Gaza animation


Junior Member

This is a very good animation that depicts the life of a young Palestinian

don't forget to comment :)

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
well, i dont time to see this video coz i am a bit buzy right now..
inshallah i'l find some time and see it..
jasakallah khair :)


An Akhu
It is indeed a very good animation representing the situation in Palestine. Jazak Allah khayr, akhi. May Allah SWT give them brothers & sisters and innocent kids and children the wealth of Sabr (patience). It will not be very easy living in this kind of situations and holding on to on sirat-e-mustaqeem.

O Allah! We beg for your Kindness and Graciousness. :salah:


New Member
Very good concept and good animation , inner feelings of a youth is conveyed very good , May Allah (SWT) give patience , bring peace and shower his mercy up on all in this situation soon . Aameen


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum...this is a very good reminder,,,especially because its simple..

politics try to make us believe its a ""difficult to understand situation"" while it really isnt..

israel and its inhuman allies are abusing, torturring,degrading, starving, killing,robbing all palestines..
1 of its biggest allies is the MEDIA! therefore we humans with a heart, must stand up and make a clear voice...muslims and non muslims have the right to understand and know the truth..

i pray to ALLAH ta3ala, al wadood, al ranee the one that is capable of everything to soften the situation of all human beings that are oppressed...ameen

also i pray to ALLAH ta3ala, the one that is shadeed in his 3iqaab to punish all oppresses in this world ..ameen

ps if some of yall want to understand the palestine / israel issue better, i reccommend you to watch 'george galloway' videos on youtube.

m3a selemma