
I'm not what you believe

When the goal seems too far,and you fear you'll not succeed,
stay strong and be firm in your creed.
Allah is always there to help you,
there's still much you can do.
You're not alone,don't discourage yourself:Allah is there,
Allah is everywhere,
keep on and don't give up,fear Allah.
Don't fear Shaytan;he tempts your heart to forbide Jannah.
Here's a prayer from my heart,
I hope it helps,don't leave it apart.


Junior Member

Allah is everywhere,

Assalamo alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sister

I pray you are in the best of health and eeman.

Jazakumullah Khairun for your poems. This one like the other ones is simply beautiful..:)
BTW What do you mean by the above quoted sentence? Thanks in advance for the clarification :)



I'm not what you believe
don't think you can really see Allah everywhere,but He's always everywhere to see each could He help me and another one at the same time if He wasn't everywhere?don't think that I mean He was into the trees,or the stones:) it's an old,died thought goes to the ones who in this moment are in a particular situation of difficulty.Allah is with them as He is with me..Quran says to pray Allah during the night,'cause He's closer to us,that's all,brother.thank you for appreciating:wasalam:

finding light

Ya Rab! Forgive me..
Asalamulaykum Sis :)

As English as your second language - your poems are awesome MashAllah. Keep it up :) Very impressive.


I'm not what you believe
I've studied english since I was 7 years old,but since I've busied my life with other interests,maybe it's not as good as it should be.thank you for the compliment:)