Does it remind you at something?


Junior Member

1) imagine you are in a forest. there you see a bird with a very exotic and stuning beautiful look and a delightful and sweet singing... and sudenly this same bird is picking in smut with it´s beak...!

2) then you see an old ladie gathering wood. and even so she has a heavy burden and a round back from all the wood she have to carry, she is still gathering even more...

3) at next you see a girl carrying a water pitcher. she wants to fill it with water and on the way to the river the water pitcher is falling of and crashes...

Does all that what you have imagined remind you at something?

at the ummah of Muhammed saw?

1) how many of us do good deeds like praying, giving charaty, fasting, reading quran, going to haj... etc. and then talking bad about other muslims, not lowering the gaze, betray others, acting conceited.... and so on?

2) even so we have enough sins making us feel bad, we still keep on sining instead of making tawba.

3) what is our aim in life? how is the way we are living? according quran and sunnah? are we thinking of death... in the end we will die the way we live...

note: I don´t want anyone to be ofended by this post. I was talking in general. this is not adressed to anyone special. just a reminder.



Assalamu Alaikum

:salam2: ,
Good reminder. Jazakallahuma khair for the post. May Allah SWT reward you with best in this world and the hereafter.


path to jannah

Junior Member
ASSALAMU ALAKUM.wat u hav posted s 110 % true sis, am ashamed of myself. although i repend of bad deeds i do, d very next day i repeat it ,,,,,,, allah pls help me out ,, n pour ur blessings on us


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum:)

JazakaAllah khairan for the reminder...It's really true, may Allah help us in this dunya and inthe hereafter, may Allah guide us to the stright path.Ameen
and sister, it's just a reminder and you can NEVER offend anyone but you can always benefit someone.
Allah hafiz NOW and ALWAYS:)


Junior Member

Jazak Allahu khayra for sharing this good reminder sister
May Allah keep all of us on the straight path, and strenght our iman inshaallah




Junior Member
As salamu aleykum ve rahmatullah ve barakatuh my sisters fatimabilals and ..DuA.. jazak Allahu ckair for your comments... the last point is a turkish saying :) su testisi su yolunda kIrIlIr.... you surelly know that sister ..Dua..

ve aleykumselam ve rahmatullah ve barakatuh