"Fitna" in Washington


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"Fitna" in Washington

Thursday February 26, 2009

According to CNN and the New York Times, the director of the controversial anti-Islamic film "Fitna" has come to Washington, DC to screen his film on Capitol Hill. Mr. Geert Wilders was invited by Senator John Kyl (R-AZ) in an effort to raise awareness of "the dangers of militant Islamists."

The short "documentary" film runs photos of 9/11 victims and other victims of extremist attacks, along with clipped verses and passages from the Quran. In Europe, Wilders has advocated for the banning of the Quran and stricter immigration laws to counter what he fears is the "Islamicization" of the continent. In his most inflammatory statements, he has called for Muslim immigrants to be paid to repatriate to their native countries.

The release of "Fitna" last year was marked with worldwide protests, death threats, and legal action by anti-discrimination groups. The BBC reported last month that Wilders is now facing incitement of hatred and discrimination charges by a court in Amsterdam. "In a democratic system, hate speech is considered so serious that it is in the general interest to... draw a clear line," the court said. Earlier this month, Mr. Wilders was banned from entering the UK as "a threat to community harmony and therefore to public security."

So why is Senator Kyl inviting this person to Capitol Hill? If you wish to contact Senator Kyl about his support of "Fitna," he invites comments and questions (particularly from Arizona constituents) at his website. In the U.S., Islamic leaders call upon the public to remain composed and calm, refrain from violence and threats, and state one's opinion clearly. The inflammatory nature of this film should be recognized and condemned. At the very least, in the interests of free speech, Senators and others who view the film should be given an opportunity to hear rebuttal remarks and responses from Islamic scholar.



Junior Member

Why doesn't some Muslim film-maker make a film showing the "terrorist" acts that have be propagated on Muslims since 9-11? Fight fire with fire.



I will Insha'Allah contact the senator's office. It will never stop. But that does not prevent us from doing the right thing. I am sure CAIR will have a comment on this.
Please contact www.answer.com as they are very receptive to a more global and correct understanding of circumstances.
Write on every blog to educate Muslims and let us have some wherewithall.

Sister, you raise my favorite question: jihad. Why do we not show a film..because we live it. We know the Truth.

We fight with dua's because we know in the end it is the Victory of Allah.


Junior Member
Salam alakum


He tried to come here (london) last month as well. But the British government kicked him out, he wasnt allowed to come. He said he would still go despite the ban and was shown the boot at heathrow airport. What this person (and others like him) does not seem to realise, the more the try, the more they do harm to their case, as more and more people try to find the truth and in the process revert to Islam.

I won't be surprised if we see increase in US reverts in near future.



Junior Member
this does not surprise me
they need films like this to scare americans into makng them think what they do to muslims is right:( i saw this film it is horrible
they have ppl who were muslims that r now christians b cuz they think it will help the republican christian cause
only thing i have to say is Allahu Akbar:)
thats what i live by in the usa:)

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother

I want be surprised if we see increase in US reverts in near future.


After 9/11 I was told some 250k american reverted to Islam. Is that true? I hope it is true.

About Geet Wilders, he must first walk the talk. He says in the name of "freedom of speech" but yet he call to banned Qur'an. So stupid and arrogant and uncivilised politician he must be. If he comes here I think people going to spit on his face or throw shoes on him.

Sorry, as muslim I did not mean to encourage rude behaviour but just expressing my anger.


Junior Member
Salam alakum,


According to a CNN report, there are about estimated 20,000 reverts to Islam in America each year since 9/11. It's been 8 years now, so roughly about 160,000 converts according to that estimate.

And Allah knows best!



Junior Member

Why doesn't some Muslim film-maker make a film showing the "terrorist" acts that have be propagated on Muslims since 9-11? Fight fire with fire.

Muslims did release a Film titled 'schism'. Apparently it was released within hours after 'Fitna' was released.

And Allah knows best!

salam alaykum

its really weird how they misquote verses from the quran.....how come they never critisize the torah of the jews in which it openly call non-jews animals and even says that jesus is burning in boiling semen!!....i mean what a coverup...this is all the work of illuminatis who r trying to create mischef so that an ordinary wanderer never finds out the truth .......but indeed they planned and Allah swt planned and Allah swt is the best of planners!!!!