Genetic Engineering is prohibited in islam.


Junior Member
It is about the Quranic verses:
"And he [Shaitan (Satan)] said: "I will take an appointed portion of your slaves;And mislead them and tempt them, and order them to alter God's creation." He who holds Satan as friend in place of God will assuredly be damned to perdition.Whatever the promises he makes, whatever the desires he enkindles, and whatever the hopes Satan rouses in them, are no more than delusion.For such the abode is only Hell from which they will find no escape." [4:118-121]
"No change let there be in the creation of Allah.This is the supreme law. But most men do not understand". [30:30]

According to these verses the modification of Allah's creation is forbidden.
Some decades ago when the genetic engg. was not so popular and sophisticated, scholars interpreted this alteration as the alteration in the belief of man. I mean natural instinct of man is to follow islam. And any person following other religion is deviating from his fitrah(nature), so he is altering his natural instinct. but now this is no longer limited to such interpretation as we can modify Allah's creation by genetic engineering, like genetically modified crops, hybrid cattle... etc.
now the questions arise:
1)whether GM(genetically modified) foods are haram or halal.
2)that the scientist who does research in genetic engineering shall go to hell as he chooses the path of satan.
3) that the research going on in the field of medical genetic engineering to cure some diseases is allowed or not????????????
post your reply in the light of Quran and Sahih hadith.

May allah bless us all


Junior Member
asalamu alaikum

i am stunned why nobody paid any attention on this important issue???????
this is the big issue in science and technology field today...
and will become bigger in coming years...
is there nobody who can give the answers of these Qs?????????



Smile for Allah

I read in the news yesterday that they will start marketing cloned meat. Can you believe that? How can anyone eat cloned meat? Astaghfirullah.. I think there are boundaries which should not be crossed.