feels like I don´t deserve to be muslim


Junior Member

I´m really sad. I know that Islam is the truth and I believe in Allah so much I don´t need a proof to be a believer. Cuz Allah is Al-Iman and He blesses whom He wants with iman, like He blessed me... However still I´m not happy... sometimes it is so hard to be a practisizing muslim to me... I will be honest compared to many of you guys here on tti I´m like smut... in the past I never prayed and cared about religion... I was also not taught to do so... however later I decided to make a change and I repended to Allah.... why is it so hard to be a real practising muslimah to me...? sometimes I feel like my religion is a heavy burdon on me... :( may Allah forgive me and guide me.... I´m working so hard and then I have to pray also... it angers me when my friends are belitteling me bec I don´t go out to clubs and dress the way they do... and sometimes I want to do that... I just want to have fun.... just live my life without thinking this is halal this is haram... my iman is more and more decreasing... but I know it will not make me happy cuz I will have a guilty conscience... but I´m also not happy as a believer cuz it is requisiting to much discipline and I´m weak I don´t have that strenght to follow strict to all the rulles... I try again and again and I always fail... maybe it is bec I don´t deserve it to be a muslim... but I don´t wanna give up... what would you advice me?



to Allah we belong

you are not alone. there are so many of us who were not taught about Islam in childhood and live in unIslamic environment.

but do they give up? NO! atleast we have pious muslims but sahaba did not have even that! did they give up? No.

why? bcoz this life is a prison for a believer and garden for a disbeliever.

we have to live in this prison to get Allah's pleasure and enter His jannah.

what is the use of having fun and then getting killed in an accident and burn in hell?

just few years of worship and then enjoyment in Paradise forever. inshallah

you have to fight shaitan, you have to fight your desires.

i always advice to myself and others to read Quran's translation and prophet's biography. it opens the eyes and brings determination and patience.

you need to be in company of good muslimahs. and may Allah help you.


Junior Member
Salam Sister,

It is natural, Iman increases and decreases, everyone of us goes through that phase,

Recite and ponder on the meanings of the Quran. Acquiring knowledge plays a key role in increasing the iman.

Are those who know, equal to those who know not? (39:9)

And remember death often verily death is the destroyer of all pleasures.

Maybe this might help you;



Junior Member
Wa aleikum musalam warahmatullahi wa barakatu . Dear sister nothing comes easy you, me and all those who wants to enter paradise, where there is an everlasting life with no pain and sorrows and as you wish everything there in is halal. But there will be obstacles on your way to jannah ,there will be Sacrifice,things to give up and of course our number one enemy shaytan. who will do everything to prevent us acheiving our goals .he will beautify this material world for us and promise us things . Do every good deeds look like its a burden. But if you over come this tests , then our ticket to paradise is garanteed and that is the wages of all those who believed in ALLAH AZA WA JALLAH the PROMISE OF THE ALMIGHTY .

Dear sister remember that this life will come to an end and then what? Its will the goods deeds in this world that will help you on the day of judgtement . You should count yourself lucky there some people out the who have not been guided yet so count yourself blessed sister for this is a second chance ,this is a sign from ALLAH AZA WA JALLAH telling you that HE LOVES you AND do CARE for you . Dont let this second chance slip from you . Let not your desire win over you .

"There is a polish for everything that takes away rust; and the polish for the heart is the remembrance of Allah." (Bukhari)


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu wa rahmatullah wa baarakatuhu my dear sister Safiya.

Ohh dear sister,I am so sorry to hear that you are sad wallahi,and all I can do sister is to keep you in my daus and prayers.
Dear sister you should never loose a hope in Allah,and you see sister how Allah subhan we teal was mercyfull to you and he guide you to the right way Mashallah
.It is shower of His mercy towerd His slaves,and please sister do not say that you do not deserve to be a Muslim.Ofcourse you do dear sister,and Mashallah you are already great Muslimah.
Always remember Allah words where he sais "After every difficulty it comes realief",and that Allah subahn we teal is only testing the slaves which He loves the most.And if you only think sister that Allah Loves you,you do not need anything becasue The Love for Allah subhan we teal is the most precious and the Most Greatest,and love of Allah towerd you sister should be enough SAubhanAllah,and the thinking in your mind and heart that Allah is your Protector and that Inshallah He will reword you for being a Muslim and folower of His religion Islaam.

Dear sister,Islaam is like a Paradise,there is nothing more beautiful than Islaam SubahnAllah,and it is only Shatyan who si making you think how Islaam is hard.
It is not hard sister wallahi,but it is truth blessings for us,because Islaam like a religion is based on its rules and it is our way of life SubhnaAllah.Islaam is giving us so much gifts and all its rules are so beautiful (halal and haram) that there is nothing more beautioful than Islaam and its rules.
If you foolow Islaam sister you will always be safe with Allah and on the end you will get even more bigger reword from Allah Inshallah.
Those who are not folowing Islam and who are not Muslims,they think that they are happy but they are not,neither they will be happy forever.Because Allah subhan we teal will punish and reword everyone how he deserve.

And to us Muslims,it leave nothing but to Serve to Allah,not so much because of oursleves ,not becaus of Jannah but exactly because of The Lord of everything,Allah subhan we teala.

May Allah bless you and protecor you,and fullfill your heat with happiness and remove the all the pain from your heart.Ameen,Ameen.:tti_sister:

I love you for the sake of Allah.!!!!!!!!:hearts:


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalaamu Alaikum warahmatuAllah wabarakatuh dear sister:)
well, I cannot add to what my dear brothers and sisters have said:D but I just wanted to say that you are in my duas ukhti,
May Allah bless you and protecor you,and fullfill your heat with happiness and remove the all the pain from your heart.Ameen,Ameen.
Allah hafiz now and always dear fiAllah:):):)


You belive Allah loves you right? Then you deserve to be a Muslim. Nothing worth having is going to come easy. Is it possible that you are not ready for such a big commitment at the moment? Could you start your journey to become a practising muslim in stages? You have the faith and the belief so that's a great start.


Servant of Allah
Asalamu alaykum wrwb, there is no doubt ukhti that you deserve to be A muslim. This is the whispers of shaytan. as humans we need food for our bodies to live and strengthen in the same way we need dhikr( the remembrance of Allah) for our souls to revive and strengthen. We need to practice our deen on a daily basis, read the meaning of the quran bits by bits. We need to continously surround ourselves with islamic meaningful things. As for your friends...they are not worthy of your friendship. If they are willing to disobey Allah and go out to clubs and have "fun", then certainly you should not hang out with them.Have fun by going to the masjid and socializing with believing sisters. i get stuck in your type of situations often but i manage to get out of them by reminding myself of akhirah. We are the ones who can build our homes in jannah...but how? by doing good deeds in this world. you should take what you're going through as a gift from Allah swt because he is testing you. If He did not love you or didn't think that you can handle Islam...then surely he would've misguided you. But ukhi, despite our weakness we are strong. we can handle what comes our way....but to be prepared we have to strengthen ourselves mentally and spiritually. Ukhti you are deserving of being a Muslim...so do not give up and hang tight. choose your friends wisely and be amongst those who crave to be at islamic seminars, lectures and masjids.:) asalamu alaykum wrwb.


Junior Member
:salam2: and hi

my dear brothers and sisters jazak Allahu ckair and big thanks for every one of you for your kind and encouraging words... may Allah guide you all to and on the straight path...

to sister laura... no I´m not sure wether Allah loves me or not... I think the question I have to ask myself is do I really love Allah? I mean I believe in Allah but Shaytan also believes in Allah and is still not obeying him... but maybe you are right, I should go on step by step

and to sister palestine, well when I´m around good pious muslimahs I feel like I´m the worst human on earth... I just feel like they are so much better and much more worthy than me... I´m sad when I´m with ppl who are not so religiously committed cuz Í feel that I don´t belong to them but I´m also sad when I´m with committed ppl cuz I feel I belong to them but I feel a deep pain inside my heart for all the time when I was disobedient...

and again jazak Allahu ckair to my brothers ahmed_indian, mhamzah, salahdin, and sisters Asja, Allah's servent, vegangoth and palestine... I´m still confused but you encouraged me not to give up :)

take care


Muhammad Saleh

Junior Member

I am also not a very good muslim. may Allah forgive all of us for being unthankful about the honor he has bestowed upon by making us muslims.
this beautiful ayah has helped me a lot appreciate the value of being a muslim. specially the last part is very beautiful in which Allah says Who is truer to his covenant than Allah.

"Verily, Allâh has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties; for the price that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allâh's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him in the Taurât (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel) and the Qur'ân. And who is truer to his covenant than Allâh? Then rejoice in the bargain which you have concluded. That is the supreme success" 9:111



Junior Member

the best thing now comes into my mind is that this world is hell fr beliver and heaven for disbeliver so plz dont expect it to be easy as u gonna get paradise fr forever on the basis of this short life so hw can u expect it to be easy????? If you have fun and enjoyment here and wants thr too??? sorry thts not possible jannatul firdous is not that cheap we have to pay its price......see how sahabas have paid its price i know we cant pay lik em but just steadfast on deen and take every problem or trails as chance to go close to Allah swt and gain his mercy.....Everytime i had prob or m sad due to things i adopt this approach and i just think one things this life is not easy fr beliver and i have to pay price of jannah some way by goin thru trails and tribulation.......see what kind of trails we goin thru we are not in guantanmo bay we are not dieing due to food and hunger we are not locked upto in jail we are not been prosecuted lik sahabas fr beliving in kalmah so we have got easiest time and remeber story of Sumaiyah Ra what she went thru for islam that called trial and tribulation!!!


Junior Member
You have been selected to be a good Muslimah. :)

Asslam'u Alikum dear sister,

When someone is careful enough to think that weather Allah loves them or not, they are surely liked by Allah. And interesting enough, more to it is that: at least that person is questioning themselves this hard question which repents that they surely have started holding themselves responsible of their own actions which simple is sign of Iman! So congratulations on this first stage of being a good Muslim!

...Now, next stage will be some sort of test. Which you are right now in, ukhti. I can relate this all to myself in a way, which means that I KNOW what you feeling and talking about. Just keep doing Astaghfar, be regular with prayers and then beg, I repeat, beg for guidance. And don't stop until you feel content! Cry to Allah SWT like a baby who doesn't stop crying until he/she gets that thing!! ;) It helps. Personal experiences speaking, sister. :)
May Allah guide us all.

Take care of yourself and of your Iman-level,

EDIT: Do loads of Quran Kareem recitation, and listen to Islamic lectures.


Fixing da foundation
Asslam'u Alikum dear sister,

When someone is careful enough to think that weather Allah loves them or not, they are surely liked by Allah. And interesting enough, more to it is that: at least that person is questioning themselves this hard question which repents that they surely have started holding themselves responsible of their own actions which simple is sign of Iman! So congratulations on this first stage of being a good Muslim!

...Now, next stage will be some sort of test. Which you are right now, ukhti. I can relate this all to myself in a way, which means that I KNOW what you feeling and talking about. Just keep doing Astaghfar, be regular with prayers and then beg, I repeat, beg for guidance. And don't stop until you feel content! Cry to Allah SWT like a baby who doesn't stop crying until he/she gets that thing!! ;) It helps. Personal experiences speaking, sister. :)
May Allah guide us all.

Take care of yourself and of your Iman-level,


I soooo agree with "TeenagerMuslim" !!!
Increase your knowledge in times like this, it helps like a truck load of hot chocolate in a cold winter night.

(The lion cub in my signature has a new meaning! its there to cheer everyone who is down! :D :D :D - its adorable and you know it :p )

May Allah swt keep you in the best of health and iman.



Junior Member
well when I´m around good pious muslimahs I feel like I´m the worst human on earth... I just feel like they are so much better and much more worthy than me...

As one sheikh stated, "If only they knew our sins!"

I´m sad when I´m with ppl who are not so religiously committed cuz Í feel that I don´t belong to them but I´m also sad when I´m with committed ppl cuz I feel I belong to them but I feel a deep pain inside my heart for all the time when I was disobedient... :wasalam

Well that could be the start than sister as one Hadith state; In religious matters look at people better than you and in worldy affairs look at people less fortunate than you.

May Allah swt make things easy for you.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Assalamu Alykum Warahmatullahe Wabarakaathuh sister Safiyah. Wallahi sister, I feel like I might understand what you are going through, and if I don't, then please forgive me. What I always think about is that Islam and Eman is my privelage from Allah Subhanahu wa ta Alla, not my right. It's an honour for someone to be a Mumin, but it is not forced on anyone. I feel so upset a lot of times, because of how blessed I feel that Allah Subhanahu wa ta Alla had guided me to Islam, and Faith (Iman).

I use to be a boy who would sit around by the wall in the courtyard in kindergarden, because no one would play with me, or let me play with them. I would get bullied by many kids when I was in first grade, and the same thing when throughout in the next yaers, where I would just be left out and unwanted.

Then later on I started being accepted and I was starting to become bad. Starting to like living the "gangsta" life listening to music, getting "fresh" hair cuts, wearing baggy clothes, and having girls talk to you (this was when I wa sin 5th-6th grade).

But even so, I still felt sad and empty. I felt like as if I really NEEDED something. There seemed to be no purpose in life for me, like everything is just to feel pain and one day die. I use to always wish to be dead, and I would always think about just imagining having a bullet stuck through my head.

And then something happened. I started having some doubt in Islam, after I saw this "Jesus Christ" movie, which was tearing me down. I was scared, thinking that what if the religion that I was following wasn't right? How do I know that there is a correct religion out there, but I'm not practicing it? I then made dua to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla to guide me to the true religion, and that when I found the true religion, then for me to KNOW and UNDERSTAND that it really IS the true religion.

So hen I started searching and I found out about Islamic Tawheeed, that there is only one God, a god who is Supreme, the LORD of everything, and that he is Infallible, and he is Perfect. Whilst in Christianity and all other religions, their beleif is that either Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla has a son, that there exists other "Gods," or that the one that we are supposed to worship is imperfect? Those could NEVER appeal to me. So then for the first time, I started really UNDERSTANDING the truth about life. Allah Subhanhu wa Ta Alla opened my heart, and then I started feeling happy.....

Until I started crumbling in my Eman.........

I guess it's like what brother Napolean said, that the first time he went to Jumah and made Sujood, he felt really at peace and open minded for once, but then afterwards, he started hangin around with the wrong crowd, and doing the wrong things, which destroyed almost everything that he had ginade (meaning that his Eman started to decrease and whither away slowly, and his heart started being closed again, from tasting Eman).

During that time, which I refer to as my sad moments, I started becoming bad. Not praying 5 times a day correctly, not lowering the gaze, not refraining from listening to music, not trying my best to refrain from doing bad things....
I was bad at that time, but little by little I would come back to this stie, and start feeling a bit better. Besides that, I was a sad person at that time, I would think about having a black hooded cloak over my haed, banishing myself away from everybody, or just feeling like wanting to die. That one thing that Ilacked was: Iman. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla.

After I woukd sit back and think about my situation, I started relizing that which I was lacking, and I would look back at that year when I started practicing Islam. My eyes started to water, because I would remember those times when I would feel at ease, when I would feel SO happy, worshipping Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla. I relized what had made me lose all that was, because I had let myself slip, and I wasn't careful enough in distancing away from the Haraam as I should have.

I would cry and cry for days or Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alal to frgive me, and make me a better person. I would try to get better and better, but I would just be unsuccessful.

Until a time came when I knew that Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla had accepted my dua. In sajdah, my face and prayer rug soaking wet from my tears that I shed, begging for Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla to forgive me, and make me to be a better Muslim. After that dua, I started to feel something strange. I would actually be able to STOP myself from sinning, no matter how hard the Wasawasa was. My taqwa started to increase SO mch, that whhenever I felt that I had accidentally done somethnig wrong,m without relizing it till after it was done, I would ask Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla to forgive me.

My heart started opening, and I started to feel the FULL effects of Faith, of Eman in Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, that I started distancing myself away from bad things. During that time when I was trying to be good, it was around spring time to sumemrtime. For some reason, girls in my class started to feel unuasually attracted to me ()even though they had boyfieds too, and would try in a lot of ways to flirt with me, by sitting next to me, smiling to me, or trying to touch me (warpping thier arms around stomach).
But I would walk away from them, and push them away from me (when they woukl come next to me). When there was some yonug female wearing tigh tclothes, or having make up all over her face, I would look EXTREMELY far away (pretty much at the pigeons out the window), or at the ceiling when I'm waljing in the hallways.

There was a great reason why I would do that actually: Because Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla had opneed up my haert to Iman, to Faith. (and understand brothers and sisters) Whenver Allah Subhanahu wa ta Alla guides you to Islam, to Faith, Eman; your heart and mind starts to open up. Your eyes feel like as if there's a light shining right when you look uo, because you know understand things that you never did before,

After Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla had opened my heart to the CORE of Islam, to the CORE of Eman, I had tasted two things in my life. The bitterness of sin and evil, and then the sweetness of True Faith (which is that you try to increase in Piety and flee from commiting sins, and those things thatt promote sins). And even today, I would just start crying, like tears would leak out from my eyes, from remembering who I was before, and then just thinking about how Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla changed me, and made me a better person. Wallahi, ut would just blow my mind away.

That is why no matter what, I feel that Love in my heat to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla. Because he had guided me and given me the best gift that I could have ever dreamed of: and that was himself. That is why I would just do good deeds and try to increase in them constantly, because I felt that I am eternally indebted to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, because he has blessed me with this greatest gift, and that is, not only Islam, but Iman. And not only Eman, but the highest levels of Eman, that I would just look at my reflection during Ramadan through the car window (I'm talking about the Ramadan that started in September, this yaer) and I would just see light in my face, something strange, but beautiful in my eyes, in my face, in my smile that I had never seen before.
And I remember this saying I heard from somebody, that the person who Islam has benefitted is the person who it shows it in their personality. The kind of feeling that I had just trying hard to be a Mumin to Please Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla would just make my haert soar and fly through the skies, my heart opening up in feeling and imagining seeing Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and just imagining his Beatful light, shining right infront of me.

And now, I start to feel upset a lot of times now, because recently I started to get tricked into doing sins without knowing it until after I had done the sin (this is from Waswasa. Like I would do something, and not know that what I'm doing is committing a sin, until later on, and usually, after I had committed the sin), and that would just pull me down in grief, because I have a duty to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and no matter what, I want to fulfill my responsibilities as a Beleiver, just to please him. I'd do ANYTHING, whether it's getting pounded by kids in order that they stop bullying others, to doing Salat with a whole bunch of youth sneering at me and making snide comments on my wearing a Kufi, and trying to be a good Muslim.

But no matter what, I just want to Please Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and NEVER commit any sins. And this time, I don't want to do it in order to get Jannah, or be protected from Jahanam, but I just REALLY and sincerely WISH and TRY to be a better Mumin, just to Please Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, and do alteast an extreme amount of Ebadah, in order to show my gratitude to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla, but even if I had done Ebadah to him for eternity, I STILL would not EVER be able to thank, praise, or appreciate him enough............

So Inshallah, everything will go alright for you sister. Because remember, I went through times when I was excluded from kids just for trying to be a better Muslim, and getting poked fun at, but Wallahi, even getting stabbed with a thousand daggers just to Please Allah Subhanahu wa Ta Alla is worth it........


Dear Sister;
Don't take everything too seriously. You should follow step by step. Don't jump instantly from the left hand side to the right hand side. I think you have an abrupt transition in your life. Start your transition slowly step by step. Remember Allah in his Gorious koran has prohibited Alcohol in three steps

S1. He (SAW) mentioned the harmfullness of drinking alcohol and thereby discourage the believing slaves of taking alcohol. After a period

S2. He (SAW) ordered the believing slaves not to offer prayer while they are in drunken state. Then after a certain period

S3. He (SAW) ordered to abandon alcohol altogether. That is believing slaves now have no choice of taking alcohol.

This is how Allah (SAW) trained the companions of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in a smooth way. THere are numerous example like this.

So dear sister, donot jump from the left to the right. Rather take your time and gradually improves yourself.

Praying five times a day is not a difficult thing my dear sister. It is very easy. Just take it lightly it is not difficult.

May Allah makes things easy for you.
Your Brother in Islam



Dear Sister;
Don't utter everything that comes to your mind. Don't think that whatever comes to your mind is because of your thought or inward saying. People also say in their mind what Shyaitan whispers to their (people's) ears.

This is the reason why whatever you think or say in your mind which is blasphemous, Allah will not account you for that. But whatever you do dikhr in your mind Allah will reward you for that.

So dear sister donot say everything that comes to your mind. It is terrible thing to say I do not desreve to be a muslim.

If a person believes the fundamental beliefs in ISLAM and just pray only in FRIDAY He is a muslim and therefore, He is entitled to enter Paradise.

But if a person practise five basic pillars of ISLAM and refuses one letter in the KORAN He is a kafir and therefore, paradise is prohibited for him for ever.

This Fatwa is given in ISLAMQA.COM

So, the How could you think you don't desreve to be a muslim. Rather I believe you deserve the most to be a muslim

My dear sister, May allah's blessings and mercy be upon you.

Your brother in Faith.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
I sense that you're measuring your iman and practice with *others'* iman and practice..you're committing the *biggest no-no* you can ever bring into your life!

Dear sister...in no way can you guarantee that the people you see or know to be so pious and holy are *perfect* or even *sincere* for that matter...because they are humans *just like you*...if they don't have *current* struggles with weaknesses..desires..fitnahs..and so on..then..they might *have had* them..or they *will* have them at one point or another...

Discipline yourself..but do not overdo it..or else your nafs will tire of the *discipline*..and eventually *break away* and *rebel* in manners worst than the ones it may have gone through!..tackle things in *bits*..accomplish things in *stages*..when is *accomplished*..the next is layed before your mind to begin *tackling* as well...

Surround yourself with good pious Muslimahs..only to draw positive manners..charge your knowledge..and secure the positives you have earned through ascribing the deen to every aspect of your life..do not take these Muslimahs as a standard no matter what!..this is not to belittle them or to doubt their goodness..but because everyday you will come across sisters who will vary in commitment and vary in character and you will *tire yourself* trying to tone down levels of certain things..and elevate those of others..if you want role-models..then you have THE BEST ONE in Rasulullah (saaws)..and then in his companions (female ones *especially*)..the virtue of Rasulullah (saaws) and his companions is beyond any of what we might *define* in our current times..and we can be certain that it's *flawless*..because where Rasulullah (saaws) is divinely inspired..his companions (radhiya allaho 'anhom 'ajmae'en) were inspired by the *perfection..commitment & passion* coming as result to *that* divine inspiration..and so you will find a constant *mold* to tread around or better yet..*fit into*

Ukhti...believe me Islam is not about *deservance*..it is about *blessing*..Islam is the cure to the blindness of your spirit..you should be raptured that due to a will of Allah (swt)..your spirit is no longer blind..and at least has the urgent want to be *better*..can you imagine being blind in spirit..lost in sin and ignorance and then one day facing death?..ao'otho billah!..by *then*..you will have *no chance* to *undo* or *take back* ANYTHING!...even if you lamented until you went *mute* and you cried until you shed *tears of blood!*

When you feel the toughness of dunya and its fitnahs trying to weigh you down or strain you...turn to Allah (swt)..ask Him to grant you patience..wisdom..and earnesty..and to shade you with His guardianship..inside *and* out...don't let the shaitan toss temptations into your heart or blow his whipers into your mind...what is in the past..leave there..don't look back to look at it..walk forward with your sight *set* on what's to come..which is your *akhirah*..all the negatives which may blow onto you and leave its dust on you...dust off with prayer and dua'a to an All-Generous..All-Hearing Rabb..Who *NEVER* returns the hands of a servant raised in humble and sincere beseechment..empty :)



Servant of Allah
:salam2: and hi

my dear brothers and sisters jazak Allahu ckair and big thanks for every one of you for your kind and encouraging words... may Allah guide you all to and on the straight path...

to sister laura... no I´m not sure wether Allah loves me or not... I think the question I have to ask myself is do I really love Allah? I mean I believe in Allah but Shaytan also believes in Allah and is still not obeying him... but maybe you are right, I should go on step by step

and to sister palestine, well when I´m around good pious muslimahs I feel like I´m the worst human on earth... I just feel like they are so much better and much more worthy than me... I´m sad when I´m with ppl who are not so religiously committed cuz Í feel that I don´t belong to them but I´m also sad when I´m with committed ppl cuz I feel I belong to them but I feel a deep pain inside my heart for all the time when I was disobedient...

and again jazak Allahu ckair to my brothers ahmed_indian, mhamzah, salahdin, and sisters Asja, Allah's servent, vegangoth and palestine... I´m still confused but you encouraged me not to give up :)

take care


Try not to feel the way you do. Those sisters may be practicing but they are not better than you. It could be that you are better than they are. We will never be like someone else...but we can be good muslims. just do your best and put your trust in Allah and leave the rest to Him. take care ukhti. and cheer up...everyone will go through a test one time or another.:) :salam2:


Junior Member
Assalamualaikum sister,

The answer to your problems are given in Sura AzZumar 39:53

Say: "O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

My advice is to undertand this Sura well. It has profound meanings in it. I listen to the recitation of Salaah AbdurRahman Bukhaatir (personal favourite). It is very moving!

Iman has its ups and downs and we all go through it. It is confirmed by the Prophet Muhammed (SAWS) aw well. Hold on to the rope of Allah (swt) and He will guide you, Insha Allah
