Game: Islamic words

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Rules: The word has to relate in some way to Islam and starts by last letter of word before.

For example: Player 1) Allah
Player 2) Hadith (Has to make a word with the letter "H", in this instance.

Also, explain meaning of the word.

Ok I start:

Quran (holy book of muslims)

Now next one need to find word starts by N and also tell its meaning.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

the first full military confrontation between the Muslims and the enemies of Allah. The battle took place between the Muslims and the Quraysh of Mecca in the second year of Hijrah (624 CE). Eventhough the Muslims were outnumbered, the final result was to their favor.



Junior Member
غزوة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلام

اول غزوة فى الاسلام هى غزوة الابواء و كان تاريخها 12 صفر 2 هجريا


Junior Member
Rules: The word has to relate in some way to Islam and starts by last letter of word before.

For example: Player 1) Allah
Player 2) Hadith (Has to make a word with the letter "H", in this instance.

Also, explain meaning of the word.

Ok I start:

Quran (holy book of muslims)

Now next one need to find word starts by N and also tell its meaning.

أول غزوة غزاها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهي غزوة ودان وتسمى غزوة الأبواء، وهي التي خرج فيها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لاثنتي عشرة ليلة خلت من شهر صفر على رأس اثني عشر شهراً من الهجرة يقصد بني ضمرة وعير قريش قادمة من الشام يقودها أبو جهل في ثلاث مائة من قريش.
وكان الذي يحمل لواءه حمزة، وكانوا كلهم من المهاجرين ولم يكن معهم أنصاري فوصلوا سيف البحر وفاتتهم عير قريش، ووقع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في هذه الغزوة صلحاً مع بني ضمرة برئاسة مخشي بن عمرو وعادوا إلى المدينة سالمين

sister herb

Official TTI Chef
salam aleikum

Raka`at- unit of muslim prayer :tti_sister:


Confirming the Oneness of Allah. It is the basis of Islam.


Please br elqouds2020 write by English if you like to take part to this game. It is easier to others to understand your meaning.


احبك ىارب

''Aqeedah refers to those matters which are believed in, with certainty and conviction, in one’s heart and soul. They are not tainted with any doubt or uncertainty''


sister herb

Official TTI Chef
Hanafi - hanafi school is one of the four Madhhabs (schools of law) in jurisprudence (Fiqh) within Sunni Islam.
