Frantic: Cancer and now a COMA?!!!


Junior Member
Asalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatalahi wa Barakatahu sisters n brothers

I hope you all had a wonderful Eid. :)
But I need your help now.

A few days ago- to be clear- 2 days before Eid, one of my freind's little sister has had a coma. She had cancer before, and had to get a fake foot attached because of it. May Allah have Mercy on her, she's just 10. Two days ago, my freind was left in the house to look after her younger brother and sister. Her sister started crying after a while, saying her breathing wasn't normal, her lips blue and her eyes suddenly bloodshot. Imagine the horror of her elder sister, watching her sibling like this, though she had the knowledge of her cancer. She called the neighbours because her dad was coming home from work as quickly as he could- and her mum was out grocery shpping without any means of contact. The little girl was rushed to the hospital, where doctors comfirmed there was a clot in her brain because of the tremour in her lungs. Please pray for her and this family. The doctors said she might wake up but not survive. The family has been at the hospital all weekend, yes, during Eid. :(

Ya Allah, bestow your Blessings and Bounty upon this girl, and help her get better, give her family pateince and Faith, if it's not written that she will survive, Ya Allah, take her to Jannah. Ameen :SMILY252: :SMILY252: :SMILY252:


Junior Member
:astag: that was a horrible story.

May Allah cure her soon and grant patience to her family.


Junior Member

From a purely medical point of view this little girl has a fighting chance. Her brain is still young and thus able to withstand cerebral insults. Her sister was very wise to have her taken to the ER immediately because the sooner she is treated the more positive her prognosis. If she is given a clot buster within 3 hours of the stroke then she should be able to return to normal.

Also, they will often place the patient in a hypothermic coma to decrease the damage and then slowly bring them out so the brain can have time to heal. I will make dua for this young sister. :tti_sister: