Gay "Mosque" to open in Paris


Islam is a way of life
Interestingly several major psychological studies have pointed out higher rates of depression, sexual diseases, suicide and drug/alcohol use among homosexual communities. However the pro-homosexual lobby has ensured that such studies and their results remain buried.

No these studies are not buried, its a known fact that these things are higher in homosexual communities. Why is it though? Because the world is against them and they are met with so much hate. This creates mental problems like suicidal tendencies, depression and drug use. As for sexual disease, This is due to sexual contact without protection.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
While studying STDs and other auto-immune deficiencies, I came to learn that obviously, one of the acts that homosexuals engage (the one that is kufr in Islâm) is a ripe breeding ground for disease. Of course, for it's being used for other than the purpose it was created for, being a place of filth and all. Disgusting.

Um Ibrahim

Alhamdulilah :)
Why are some people being sympathetic to these disgusting people. Gay-friendly mosque?! Are you kidding me? These idiots are playing with themselves. They are sick and don't even know it. Their habit is evil and to be proud of it and to try make a "mosque" for these men is just plain disgusting. They're not ashamed of themselves. They want to build a mosque where everyone is "welcomed" and where men and women pray side-by-side. This is not a mosque, nor should it even be called one and no real Muslim who cares about Islam should put his/her foot in there. The whole thing is sickening; I honestly don't even think these people should be called Muslims.


I'm not what you believe
salam 'alikum,how can ,firstly,an homosexual person be muslim and secondly,love Allah,knowing that he/she is doing what Allah hates and forbides??!!this man who purposed to create this mosque,maybe is a "corrupted muslim" who has been payed to put our Ummah into confusion.Allah punished those people who in the past committed that kind of consequence it's nearly impossible that a mosque for gay people will be would be like denieing all Alah's commendments.I fear that one day the role of Quran will be nothing and of Islam will remain really a bit


I'm not what you believe
we're trying to protect our Ummah from fitnah and now fitnah is entered our's unbelievable,allowing homosexuals to go to the mosque would be oneay allowing to women having relationships without getting married. if really a gay fears Allah's punishment,he should leave his sinniful position.remember how He punished the people of Sodoma and Gomorra

Hard Rock Moslem

I'm your brother
Why separate mosque if these gays are Muslims? Are they going to pray inside the mosque or doing their dirty job hence they require "privacy"? Mosques build for wrong intention can be demolished by Islamic state (e.g. the case of Masjid Ad-Dirar) but since this is in Paris, Muslims should boycott and make declaration this gay mosque has nothing to do with Islam.


I'm not what you believe
from what I know,France is a really "free" State,where also gay couples go freely on the road.this is fitnah,maybe the one who allowed all this is a corrupted muslim,who has been payed to do's impossible that muslims allow this ashameness/dirtiness.why didn't I heard this news on tv?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Why separate mosque if these gays are Muslims? Are they going to pray inside the mosque or doing their dirty job hence they require "privacy"? Mosques build for wrong intention can be demolished by Islamic state (e.g. the case of Masjid Ad-Dirar) but since this is in Paris, Muslims should boycott and make declaration this gay mosque has nothing to do with Islam.

Absolutely. Allowing this sin to stand will only bring bad things.


Junior Member
I never understood their (gay) logic. How can you deliberately commit sins and still call yourself Muslim? Isn't there some rule about that; like if you do haram stuff and say that it's permitted you're not a Muslim? I hate this "it says nowhere in the Qur'an..." argument. They want a "progressive" Islam based on childish logic. And they're going to let the women in without headscarves. :angryred: Might as well let them lead the prayer. What a joke.


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
I never understood their (gay) logic. How can you deliberately commit sins and still call yourself Muslim? Isn't there some rule about that; like if you do haram stuff and say that it's permitted you're not a Muslim? I hate this "it says nowhere in the Qur'an..." argument. They want a "progressive" Islam based on childish logic. And they're going to let the women in without headscarves. :angryred: Might as well let them lead the prayer. What a joke.

Isn't there a hadith which states that the prayers of women without headscarves won't be accepted?


Islam is a way of life
Okay, so let me get this straight, if you have a brother or sister in Islam who are gay, you will completely ignore them? Hate them with all your heart? What?


Smile for Allah
Okay, so let me get this straight, if you have a brother or sister in Islam who are gay, you will completely ignore them? Hate them with all your heart? What?


You will treat them like a brother or sister who is sinning, ie, you will do your utmost to bring them back on the right path, and when you can't you protect your own religion and "Turn away from the ignorant".

Remember that one hadith: "If you see something wrong happening, change it with your hand. If you are unable to do that, change it with your tongue. And if you are unable to do that, hate it in your heart, and that is the least of faith."

Sometimes the Prophet :saw2: used to stop talking to people if they didn't discontinue wrong they were doing. Remember the three people who failed to go on the Tabuk expedition after the Quran told every person was bound to go on that jihad mission. The entire community boycotted them until their repentance was accepted.

We can't start being friendly with them - it means you approve of their behaviour. If we can't do anything to change their condition, hate what they do with your heart. If somebody commits murder or zina, you don't continue being friendly with them if they don't have any shame in what they do.


1 Ummah under God
Untrue. We all know that homosexuality is not a slippery slope to bestiality and incest. Homosexuality has been in the public eye since 1950's. If that were true, we'd be at legalizing bestiality and incest already.

Legalizing incest is the only thing left, which some are even partitioning for, and as for sodomy and bestiality.....

The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals the military ban on sex with animals–or bestiality.

Former Army Col. Bob Maginnis said, “Soldiers, unfortunately, like it or not, have engaged in this type of behavior in the past. Will they in the future, if they remove this statute? I don’t know.”


Brother in Deen
Okay, so let me get this straight, if you have a brother or sister in Islam who are gay, you will completely ignore them? Hate them with all your heart? What?

if brother and sister are people that did crime, like raping others, selling droges, what will you doo?

asnwer is the same....

from sis Tabassum07....

You will treat them like a brother or sister who is sinning, ie, you will do your utmost to bring them back on the right path, and when you can't you protect your own religion and "Turn away from the ignorant".

Remember that one hadith: "If you see something wrong happening, change it with your hand. If you are unable to do that, change it with your tongue. And if you are unable to do that, hate it in your heart, and that is the least of faith."

Sometimes the Prophet used to stop talking to people if they didn't discontinue wrong they were doing. Remember the three people who failed to go on the Tabuk expedition after the Quran told every person was bound to go on that jihad mission. The entire community boycotted them until their repentance was accepted.

We can't start being friendly with them - it means you approve of their behaviour. If we can't do anything to change their condition, hate what they do with your heart. If somebody commits murder or zina, you


Staff member
if brother and sister are people that did crime, like raping others, selling droges, what will you doo?

asnwer is the same....

You have to be wise and call them to Islam, to raise their iman. Every person and situation is different. Someone who is evil and openly calls to evil, is a "threat" to those around them, whilst you also have people who know what they do is wrong and want to change, but need encouragement or help. Sometimes, people do not ask for help, they might even turn you away and say they do not need your help, when in fact, they want it, but their pride or emotions stop them from doing so. The worst thing to do is to abandon people or treat them in a bad way, when they cause no harm to you or your iman, it achieves nothing.



Junior Member
It is clearly stated in the quran that the cities of sodom and gamorrah were severely punished by Allah for their sinful behaviour and homosexuality. Prophet Lut was sent to admonish them but they were overcome with lust. Their punishment is so horrific the like of which was never seen. According to ulemas, a homosexual should be thrown to death from the top of a mountain.