First day of taraweegh


Fière de ma religion

Surah Al Fatihah

There is Praise and Glorification of ALLAH, and prayers (Duas), seeking HIS help and assistance and supplication. The greatest need of man is Hidayah (Guidance). The man seeks this guidance from ALLAH not only in every salaat, but also in every rakaat of the salaat. ALLAH has accepted the supplication of HIS servant and has responded by favouring them with overflowing fountainhead of guidance, The Holy Quraan.

Surah Al Baqarah

The surah begins with the Huroof al Muqattaat. The surahs that begin with such letters of combination are 29 in number, and only ALLAH knows the meanings of them. ALLAH says this is the book in which there is no doubt or confusion. It is a guide, and is full of guidance from beginning to end.

In the first section the people who are believers who have taken the guidance from the Quraan are mentioned. Then the other group, which has rejected the Quraan, the Kafirs, and it, is said that their hearts and their ears were closed and sealed and their eyes covered.

In the second section (ruku) the third group of men are mentioned, they are the (munafiqeen) , who declare by their words that they are believers while concealing the kufr (disbelief) in their hearts. Their outward and manifest is something and their inner conscience is something else.

In the third section, the whole mankind is addressed and there is indication that the Quraan is revealed for the whole mankind. It contains the teaching of tawheed and the mention about the Power of ALLAH, the miracle of the Quraan, good tidings for the believers and warnings of onsequences and the punishment for those who reject it and so on.

The fourth section is the first and the most important page from the history of mankind which tells us about the creation and the birth of Adam (A.S), the prostration of angels to him, the refusal of Shaitaan (Iblees) from prostrating, the entry of Adam ( A.S) and his wife Hawwa (A.S) into the paradise and then from there coming into this world is narrated in detail.

From section five to fourteen, there is mentioning about the people of Banu Israel. By this mention it is impressed upon mankind that if the forerunner falls into a trap, the next man should become cautious. In this history, there are great advices to the Ummah. In this section, sell out of religious principles and concealing the basic tenets of Islam are condemned, salaat and fasting is ordained. It is also explained that calling upon others to be righteous and forgetting about oneself was the behaviour and quality of the Jews.

In the sixth section, there is detailed mention about the blessings and the favours of ALLAH upon the Banu Israel and their adamant misbehaviour is exposed.

The seventh section explains about their ridicule of the great favours and blessings of ALLAH and the extreme transgression to the extent of making the Prophets the target of their swords and arrows (killing them) and their consequent disgrace.

The eighth section mentions about the regaining of dignity after being disgraced, the arrogant Banu Israel's getting transformed into monkeys, the murder of a rich man and in order to identify the murderer, they were asked by ALLAH to slaughter a cow. Baseless arguments and excuses by the Jews in this regard are explained in detail.

The ninth section mentions about the Jews eventually agreeing to slaughter the cow and when a piece of flesh was put on the dead person, he came back to life and revealed the name of the murderer. Similarly, the conditions of the hearts of the people are described to be more strong and solid than the rock, distortion of the commands of ALLAH and the mention about the Paradise and the hell.

The tenth section mentions about taking an oath / promise by ALLAH from the Banu Israel that they will not worship anyone besides ALLAH and they would be kind and good to their parents, near and dear, relatives, orphans and the needy, observe prayers and pay the charity and abstain from killing and destruction. But they have violated the commitments and started dealing with the Book of ALLAH and as a consequence they were overtaken by the wrath and punishment from ALLAH.

The eleventh section mentions about the arrogance and the pride of the Jews.

The Jews were waiting for the coming of the last of the Prophets, but when he was actually sent, they preferred to reject him. Further, they started claiming that the Paradise is exclusively for them. These unbelievers were told, that if "you were true in your claim then wish for your death" and at the same time it was said that they would never desire their death, as their claim was false and that they know what would be the consequence for them after they are dead.

The twelfth section exposes their arrogant attitude that they do not accept the Quraan because Jibraeel (AS) brought it to the Prophet, and their enmity with him exists for long. ALLAH has rebuked them in detail in response to such a claim that instead of believing in the Last Prophet and the Last Book from ALLAH they have indulged in magic and witchcraft and adopted the satanic way. Then follows the story of Harut and Marut.

In the thirteenth section believers were told not to use words similar to what the Jews have used and it is explained that they have gone to the extreme in being jealous of the believers that they wanted the make the believers Kafirs again. Muslims are advised not to frequent in asking more questions as the Jews do and to be steadfast in virtuous deeds. There is also the rejection of the claim of the Jews that none other than the Jews will enter the Paradise.

The fourteenth section discusses the enmity between the Jews and the Christians. Preventing from the house of ALLAH is a great sin, and injustice, east and west belongs to ALLAH. ALLAH is free from taking any children. The messenger of ALLAH and the exalted companions were consoled and refreshed in this section.

The fifteenth section mentions about Ibrahim (A.S) and his nobility, and about the construction of the Sanctuary (Haram) of Makkah. The architect of the Haram praying for the whole world and Duaa for the sending of the Last of the Prophets and the bringer of the Quraan, the Messenger of ALLAH to this world.

The sixteenth section enjoins upon the mankind to follow the Millath of Ibrahim (A.S) and explains about the advice of Ibrahim (A.S) and Yaqoob (A.S) at the time of their breathing the last to their children impressing upon them to follow the path of Ibrahim ( A.S) and to uphold the Millath Islami, asking them to believe in all the Prophets and all the Books without any distinction. The basic principle is that man will get only what he has earned by his deeds and they will not be questioned for other's deeds.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth sections change of the Qibla (from Masjid al-Aqsa to the Kaaba) was ordained and the Ummah of Mohammed (SAW) is described as the moderate Ummah and its qualities are mentioned. Its distinction as the witness on earlier communities, the command for the change of Qibla and the wisdom behind it by declaring; "Oh Muslims, now your direction should be towards Masjid al Haram of Makkah Mukarramah as your centre is the sacred Kaaba.

It is ordained in the nineteenth section that along with the remembrance of ALLAH and gratitude to HIM, they must be patient and stand firm and steadfast in the path. It was explained that those who are killed in the way of ALLAH are not dead but are alive and you cannot understand their life. Your test and examinations will be done in various forms and only those who are patient will be able to get HIS Blessings and they are the ones who are rightly guided. Sa'ee between Safa and Marwah was ordained. Those who conceal the truth are termed as the accursed and rejected lots. The real one who is worthy of worship is ALLAH alone.

Twentieth section gives evidences on the Unity of ALLAH (Tawheed) and that the believers love ALLAH the most and the idolaters and those who make partners with ALLAH and will be punished with severe torment.

The twenty first section calls upon men to eat only halal and pure things and to thank ALLAH and worship HIM alone and not to go behind the Shaitaan who is their open enemy. Keep away from forbidden things, particularly those which are offered in the name of those other than ALLAH, the dead, blood and the flesh of swine. These are the things, which can never be pure.

In the last verse it is said that ALLAH has revealed this book based on the Truth and those who have dispute in this book, have drifted away in deviation and wrong path and gone to a greater extent in disputing among themselves.