning in my head.

In the name of Allah,The Most Gracious,The Most Merciful

That is only Satan who frightens [you] of his supporters. So fear them not, but fear Me, if you are [indeed] believers. Qur'an(3:175)

Waking up to the chirping birds.

With the dawn displaying its golden hues,

the echoing of call to prayer,you wake up to a new day.

Ah!A new day.

The nemesis.

A new day!

When you walk through the streets,

lined by beggers and lechers.

A new day,

when you see a new eve being teased

and you turn away your eyes.

A new day,

when you hear the old insolent,irritating speach you despise,

the swear words and the sounds of fight.

You walk away from the place and let them sort out the fight.

A new day,

when the tabloid you read,

you turn away the page or just read in haste,

when your 'dear' leader is proven corrupted.

You do read those grim lines,

that tell tales of rape and murders,

of a young bride burnt for not paying her husband's price.

Of a new master claiming to be god,

people following him like a mesmerised lot.

Of men marrying men and celebrating in gaeity,

like the nation of Lot(pbuh) in the past did.

A new day,

you pass by the temple,the stones in them you do see'

you hear the bells chime,

you see the people bowing and prostrating to what they think is divine.

Just another new day.

O! Ye viceroy of Earth.

O! Ye,what God declares to be the best creation,

higher than the seraphims.

What has humbled you to this lowly state?

Is it not time you break the bounds?

Is it not time to quit being mute?

Is it not time to SPEAK OUT?

Against the bloody lies,the innocent doubts.

But you choose the silence ,


But what is it that you fear?

Is it that you will lose your prestige ,

on speaking out against the goons,

when they tease your sister?

That they will hit you beat you and batter you?

Or do you fear the imbalance in your budget,

when to a needy ,a penny ,

you spare?

Or do you fear to get caught in the midst of a chaos,

get rebuked,abused and sweared at,

when you intervene to make peace between brothers?

Or do you fear the wrath of the 'mighty' politicians

and the court cases and your prestige loss,

when you raise your voice against,

the new Pharoahs and Nimrods?

Or do you fear being abused,rebuked,

the never ending court cases,false accusitions,

for saving the life of a precious bride?

Or do you fear being called a fundamentalist or the radicalist,

when you preach sanity?

Or is it the 'terrorist' you fear being called when you speak the truth?

Shun the paranoia,

speak the truth!

Fear the One,

who is to be feared alone!

For men of past have spoken the truth

and been persecuted for being true.


Noah(pbuh),men called him a fool,

Moses(pbuh) are bel and so was Jesus(pbuh) called.

Many did loose their life,some tortured and rebuked,

peace be upon them all.

But remember when truth was made manifest!

Pharoahs did drown,Nimrods did fall,

the nation of Lot(pbuh),

dust covered them all,with baked stones from on them did fall.

So what do you fear,when you speak the truth?!

So speak out!

Speak out against the pharoahs of today.

The Nimrods and the follower of Lot(pbuh)'s nation's way.

Speak out for the One God,

for he orders to speak the truth.

Stay firm on the truth!

Fear not the mortals,but fear the Immortal

who is the Truth!

I write these verses inspired by his words.

The words I had read ,traditionally forgotten them and left.

Read His word Read the words of truth

and stand against falsehood!

Speak out today,

for you might regret the silence you kept.

It will haunt you ,

like the pregnant mad beggar hag ,

dying in the streets,

last night you left.


make dua 4 ma finals
Mashallah! Iam speechless! such beautiful words of wisdom:) may Allah bless you for sharing them with us

Amina 1

Junior Member

Jazak Allah Khair :ma::ma::ma: Supanna Allah!!! I felt it ,It is a beautiful poem:hearts::hearts:


as-salamu 'alykum warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu
jazakallah khayr all for your appreciation. :)
Al-hamdulillahi rabbil'alameen.
wa 'alykumassalaam warehmatullahi wabarakatuhu.