Education in Bosnia


New Member
Salam aleikum!

Can somebody help me with information concerning studying Islam in Bosnia.

I live in Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
I'm 32.

It would be great to go to Bosnia with my wife to live there and work and study.

I'm fluent in German, Polish, Russian, Ukranian and English.

Will be grateful for any help.


Junior Member
Wa 'alaykumus-Salam wr wb.

Akhi, about the FIN (Fakultet islamskih nauka - Faculty of Islamic Sciences), you should go there, because that's a faculty where they teach tasawwuf and sufism, so you shouldn't go there. What's more there are some professors who work closely with the rafidis.

Have you ever thought of studying islam in arab countries?


New Member
Salam aleikum!

Thank you for this info

I thought about studying in arab countries but as far as i know the age limitation (only yonger than 30 y.o.) is actual there.


Junior Member
Wa 'alaykas-Salam wa rahmatullah!

I know that there's an age limit for IU in Medina (25 yrs), but for others: I don't know. In sha Allah, if I get the chance, I'll try to find out about other faculties in BH. But I'm sure you know it: the knowledge you can get in centres of islamic knowledge can't be compared to this one, such as Cairo, Damascus, Mekka, Medina, Riyad etc.

Also, try these forums: and