Foreign troops burning the body of a dead Muslim

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Junior Member


these soldiers are burning the body of a dead Muslim while facing him towards ka'bah. caution for those watching the video, it is gruesome to see them burning a brother. for younger viewers and those who dont wish to see such things, this videos shows american soldiers burning the body of a dead taliban, and laughing about it. i think its quite understandable why Afghans dont want these people in their country.


Junior Member
Taliban my friend.most of them are even unable to read or write.Many of them do not pay attention to Islam's rules.And they slaughter many innocent people for God's sake!


Junior Member
not true. i dont know what kind of taliban you are talking about. maybe the fake ones, or others who claim to be taliban and do bad acts. well dont base all taliban on these kind of taliban.


OntheWayOf ALLAH
we have been experinecing such brutal behaivours from the battle Uhoud and until today in each war against kuffar.. Whenever they find a chance they show how their heart is dark and rotten ..
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