foods that haram &halal


Salafi Dawah is the best
As-salaamu `alaykum.

As for the claims like, this has such-and-such in it, and that has such-and-such in it, they need to be proven before being taken as valid.

Some of the scholars differ over gelatin(e), arguing that since it goes through chemical changes such that it's substance doesn't become meat anymore, that it is halaal. As proof they cite the example of a pig that dies in a salt pit and decomposes; the salt is still halaal (due to the chemical change of the decomposed pig, which becomes one with the salt!) according to the Hanafis (from Ibn `Abideen). Other examples include that of alcohol, how its source is halaal, but it (alcohol) is haraam, and its vinegar is halaal (restriced to naturally formed vinegar due to some other ahaadeeth).

even if haram gelatin say from a unknown animal ( could be pig) were chemically changed I still wouldn't eat it because it still comes from something we are clearly told not to eat, and if you consider it mushbooh then don't you think it's better to stay away from it. I knew a "salafi" who was selling cheese cake with haram gelatin because it was cheaper, and she wasn't telling her customers :astag: may Allah (SWT) forgiver her.:wasalam:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Jazaakillaah khayr, as I said its an opinion of some of the scholars. One could argue for example the cases I mentioned, and the great jurists of the passed differed over the salt and decomposing pig issue!

Personally, I ignore them giant lists of "halaal" and "haraam" foods, because many I have seen don't establish the proof. I would only leave them off if the matter was truely doubtful, but in many cases they are not.

stacey cole

New Member
I recieved an email a while back on the substance's in Coke and Pepsi but I don't know how authentic it is if you like I could post it Insha Allah

stacey cole

New Member
Asalamu alaykum, maybe you should call the number on the package of Skittles and ask them what the gelatin is comprised of (pig or cow) I called in 1999 but they can change the ingredients with out giving any notice...

omm mohammad

Junior Member

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده
أما بعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Purported secret recipes Coca,Fanta ,Sprite, et autres boissons alcolisees
Recipe 1

1 oz caffeine citrate
3 oz citric acid
1 fl oz extract vanilla
1 qt lime juice
2½ oz flavoring
30 lb (14 kg) sugar
4 fl oz fluid extract of coca (decocainized flavor essence of the coca leaf)
2½ gal water
Caramel sufficient
80 Oil orange
40 Oil cinnamon
120 Oil lemon
20 Oil coriander
40 Oil nutmeg
40 Oil neroli
1 qt alcohol