Do the dreams mean anything!!!!


New Member
Hi everyone, I have heard lots of stories about people and their dreams….some say it scares them….some laugh at it….some see something good coming……I have never experienced such dreams…..I would like to know that does a dream mean really anything……does it hold a special meaning…or its just that people build something up!!!!

happy 2 b muslim

Junior Member
salam :SMILY153:

YEah i heard that to about that some dreams have meanings, I also heard you can get books islamic ofcourse to explain the meaning behind the dreams. Personally i see a dream as it is a dream my dream are really what i heard or seen before sleeping it goes into that.


New Member
Yes u can not deny it ,we must believe in dreams..but dont care too much of it,there are so many kind of dreams,some of them are our imagination....


Junior Member
Yes dreams have alot of meaning. But bad dreams are from the devil (satan) so you should not speak about it just forget it.



Junior Member
Dreams do have meaning

Brothers and Sisters

According to scholars your dreams come from 3 things:
1. From Allah
2. Your Nafs (The Self)
3. Shaytaan

There are many scholars who wrote books on interpreting dreams I have one wriiten by Ibn Seerin which I borrowed from a friend and Alhamdulilla it helped me make some really good decisions :). So my advice would be to get a good book from a trusted author do not trust the internet.
Also sister Zayna is correct if your dream is evil/something unmentionable then do not speak about it as shaytaan wants you to spread mischief and evil.

I trust this helped you a little Insha Allah, may Allah guide us all and protect us from knowledge that is of no use yo us.

nori suja'i

Junior Member
Do the dreams mean anything!!!

Some dreams are premonitions but some are the absent of memory that stuck in the back of our mind. Sometimes shaytan also playing its part aspecially when we sleep in the condition of exhousted and didnt clean up our body.
Like Prophet Ibrahim, he got the message from Allah to secrifice his son Ismael (Samuel) thru his dreams. 1st time he ignored, 2nd time he still ignored because he though shaytan is trying to play him out. When the 3rd time he still got the same dreams then he knew its really from The Almighty Allah.
All prophets were given miracles from Allah. Like Prophet Yusuf (Joseph), besides the miracles he got on his charming & handsome look yet humble, he also had miracle by reading other people's dream. Whatever he says with Allah's Will became reality.
Just to add thru my experience here, my father had passed away long time ago but one Friday night I dreamt that he came to visit my house standing at the door behind him was my mother, actually my mother was still alive resting in hospital & dr said she ok already & she said she wanted to go home but not to my house but to the house where my late father had left (where they stayed before).
That Friday the day that I suppose to fetch her from hospital, while in the office I got a message in the afternoon that my mother already gone.
Another dream I had was when I'm seaching for a doa which some people says "ayat 7" means there are 7 verses that we have to read in fajr & asar. Amazingly also one Friday night I dreamt I met my late father. In that dream he didnt die but just came back from hajj (he already performed prigrimage during his live time) and handed me some food from Mecca. In that dream I quickly take that food and put it to my mouth after kissing his hand. Once I put the food in my mouth, I suddenly awaken from my dream.
The following day one of my sister came to me and passed me that ayats and said that she found it in my late father's drawer. I used to stay with my parent before getting married, so she said I entittle to have it. Alhamdulillah.