Dua's by Al afasy(different situations)


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Dua for exiting the home
Bismillah, Tawwakaltu ala-Allah, wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah
allãhumma inni a-udhibika an’udilla aw udalla aw uzilla aw uzalla aw azlima aw uzlama aw aj-hala aw yuj-hala alayya

(In the name of Allah, I place my trust in Allah, and there is neither might nor power except with Allah. 0 Allah I seek your protection from my misleading anyone or myself being mislead, from causing someone to commit sins or committing sins myself from oppressing or becoming oppressed and from causing somebody to be foolish or myself being caused to be foolish.) [Abu Dawud; 4:325, At-Tirmidhi 5:490]


in one narration when we say this Dua, the angel say, you been guided and portected and the shaytan will be moved a way from you.

Dua for entering home

Bismillahi walajnaa, wa bismillahi kharajnaa, wa 'ala Rabbinaa Tawakkalna
(In the name of Allah we enter and in the name of Allah we leave, and upon our Lord we place our trust.)[abu Dawud; 4:325, Muslim 2018]


Dua before Riding a vehicle
Bismillah wal hamdu lillah Sub-hãnal-ladhi sakh-khara lana hâdhâ wa-ma kunnâ lahü muqrin, wa innâ ilâ rabbinâ la-munqalibün

In the name of Allah and all the thanks to Allah, Glory be to Him who has brought this under our control whereas we were unable to control it. Surely we are to return to Him. (Surah Zukhruf

Dua for going to the Mosque


Dua if anything bad happens
you can say
Al-hamdu lillâhi alâ kulli hal.
All praises are for Allah, in every state (Hakim)
or the dua in video


Dua of entering mall
La ilâha illallãhu wahdahü lâ sharika lahü, lahul mulku walahul hamdu yu’yi wa yumitu wa huwa hayyun lâ yamütu biyadihil khayru, wa huwa alâ kulli shay’in qadir.

There is no Lord except Allah. He is One and has no partners. His is the Kingdom and for Him are all praises. He gives life and gives death. He is eternal and everlasting In His control is goodness, and He has power over everything. (Tirmidhi)


Refrence for more dua for different situations: