Seek Truth, Be Happy
By Sulaiman Shahid Mufassir
I pay countless thanks to Allah that He saved me from sinking deep into the darkness of race and colour.
The world knows what storms have been raised by the Black citizens of America. Till about three centuries, they had been victims of the atrocities and inhuman treatment of the Whites. But they stood up under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther. But very soon, they went out of control of the moderate leadership of Dr. Luther and took to armed and extremist activities and became a message of death and destruction for the Whites under an organisation called Black Panthers. Both sides ran a race for violence, massacre and plunder against each other. The entire American nation suffered terrible ethnic riots for three years from 1965 to 1968. During that period, some parts of the capital in Washington were burnt to ashes.
I was introduced to Islam during this period. I felt deeply that both the nations belong to the same religion, Christianity, but the White Christians are not to tolerate the Black Christians and now the reaction from another side is quite apparent. As a result of this, I lost trust in Christianity. Fortunately, I came across a great revolutionary, Malik Shahbaz (Malcom X). He impressed me most and thus, I narrowly escaped Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.
However, I did not join the movement of Malcom X. Those days, I was working with a Christian sect named Jehovah’s Witness as a clergyman. I was thus feeling utmost hesitation in embracing Islam by renouncing Christianity. But, however, my contemplation over Islam continued. Next year, I left the above mentioned sect. One reason behind this action of mine was that it had irrational approach to almost everything. For instance, a number of dates were mentioned for the advent of Hadrat Isa (peace be upon him), and every time the date was changed.
I also came close to Judaism in search of spiritual peace. But I saw that the Jews were the victims of the worst kind of spiritual disruption and lack of peace. At every step, their racial prejudices came to the fore, and I made no delay to understand that the race-oriented European Jews would never accept a Black like me as their “religious brother”.
Disappointed, I pushed out of my heart all sorts of religions and joined the movements serving the cause of the poor and backward people and the downtrodden. But I again came across Islam in 1967 while involved in reform work in the jails of Columbia. A large number of people there had joined a racial sect called Black Muslims. I saw many Black Muslim captives. They showed exemplary behaviour.
Besides doing reformation and welfare service, I was also a member of the Black United Front of Stacally Carmichel. I was then thinking seriously to join the extremist group of Black Panthers. In the meantime, I fortunately met a friend whom I had not seen for a long time. That friend of mine also worked as a preacher in Jehovah’s Witness, but now he was an embodiment of virtue and piety. During the talk, he showed firm conviction in human life and he looked replete with the blessings of real delight and liberty. Like the Blacks, he had no trace of frustration anywhere. Naturally I wanted to know from him the secret of his happiness which was so hard to find.
His answer was ‘Islam’. He was now an orthodox Muslim. He told that if one obeys Allah by embracing Islam, all those problems can be solved which “Black Power” can’t. He said with confidence that the Love and Guidance of Allah is stronger than the manifestation of all kinds of hate and violence. He invited me to be in the Islamic Centre of Washington which I readily and eagerly accepted.
And that was a very auspicious Friday when I attended the Islamic Centre for the first time. I can’t express in words that beautiful mix of peace and glory which I found hovering over that place. I was also dominated by the blend of beauty and grandeur of that heart-attracting piece of construction and the melody of the Qur’an went on going deep into my heart. But the thing which impressed me most was the charming manner of saying prayers. This phenomenon changed the current of my life. How magnificent was this demonstration of brotherhood, equality and discipline, which entered my heart through my eyes.
Before that, I used to think that no society could be formed on the basis of equality. When I saw Blacks and Whites, Chinese, African and American people sitting together at the same place before Allah, my confidence in humanity was rehabilitated.
I embraced Islam and saw the doctrine of Islamic brotherhood was not hollow and lifeless. It was rather a tremendous practical force, and I had been observing and experiencing it everywhere in Muslim society. Not only this, but every manner and custom, sign and signal of Islam is dear to me.
I pay countless thanks to Allah that He saved me from sinking deep into the darkness of race and colour. I pray that Allah, the Almighty, confer upon me the will to spread Islam and I keep calling mankind to the straight path. In fact, each citizen of America needs to be shown the true face of Islam, because till now, the true face of Islam has not been shown to the West. It is certain that the future of the West is attached to Islam.
(Source: Islam: The Final Choice. Compiled by Badr Azimabadi)
I pay countless thanks to Allah that He saved me from sinking deep into the darkness of race and colour.
The world knows what storms have been raised by the Black citizens of America. Till about three centuries, they had been victims of the atrocities and inhuman treatment of the Whites. But they stood up under the leadership of Dr. Martin Luther. But very soon, they went out of control of the moderate leadership of Dr. Luther and took to armed and extremist activities and became a message of death and destruction for the Whites under an organisation called Black Panthers. Both sides ran a race for violence, massacre and plunder against each other. The entire American nation suffered terrible ethnic riots for three years from 1965 to 1968. During that period, some parts of the capital in Washington were burnt to ashes.
I was introduced to Islam during this period. I felt deeply that both the nations belong to the same religion, Christianity, but the White Christians are not to tolerate the Black Christians and now the reaction from another side is quite apparent. As a result of this, I lost trust in Christianity. Fortunately, I came across a great revolutionary, Malik Shahbaz (Malcom X). He impressed me most and thus, I narrowly escaped Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.
However, I did not join the movement of Malcom X. Those days, I was working with a Christian sect named Jehovah’s Witness as a clergyman. I was thus feeling utmost hesitation in embracing Islam by renouncing Christianity. But, however, my contemplation over Islam continued. Next year, I left the above mentioned sect. One reason behind this action of mine was that it had irrational approach to almost everything. For instance, a number of dates were mentioned for the advent of Hadrat Isa (peace be upon him), and every time the date was changed.
I also came close to Judaism in search of spiritual peace. But I saw that the Jews were the victims of the worst kind of spiritual disruption and lack of peace. At every step, their racial prejudices came to the fore, and I made no delay to understand that the race-oriented European Jews would never accept a Black like me as their “religious brother”.
Disappointed, I pushed out of my heart all sorts of religions and joined the movements serving the cause of the poor and backward people and the downtrodden. But I again came across Islam in 1967 while involved in reform work in the jails of Columbia. A large number of people there had joined a racial sect called Black Muslims. I saw many Black Muslim captives. They showed exemplary behaviour.
Besides doing reformation and welfare service, I was also a member of the Black United Front of Stacally Carmichel. I was then thinking seriously to join the extremist group of Black Panthers. In the meantime, I fortunately met a friend whom I had not seen for a long time. That friend of mine also worked as a preacher in Jehovah’s Witness, but now he was an embodiment of virtue and piety. During the talk, he showed firm conviction in human life and he looked replete with the blessings of real delight and liberty. Like the Blacks, he had no trace of frustration anywhere. Naturally I wanted to know from him the secret of his happiness which was so hard to find.
His answer was ‘Islam’. He was now an orthodox Muslim. He told that if one obeys Allah by embracing Islam, all those problems can be solved which “Black Power” can’t. He said with confidence that the Love and Guidance of Allah is stronger than the manifestation of all kinds of hate and violence. He invited me to be in the Islamic Centre of Washington which I readily and eagerly accepted.
And that was a very auspicious Friday when I attended the Islamic Centre for the first time. I can’t express in words that beautiful mix of peace and glory which I found hovering over that place. I was also dominated by the blend of beauty and grandeur of that heart-attracting piece of construction and the melody of the Qur’an went on going deep into my heart. But the thing which impressed me most was the charming manner of saying prayers. This phenomenon changed the current of my life. How magnificent was this demonstration of brotherhood, equality and discipline, which entered my heart through my eyes.
Before that, I used to think that no society could be formed on the basis of equality. When I saw Blacks and Whites, Chinese, African and American people sitting together at the same place before Allah, my confidence in humanity was rehabilitated.
I embraced Islam and saw the doctrine of Islamic brotherhood was not hollow and lifeless. It was rather a tremendous practical force, and I had been observing and experiencing it everywhere in Muslim society. Not only this, but every manner and custom, sign and signal of Islam is dear to me.
I pay countless thanks to Allah that He saved me from sinking deep into the darkness of race and colour. I pray that Allah, the Almighty, confer upon me the will to spread Islam and I keep calling mankind to the straight path. In fact, each citizen of America needs to be shown the true face of Islam, because till now, the true face of Islam has not been shown to the West. It is certain that the future of the West is attached to Islam.
(Source: Islam: The Final Choice. Compiled by Badr Azimabadi)